1988-02 Opposes Extension of Boundaries LRECDRESOLUTION NO. 2-88 A RESOIdTfION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORM PAIl~L BEACH, FIARI[Yi~ OPPOSING ANY EXTENSION OF THE BOUNIYiRIES OF THE LOXALLATCHEE RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL OONTROL ' DISTRICT TD ENOOMPASS ANY AREA OF THE VILLAGE OF NOR1H PALM BEACH. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE ODUNCIL OF NORM PALM BEACH, FIARI[]A: Section 1. The Village of North Palm Beach strongly and adamantly opposes any extension of the ENCON boundaries to enoary~ass area within the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 2. ENCON was created to solve problems of the Loxahatchee River area which affected two counties and there is no reason to expand this limited purpose district to an area beyond its responsibility. The Village of North Palm Beach is perfectly capable of protecting its environment without the interference of a separate limited purpose district and has done so with rigor ' over the past years. Section 3. ENCDN has no concern with the Village of North Palm Beach or its water and sewer needs. it is concerned with sewage as it affects a river and area totally unconnected with Seacoast Utilities and North Palm Beach. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 14th Ik,Y OF JANUARY, 1988. ~~~~~~ MAYO ATTEST: ' Village Clerk