RESOLUTION 41_87 DEC 1987,, ~ ,,,,' RESOLUTION NO. 41-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAriE COUNCIL OF NOR1H PALM BEACH, FLORIGT~, STfL~NGLY OPP06ING ANY HIGH LEVEL, FIXED SPAN BRIDGE TO REPLACE THE PRESENT PARKER BRIIIGEt FURNISHING COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION TO OUR U. S. SENATOR AND OUR U. S. CONGRESSMAN, THE PALM BEACH OOU6TTY LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION, AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY OOMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE LATE. WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation is in the process of a thirty month study for. improvements to U. S. tl fran just south of the Parker Bridge in North Palm Beach to Indiantown Road in Jupiter and WHEREAS, the proposed DOT plans include the renovation and/or reconstruction of the Parker Bridge to a fixed span of sixty-five feet high, or a bascule design of forty-two feet highs and WHEREAS, said plans for these bridge heights at that location would create visual pollution, would spread sound and noise` a longer distance throughout a primarily residential area, and would completely destroy the adjacent property values as well as i~air the health, safety and welfare of the neighboring reaidentsi and WHEREAS, the DOT proposes a widening of U. S. 11 immediately north and ' south of the present spent NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIIYis Section 1. The Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida, hereby goes on record as opposing the aforementioned changes. Section 2. The Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida requests that the Department of Transportation explore a tunnel as a first viable option. section 3. The Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida secondly recommends using the present level bascule bridge, with any necessary improvements. Section 4. The Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida strongly supports further studies of the traffic patterns after the completion of I-95, Military Trail and A-1-A before the U. S. it report is acted upon. Section 5. The Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida recommends that the study be renewed to have the Parker Bridge open only on the hour and half hour year-round and not on a demand basis a good portion of the year, and that those hours be posted to motorists and boaters alike. Section 6. Zhe Village Clerk of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida is hereby authorized and directed to furnish copies of this R,solution to our U. S. Senator and our U. S. Congressman, the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation, the Board of County Oart~issionere of Palm Beach County, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U. S. Coast Gard. Section 7. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 10th Q4Y OF DECEMBER, 1987. ~~U~~ ATTEST: .1~~ ~~ V age C er c 1 -2-