Page 4 This is Florida's Big Story (PBP) 9-22-57)I a O Vf W O Z cew s V to FEWW 4 W atW N1 O_ ce 4 d U O fitt� LU LLI ABOVE ALL OTHERS FOR PROTECTION & COMFORT 44 Active ALL ALUMINUM EATHERIOCK c" 1 Contractors I n INTERLOCKING AWNINGS N. Palm Beach M40 An indication of the tremendous EVENTUALLY . 0 . You will have awnings on your home for storm protection and for year 'round comfort. WHY NOT NOW? Many people wait for a storm to remind them that they need rositive protection. Weather- Qck gives you the ultimate in storm protection plus the ul i ( mate in year 'round comfort and you can buy these su- perior awnings now with no money down and three years to pay. "FOR ECONOMY`S SAKE .. • CET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY!" SEE OUR MANY MODELS OF AWNINGS AND SHUTTERS 04 • ME wRAilEE AWNINGNUFAGTURE E WEAT ANT`OD tY t EE OFTHE T 4� D FORRJOE H Ejo ARE INS EY ON WHIG A 1 11 13 a,ll I I III building activity in North Palm Beach Village is apparent in the list of 44 contractors now doing business in the planned commu nity. From general contractors F In through the Wtire list of sub -con - the the firms include some of the finest names in home will building throughout Florida. Following is a list as submitted ter by Village Manager Albin Olson and taken from the occupational license records of the village: General Contractors: Birdsall Const. Co.; F. T. Dioguardi, Inc.; Douglas Associates, Inc.; Fair- way Homes, Inc,; J. B. Fraser and Sons, Inc.; H. and D. Const. Co.; Kendall Const. Co,; Latham ick Const. Co.; North Palm Beach Const. Co.; Rubin Const, Co.; Robt. C. Brown Const. Co.; Maran Realty Corp.; and B. and L. Screen Patio and Pool Co. Electrical contractors include Acme Electric, Arrow Electric, Ilamilton Electric, Worsham's our Electric and Vogt Electric. Plumbing contractors are Paul hot put Asenjo, General Plumbing, Logan' Plumbing, B. K. McCall and Son,' Mitchell Plumbing Co., Morgan Plumbing Co., R. H.e Storer Plumbing and Heating, and C, A, lion Whitman, Jr., and Sons. Oar Roofing contractors are Atlas Roofing Co., Griffin Industries, and Hawthorne Roofing. Terrazzo contractors include E. R, Ander- son nderson and Co., Conner Tile Co., Miotto Terrazzo and Tile Co., and Sikes Terrazzo, Inc. for Masonry contractors are East Eats Coast Floor Co., Forbes Construc- tion Co., R. M. Garner, and Hugh liufty Concrete. Landscape con -1 tractors are Belvedere Landscape <,nd Paving Co., and Kelsey City; Landscaping and Nurseries, Inc.I Insulation contractor is the Cope - our Insulation Co. Painting con - aft tractor is Henry V, Johnson. En- gineering contractor is the firm of Brockway, Weber and Brockway. Venetian Blind contractor is the ERS Modern Venetian Blind Co. Sheet! metal contractor is E. J. Brod- IIN beck and Sons. CHINATOWN HONOLULU, UR — Honolulu hast a new post office officially named'' "Chinatown Station." Officials said it was the only one so named in the U.S. Postal system. The new station, located in a cluster of Chinese restaurants in! downtown Honolulu. was opened' with an army band concert, andl the exploding pf 20,000 firecrack-I ers. — UP YONDER SAN DIEGO, Calif. UPI — A check which Dr. Frank Lowe, re- tired minister and city board of education member, once wrote in a moment of phonetic absent mindedness was made out to "Eternal Revenue Service" for hist income tax. It cleared through banks without a bitch and was re- turned to him as paid. At Gilmer, Tex., an annual sweet potato festival called the Yambo- ree is held. Y PALM BEACH POST -TIMES, Sun., Sept. 22, 1957 Page 11-3 WITH A LIFE INSURANCE PROTECTED HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN FROM US.". PAI HT E HAVE a streamlined, convenient, economical BWlT plan to finance home repairs or modernization. No co. , makers required — no liens filed against your property. 4 ROOFING; Just get the estimated cost of the job—then see us.pmply Your loan—large or small—can be arranged quickly on - monthly repayment terms to suit you. Money is spent RNRB tinder your own supervision, and a mortgage does not 1110lYlNfF - prevent you from obtaining a repair loan. We shall be glad to explain this plan in detail at any time iYtAUPdP6R and without obligation. COR, DATURA TEMPLE AND OLIVE ATIANTIC NATIONAL BANK 3.2581 Of WEST PALM BEACH �ervin� JIr� (MI)irfriIity .7or aer .fit Quarter Of A l.eithiril MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION FAMOUS "better homes for less".. .� r4 rA See the Kendall model home open for your inspection in the Village of North Palm Beach. They are located In the 400 block of Ebbtide Drive and Flotilla a !toad, r -�w► Vlop1 In the Village of North Palm Beach You will see many models of Kendall custom built homes. Among these you are sure to find your dream home. The Village of North Palm Beach is one of the most delightful residential areas in the Palm Beaches and incorporates the utmost in Florida living. If you like fishing, boating, golfing and outdoor living, this suburban develop- ment with its country club, yacht basin and municipal facilities, Is the most Ideal for your home, P t, M a! ■ KENDALL CONSTRUCTION Has earned its "better homes for less" reputation by custom build- ing beau4iful homes of every type—in every price range. They have achieved variety of home designs so that every family will find something here to fill its tastes and needs. 3 bedroom -2 hath custom built homes from $16,000 to $21,500. 2 bedroom homes from $15,500 up. 4 bedroom --2 bath homes from $20,000 up. Large 3 bedroom -2 bath homes with porch and swimming pool $25,000 and up. WE ARE CELEBRATING NATIONAL HOME WEEK . ... by Starting Construction of our 1819th Home—All of Which Have Been Built in Palm Beach County During the Past 11 Years . • i �- t , ' 41 r i ��Y'➢�����> 04 The BREEZEWOOD Beautiful 3 -Bedroom, 2 Bath Horne with Florida Room and Car -Pori (Now under construction), These luxurious Kendal -Built Homes are the finest CBS con- struction. They have Terrazzo floors, 15 year 70012, the baths, furred and plastered galls, custom made wooden kitchen cab- inets, formica tope, large closets with sliding doors, trussed roofs, copper plumbing, white and colored plumbing fixtures, awninq and jalousie windows, large utility and storage area, customers' selection of color schemes and all homes are heated and Insulated, NEW LOW DOWN PAYMENTS Kendall bullds custom -Built Homes under FHA or Conventional financing. if you do not own a lot—let Kendall help you select a homesite. Kendall will arranoe the financing and build you a "better home for less." All are designed for the utmost In Florida living and fully guaranteed by Kendall Construction Company,