Page 6 This is Florida's Big Story (PBP) 9-22-57)Pa" 22-B PALM BEACH POST -TIMES, Sun., Sept. 22, 1957 a r s s New Method Changes Don't Neglect The Small Things That Make 4."W" Surgery For Ulcers LOS ANGELES (del) —Better Yourunderstanding of a delicately bol• Home Safer—Here Are Safety Tips s anced mechanism in the stomach It may not take more than a which aide in maintaining proper little elbow grease and a second acid balance has changed surgical thought to prevent a serious ace methods of treating ulcers. cident in the home, But many Dr. Edward R. Woodward of the parents neglect doing the small things here and there that will University of California Medical make their homes safer. School, Los Angeles, has discover- Many a youngster has been ed that the flow of hormones stim- burned by tampering with electric ulaling acid secretion in the atom, act is cut 'off when the acid-alka- outlets that lie right in the path line of crawler and toddler. Yet, there balance reaches a certain are plastic caps that cost but a point. These hormones are secret- ed at a place near the stomach'slfew cents that may be inserted einto these outlets Ina jiffy, and exit called the antrum. The an- removed when the outlet is put trurn comprises about 20 per cent into use. of the stomach. � Food in the stomach stimulates Windows are another potential antrum hormone secretion which danger in the home, especially causes acid secretion. The upset of when they do not lock properly or the normal mechanism may be a when the screens offer little pro - cause of gastric ulcers, Woodward tection to curious small fry. It said. takes only a few minutes to an- DECORATIVE DANGER: This picket fence is pretty, but it's chor screens firmly with proper a hazard. One slip in the operation above and a boy might he hardware so that they will act as seriously hurt. Such fences can be made safer by sawing tiff LIVE BAROMETERS barriers. the pointed tips, TOLEDO, Ohio UN — Clayton H. Rustic fences are lovely to look Wiseley, principal of Coy Ele- at, but those with pointed tops by putting a rubber pad under along the air spaces Inside at may serve as a real danger to a scatter rugs, by putting grab rails of non -insulated homes. mentary School here, claims hel child who is at the climbing age. next to the bathtub and installing It's a good idea also to check STREET OF FINE HOMES—This is a view, looking west on street level, with all lots raised a minimum of 18 inches above can predict the weather- by his'One slip from his perch on an un- light switches at stalrw'ays and at your safety quotient on these Ebb Tide Drive in the village of North Palm Beach, showing "Wisely Wiggle System." Whenpsteady wagon or tricycle as he the entrances to rooms. Sand chest points: g P the barometer begins to plunge, the Ideal residential community that is bean developed here. that. Sidewalks and boulevard areas between the sidewalk and 'leans over a fence could cause near outdoor steps and walks will Are sharp kitchen knives stored serious injury, perhaps the loss of come in handy when ice forms in a separate container away from The elevation at this paint is twelve feet above sea level at street line are required by village ordinance, he says, school pupils have a g the table ware' _--- an eye Arms and legs may be and the area requires sanding. � `Mrs. America' N wns Gracious Six -Room Brick Split-level Home In Arlindon, Va. -. -A.____ — _...,F.-....�._--___ — , . ---- •tom-:*- �•---�-- -�-yam.-7�-�- m-- - MRS. AMERICA and her four children stroll on the lawn of their Arlington, Va., home, a six -room, split level brick house. By JOHN 0. B. WALLACEhave separate areas set aside for Ems Prison The design of a house, and espe-It h e f r own activities. Separate cially its room arrangements, is family living areas were popular a more important consideratlon with nearly all. Scene Of Flo► er than price or location, according to What about Mrs. America, her - one group of American housewivesl seif - —the 49 finalists in the 1957 ''Mrs. Mrs. Linwood Findley, a 32 -year - Garden Of Beauty erica contest. oid mother of fuur children, lives If you can assume that they' in a six -room, split level brick represent a cross section of Ameri- house in Arizona, Ca. She repro, By EDWARD S. KITCH can housewives, then you may sented the District of Columbia, JOLIET Ill. CO—Stateville Penl- have a clue as to what kind of a; Her husband, Harry, is an Air home the A m e r i c a n housewife ' Force lieutenant colonel, stationed tentiary is the scene of one of wants, at Ft. McNair Industrial College, the most beautiful flower gar- The finalists came from all 48 Washington, D.C, dens in the United States. states and the District of Colum-' Their home has three bedrooms, It is kept up by one of the bia. All but one live in their own(a living room, dining room and most exclusive garden clubs homes; one lives in an apartment. kitchen. It has three baths and aThey were polled on present-day; den. The basement includes a rec• the nation: You have to be a American homes and their advan-'reation room and a work room. crook to belong.tages and disadvantages. Here areIThey bought the house a year