1986-16 Bid Award to Al Packer Ford1 RESOLUTION N0. 16-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}I PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF AI PAf.ICFR FDR~" WFCT PA1 M RFAP.H, FI ORIDA, FnR ONE 20 YARD PACKER TRUCK IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 44,537.00 , FROM THE FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING ACCOUNT BE TT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}1 PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Al Packer Ford, West Palm Beach, Florida I copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is }iereby accepted by ~ the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from The Federal Revenue Sharing Account Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately 1 upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF AUGUST , 19 $~_ YOR 1 ATTEST: Village Clerk .~_ ~nen: The undersigned, as bidder ~d thateitiis made without anterestoin thisare that no other person other than the ~roposa) for the same articled c°nnection wlthoanyaotherin the 'con tract to be fraud, end is in all res Person or persons taken. pects fair and without making The undersigned further collusion or tions and is thoroughly fam111areMftheitshat he has • grade of material ca•)led for, carefully examined the s _ provisions end with the quality, typeianda The undersigned further• for within •specified time se declares that he that parts and service f t in this ro Proposes to furnish the articles called 'of Florida or the articlesPlistedlbfor the following price, and . to wit:' elow are evaileble within guarantees the State ITE` M~ ~ DATE: ---~~;`~'~} --~_ ~~~~~ ~nrcu PACKER BODY - LESS TRADE-INS Manufacturer ' ~/A!~ i. Model No. ~~C,(J__+~_~~ ; Delivery Time , ~ --"-"`~'~~~iliiTiCViS' ,~77l~cc~ • One each $ ~~, :/ ~~ ('n ~~{ ~~ E Trade-In (Less) $ G/l~l~ , I TE-? SPECIFICATION"'R" 32000 dGVNR CAR & CHPSSIS ONLY Manufacturer ~~~~ /~6`I Model_ ~~ S' ~ Delivery lime ~~~r ITEM N~3 -----Th'r ~/_.____ ~~~~,~ ~,~yS SPECIFICATION "C" •SPECIFIC TI ON A PLUS B Net Total. with Trade-In $ / ~~- ,7 /'!~ ~_ One each Less Trade-In NET TOTAL One each $ ~5'„Z!`f C%t~ . $ 5~5" y.3 7 b a $_ Lf -~(i E~h !. \`.'. _ _ • _ ro, rH_E_ ~/EXCEPTIONS: i Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: TITLE WTTNCCC[e. IDORESS:~ 1530 N. MILITIRY TRAfI (Con'td.) ADDRESS ers AL PACKER TURD INC. 1530 N. MIUTARy 7RAll MIE~i PAI1,16E/1CH. Fl,q. ~ P O Ind v dua SIGNED BY: :~.~. ,_ v TITLE: ~ `/~/~~' •~~•+Ucc~.U _I~_