1988-35 Unfunded Mandates RESOLUTION NO. 35-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORILYI, URGING GOVERNOR MARTINEZ, THE FLORICiA SENATE AND THE FLARICA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO CEASE ADOPTION AND SIGNING OF LEGISLATIVE BILLS IMPOSING t STATE MANDATES UPON COUNTIES AND MUNICIPALITIES WITHO[TT FUNDING OR DESIGNATION OF FUNDING SOURCES AND RDOUESTING COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTE 11.076 WHICH PROHIBITS THE SAME; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE CATE. WHEREAS, Florida Statute 11.076 requires that any general law enacted by the Legislature requiring a municipality or county to perform an activity or to provide a service or facility, which activity, service or facility will require the expenditure of additional funds, must include an economic impact statement estimating the amount sufficient to cover the total cost to municipalities and counties to implement such activity, service or facility and must provide a means to finance such activity, service, or facility; and WHEREAS, the Florida League of Cities has recently identified more ' than two hundred (200) unfunded local mandates passed by the Legislature since 1980 with eighty-six percent (868) having an undetermined fiscal impact on local government; and W[IEREAS, counties and municipalities are limited by the State as to source and amount of revenues; and WHEREAS, citizens of counties and municipalities are increasingly intolerant of rising county and municipal taxes and fees Caused in part by state mandates without identification of acceptable funding sources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE OOUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FI.ORICA: Section 1. Governor Martinez, the Florida Senate and the Florida House of Representatives are requested to ccxnply with state law, specifically F.S. 11.076, and refuse to adopt or sign all future proposed legislative bills which require municipal or county activities, services or facilities which fail to provide an economic impact statement, estimate costs to municipalities and counties to implement said proposed activities, services or facilities and provide a means to finance such activity, service or facility. Section 2. 11ie Governor, members of the Florida Senate and House of Representatives are urged to accept the fiscal responsibility associated with being elected state officials and utilize funding sources available to the State t of Florida in order to fund programs deemed by the Governor and members of the Senate and House of Representatives to be popular and/or in the best interests of the citizens of Florida. Section 3. Trie Village Clerk is requested to provide copies of this Resolution to the Governor, Secretary of the Florida' Senate, Clerk of the Florida House of Representatives, Senator William (Doc.) Myers, Representative rtarian V. Lewis, Representative James C. Hill, Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners, all Palm Beach County municipalities, the Palm Beach Municipal League and the Executive Director of the Florida league of Cities for purposes of inforniation dissemination and consideration of the matters contained herein. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED 7lIIS ATH DAY OF 11FC.FMRFR ~ 1986• R ATTEST: Vil ag C erk 1 .p_'