and "Gardening helps the time some of the results: la half ago and did all interior pass." says Warden Joseph E. More than a third said the de- painting and wall papering them- Ragen. ,sign and floor plan of the house selves. Since 1936, Stateville's grounds was the deciding factor. Four cornThere is a woodburning fireplace have been transformed into albined price with design and floor in the living room and a large pic. plan in their answers. One said thing of beauty. There are 62 tore window. The back yard in. acres behind the high grey wails, price and location were the main eludes a rock garden, the pride and 20 acres are in flower gar- reasons behind the selection of her, and joy of Mrs. Findley; she made dens, home. The others listed various it herself. She also constructed "Starting with seeds, we raise reasons,o convenience to the hus- flagstone steps in some areas half a million flower plants a around the house. band's job: choice of out of Her livin room 1s finished in year," Warden Ragen said. "Pe• necessity;" and nine said they had g tunlas are what we are best „no other choice," dark woods; her furniture is tra. known for, but we raise dozens Who selected their home? A ditional English. Gardening is her of other types of flowers as well." chief hobby. Under the picture The flower gardening by some majority said the decision was window in the front of the house of America's " most desperate made jointly e, husband and wife. are huge window boxes with pe:- criminals has softened them as One said she, alone, chose the tunias. She also planted a rose well as the stern prison drabness. house. Three said the husband, garden in front of the house. "It has turned many towards aline, made the selection. b few Mrs. Findley and her husband profitable, law abiding lives." said the house was selected by the set the in the basement and built Warden Ragen said. "The men entire family, children included. a flagstone patio. On the subject are assigned to work in our gar In style, ranch house represented of homemaking, Mrs. Findley says: den after thorough training In the largest single preference. Other "Everybody in our family feels gardening and horticulture, When style preferences included split that our home belongs to all of Span - they leave here, they are quail- levels, ramblers, Cape Cod, Span- us, and it's our job to take care lsh type, Colonial and brick and fied professional gardeners. Many framed cottages. of it together. We all had a hand have adopted gardening as a liveli- to refinishing our furniture, even hood as a means of escaping a life Where are their homes located?including the children." of crime. 1 All but 16 live in suburban homes; The family, she says, has an The warden finds closeness to 12 live in urban areas and four earn -and -save plan, whereby the nature changes the attitude of even m farm areas. oys, Harry Jr., nearly 12, and How much did their homes cost? the most hardened men. than 000David, nearly 10, cut the grass "The boys work from dawn to Nearly half spent more an $10,and get paid for it. dark." he said. "When they get but under $20,000; six spent less One of the girls, Lynette, 6, in at night they are plenty tired." than $10,000. An even 10 spent more helps with the dishes. The other Warden Ragen, a veteran Bard. than $20,000 but less than $309000; girl, Lane, not quite 4, "is still ener himself, instituted Stateville'sjfive spent more than $30,000. (Some too young to help," the mother flower -raising program 21 yearslof the finalists did not answer this says. question). ago because men were sitting qThe poll also produced this scat• around with nothing to do but get LOCAL CUSTOMER tered information: into trouble." SALEM, Va. UPI —For 33 years All 4,300 inmates benefit, al- A predominant majority of these this town has been the home of a do their own housework, though only about 200 prisoners womencompany manufacturing elevators, are a s s i g n e d to the gardens, their own washing and their own And for 33 years all its products Warden Ragen says the men are ironing. were sold elsewhere. A bank re- ]Pss tense and less desperate "be- Most said they had adequate cently broke the record by being cause of those gardens of flowers," work space but eight said they the first local customer — and the The prison also maintains a needed more space, particularly in only building in town with an ele. 2.200 -acre farm. the kitchen. Ivator. About 160 trusted convicts stay Most were happy with the, at the farm. An equal number join I amount of storage space in their Tt RSO DRESS them from the prison each day. homes. Seven said they needed A perennial favorite of the young more closet space; three wanted is the torso dress, popular this fall) more kitchen cabinets and one said in wool jersey for daytime, in silk' The University of Alabama con -,she needed more bedroom closets. for after -five. St. Louis designers, ducts an annual cheerleaders clinic, Nearly two-thirds of the women say this a standby style year after each summer for prospective lend- said children should have their own year because it flatters the youth. ers of school cheers. About 8W living areas in the