1987-33 Bid Award to General GMC Truck and Jim Hardy Equipment r- RESOLUTION N0. 33-87 1 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF GENERAL GMC TRUCK, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR ONE CAB AND CHASSIS IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,900.00 FROM ACCOUNT N0. 10-534-033- 66410 (AUTOMOTIVE); AND ACCEPTING THE BID OF JIM HARDY EQUIPMENT, TAMPA, FLORIDA, FOR ONE PACKER BODY IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,765.00 FROM ACCOUNT N0. 10-534-033-66410 (AUTOMOTIVE). FLORIDA: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, Section 1. The bids of General GMC Truck, West Palm Beach, Florida, and Jim Hardy Equipment, Tampa, Florida, copies of which are attached to this Resolution, are hereby accepted 6y the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with their terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidders of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 10-534-033-66410 (Automotive). passage. Section 2. Thts Resolution shall take effect immediately upon PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1987. ~J~U -~~~- f; ATTEST: ~- ~/~~ ~ hic~ w ,_ . ~ a PROPOSAL TO TlIE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACl1 FLO IDA Gentlemen: ~ ' The undersigned, as bidder, does d~cir.r~ ths! no other person other than the bidder heretn named has. any Interest in this proposal or to the'cpntract to be taken, end that it is made without arty connection with arty other person Or persons making proposal for the same article; end 1s in all respects fair •nd without calluslon or fraud. . dons andeisnthoroughlyffamiltarewitheitshprovlslonscandfwlth the Qualltye typelanda grade of material ca')led for. The undersigned further•declares that he proposes to furnish the articles culled thatwperts andeservicetfor the articlespllstedl6elowterefava11ab1epw1thlnathegStatetees 'of Florida, to w1t:~ ITEM N0. 1 . Manufacturer Model No. ! ' Delivery Time ITEM N0. 2. DATE: ~ ' One each'E~_ • .~-~-- Trade-In (Less) S Net Total. with Trade-In 1~ D J.~ /,~. SPECIFICATION "R"35,000 EGVNR CAB b CHPSSIS ONLY ,~~nn One each S_~~ 90~-f~C~ • Manufacturer ~/~l Model-'~~ g ~ C ~ ~J 7t~"~ .. ' Delivery Time 1~DX' ~O-la l? r)~VS ~b ' ITEM N0. 3 ' SPECIFICATION "C" S E I IC ON A PLUS B h„ one each S ___~~%D2?.D~ ~~iA'1- c~r~ Less Trade-In = S~V ~~ NET TOTAL E ~S~`/ VD~~ - 12 - PROPOSAL (CONY) ITEM N0. 4 SPECIFICATION "A", PARAGRAPH C - 1. ADD ALTERNATE FRONT MOUNTED P.T.O. ITEM N0. 5 SPECIFICATION "A" PARAGRAPH D - 2 ADD ALTERNATE CABLE WINCH n E ~ ~~~ ~„r - 13 - TRADE IN VEHICLES All bidders must state in the space provided below, the dealer"s full trade in value, which amount may be deducted from his price at the option of the Village. The Village reserves the right to buy from the dealer, at the quoted trade in value, any of the vehicles listed in this section. All trade in are as is the date of the bid opening. 1. 1980 GMC Mbde1 W7N042 cab and chassis with Leach Sanicruiser 20 cubic yard packer body mounted. Truck No. 15. ID NTI7NEAV593877 To see this trade in, contact Mike Keith 8_ Sc~ ~ . n D -- 626-0212 - 14 - PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALt4 BEACH FLORIDA (Con'td,) REh1ARKS/EXCEPTIONS: Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAME TITLE ADDRESS Madeline De Santi President 248 Tamoshanter Drive, Palm Springy, Fla. Leonard G. De Santi Vice President 248 Tamoahanter Drive, Palm Springs, Fla. FIRM SIGNED DY TITLE: .... WITNESSES: Y. ~~ . ~. ,~ ADDRESS: .