home. NearViul figure and is simple enough to youngsters are expected to attend the same number, by turning this'be worn for many different oc•I the session this year. (question around, said adults should casions. RUHR[ 1AUSCAPI & IIA INC CO. Phone TE 34651 2115 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, Fla. Complete Landscape and Paving service Wholesale and Retail tendency to wiggle In their seats• filled with splinters too, unless a Fire may be avoided by keeping Is your medicine chest too iso ANDOVER, Mass. UR — A move r BACHELOR'S DAY oots i says his system has its coat of shellac or varnish is put chimneys clean. A burlap bag cessible to small hand? Keep as - roots he noticed that chickens became n his farm boyhood when over rough wood to seal it and filled with straw and weighted pirin, medicines and other po- is underway here to establish a excitable when a storm was ap-,prevent weathering. with a brick may be lowered and tentially dangerous drugs on the new national holiday —Bachelor's The popular home workshop is raised inside the chimney from highest shelf in the house. Day. proacliing. — a n o t h e r potential danger being the roof until sooty residue is re- Are laundry bleaches and other Scores have signed a petition stressed these days with the argu- moved. A dry Christmas tree poisonous compounds kept out of favoring a day in honor of the men CHAMOIS USE ment that "emergencies don't thrown into a fireplace is a fre- reach of groping hands? who believe one can live as cheap- Try the chamois cloth to cut wait." Power tool experts suggest quent cause of chimney fires. It's a gond idea, too, to remove ly as two. building a five-foot wall of beaver- Walls and ceilings surrounding the lock from the bathroom door "No presents — just no work down on housework. It may be board around the home workshop. the furnace should be covered when there are children or old once a year, that's all we want," used as a gently polishing clolhl They suggest installing a gate with fireproof material. Fire ex- folk in the family. The bathroom says Christopher Forbes, sponsor over furniture. It may be dipped that locks to keep children away tinguishers should be available is an accident focal point for chil- of the petition.from saws, chisels, and especially handily in the house with one dren and elderly people. If the Bachelor Forbes is 9 -years -old. into soapy water and used to dry power tools. kept within range of the kitchen door is locked, you may not be windows or mirrors after washing. A rickety high -chair may get stove. able to reach them soon enough. Moisture -absorbent c It a m o i s is better support by enlarging the If you are planning to insulate If lights are operated by pull During the past 30 years, the stamped with a government stamp. base of it so the child can't over, your home, choose a non -burnable chains near sinks or in the cellar, total production of milk in Cali- It also comes in handy for wash -(turn it by rocking. type of insulation, The material It's a good idea to install an insu- fornia has increased at an averageling down the family car or wiping Falls may be prevented by in- will serve as a partial fire barrier, lating link or a non-conductive rate of 2.4 per cent per year. dust off phonograph recoids. stalling hand rails on stairways, preventing flash fires that race socket. E FLORIDA'S FINES T NEW i RESIDENTIAL 3 THE EBB TIDE COMMUNITY fromThe Village of $ 6, 70oQQ NOR f H PALM BEACH It will be love at first sight when you drive up to this delightful new home in the village of North Palm Beach. This all new planned community will be entirely self-sufficient with its own Shopping Plaza, Marina and Yacht Club, schools, churches, parks and recreation areas. The North Palm Beach Country Club is now open for play and preferential memberships are available to all home owners in the village. Street paving and storm drainage in the first section are completed and the water and sewerage plants are in full operation. Typical of the attractive North Palm Beach homes now offered for sale is the Ebb Tide. This beautiful two bedroom home is on a spacious, fully landscaped minimum size 75 ft. lot. It features a large living room with rich walnut panelling, a huge 20 foot Florida room, a fully tiled bath and a completely enclosed garage. The colorful General Electric "dream kitchen" is equipped with Iwo refrigerator, range and automatic VFW" washer. Other features — complete insulation — lifetime We roof — •` ; heating system — Mr. and Mrs. sliding door medicine chest and many more. Here is truly Florida living at its best. See this outstanding home value today! FULL DOWN PAYMENT $1900.00 Includes ALL closing co and appliances F H. A. Financea Model Home ... 408 Driftwood Rd. Open Mon. thru Fri., 10:30 to 5:30 P.M. • Phone VI 4-4042 1:00 - 5:30 Saturday and Sunday NORTH PALM BEACH CONSTRUCTION CO. Division of ROSS COIJSTRUCTION CO. NOTE rhe convenient layout of the Ebb Tide ... the spacious reoms,the abundant storage space, rhe airy, cross ventilated roams. SEE map below. Drive north on U.S. 1 beyond lake Park to Village of North Palm aearh. Turn west of second entrance, _ a