~7eat. Palm Bah, Florida 4 452895 - 15 - ' PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORiH PALH BEACH f ORIDA itlemen: Ider he@etndnamednhas. anybinterestoin thisaproposalnor in the contractetotbenteken~ I that it is made without any connection with any other person or persons making posal for the same article; and is 1n all respects fair and without collusion or ud. . ns andelsnthoroughlyffamillarexttheitshprovisionscandfwith the Qualitye typeianda de of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnipish the articles called twparts andeservicettor the articlespllstedlbelowtarefava11ab1epwithinathegStatetees =lorfda, to wit:• DATE: `_$/31/87 ' TEM N0. 1 PECIFICATION "A" IA 000 pound pav load• PACKER BODY - LESS TRADE I anufaCtUrer _ _ The Ne•i 1 C.^..:y^s+n~ ,~ j odel No. - Fnr,in,la L•000 70 (`t,hin yard elivery Time 30 Davs Af---~-~-cs_ei.F.~2£ Chaesis• - One each't 204 0.00 Trade•In (Less) = 1500.00 ' Net Total. with Trade-In S }gp~0,00 'EM N0. 2 'E CIFICATTON "R"35,000 $GVI,'R CAB b CHPSSIS ONLY , • oa • Ore each ~ 2 "7~ 6SS nufacturer_ ~ro~ai /'Y~~.-~c~ Ca~ livery Time _ °la ' /Sa [~<~iS ~ • EM N0. 3 ECiFICATION "C" • P F C ON A PLUS B One each S __ y g~ ~ 6 $ """ Less Trade-In s ~ , S GG 4- NET TOTAL S ~ ~ S CS ar - 12 - T'~ ~a~ n~-~- ~,~ z7- 1 ` PROPOSAL TO TIIE_ ViLIAGE OF NORTH PALH BEACH FLORIDA` ttlemen: Ider he~relndnamednhai.anybinterestoln this proposalhor 1n the~eontraetetotbenteken~ I that it 1s-made without arty connection with eny other person .or persons making posal for the same article; and 1s in all respects fair and without coiluslon or ud. . The undersigned further declares that he has carefully ezamined the speclflca- ns and is thoroughly familiar xith its provisions and with the quality. type and de of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called twparts andeservicetfor the articlespllstedl6elowtarefava11ab1epwithinathegStatetees 'lorida, to wit: DATE: TEM N0. 1 - - ~,wv vu ~u o IVa V• YAGRLK tlVUT L SS 1KA E-INS anufacturer 41,a• H t7 (,om,~any__r" • odel No. _ ' Formula 5000 18 Cubic Yard elivery Time 45 Days After Receipt Of Chassis - One each'S 94~3~j5.00 Trade-In (Less) S }si^v9,69 Net Total. with Trade-In ~ 22,765.00 ~EM N0. 2 'ECIFICATION "R"35,000 6GVIy'R CAB b CHPSSIS ONLY nufacturer ~ ~ c~ l~r a~'a,-• o~~„.~ livery Time J'd - 1 Sp ~„~S • EM N0. 3 ~CIFICATION "C" P C ON A PLUS B Ore each S Z 7~ 6 SS One each S 51_,`1 Zo~~ ~ s Less Trade-1n = ~ ;S a c ~s NET TOTAL S_ Ste, N 20 - 12 - PROPOSAL ~CONT) .. ITEM N0. 4 SPECIFICATION "A", PARAGRAPH C - 1. ADD ALTERNATE E 1700,00 FRONT MOUNTED P.T.O. ITEM N0. 5 SPECIFICATION "A" PARAGRAPH D - 2 ADD ALTERNATE S 1800.00 CABLE WINCH - 13 - ~j ~ .. 4 #-c /J 1 ~l ~ / PROPOSAL (CONY) ITEM N0. 4 SPECIFICATION "A", PARAGRAPH C - 1. ADD ALTERNATE E 1700.00 FRONT MOUNTED P.T.O. ITEM N0. 5 SPECIFICATION "A" PARAGRAPH D - 2 ADD ALTERNATE $ 1800.00 CABLE WINCH ;~ - 13 - L 1~Grv~9"~- 'J 1 ~1 TRADE IN VEHICLES All bidders must state in the space provided below, the dealer"s full trade in value, which amount may be deducted from his price at the option of the Village. The Village reserves the right to buy from the dealer, at the quoted trade in value, arty of the vehicles listed in this section. A11 trade in are as is the date of the bid opening. 1. 1980 GMC Model W7N042 cab and chassis with Leach Sanicruiser 20 cubic yard packer body 1500.00 mounted. Truck No. 15. ID NTI7NEAV593877 $ To see this trade in, contact Mike Keith 626-0212 - 14 - PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF tJORTH PALt4 BEACtIs FLORIpA (Con'td. ) REMARKS/EXCEPTIONS: Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAME TITLE ADDRESS James Hardee President Sam ~ u,-~A~~,~ . Tamv$ P1 FIRM SIGNED DY on O Partnership O TITLE: Prea~.den.f L .DDRESS: 85S 3 ~~ ~~ G~~~.s ~~~~ W• U~ ~~ ~ 6 - 15 -