North Palm Country Club One of Florida's Finest; Pool largest; diving tower D & ECONFERENCE ON THE TEE tounpaper rnoto) Mrs. Harold Neller, center, president of the Wo- men's Golf Association, talks things over with two of the club's better golfers, Mrs. Gardner Dickin- son, left, and Mrs. Nels Michelson. HELPMATE ON THE 13th TEE (Sunpaper Photo) Mrs. Noble Butler of Jupiter gets an assist from her husband on the 13th tee. In the background is the old clubhouse, which now will be used for group meetings and as a recreation center for teen-agers. 'OH, THAT COTTON PICKIN' ROLL pro at the North Palm Country Club. Beach Country Club last In performing its work, November 1. As golf pro- Kelsey City Landscaping fessional, Hayes is in Co. of Lake Park took full charge of the golf shop advantage of the natural and all club golfing activ- contours of the ground, plus ities. Florida limestone rock for - The pool manager is Mrs. mations. Buildings and sur - Alma H. Beck. She prev- roundings blend to make iously managed the Palm the man-made structures Beach Cabana and the Col- appear to belong in the onnades Hotel pools. In 1959 natural setting. she won the National AAU The speed with which the skin diving championship planting was installed re - and each year since, has flects the experience and represented Florida as skill of more than 43 years state champion. in business locally of the As pool manager, Mrs. Kelsey firm. Beck will direct the pool One North Palm Beach activities. resident remarked recently that he passed the country Sid Clarke is the golf club on Friday on the way course Superintendant in for a week -end in north - charge of course improve- ern Florida and at that ments and maintenance. time no landscaping was Clarke previously was sup- visible. However, when he erintendent at La Gorce returned on Sunday he was Country Club in Miami surprised to find the land - Beach. scaping completed. He has been associated Tropical shrubs and trees with golf courses both as superintendent an d golf scape into a harmonious professional for forty setting at NorthPalmBeach years. He came to North Palm Beach in July 1962, and was in charge of re - building the back nine. Swim Team Being Formed By Outstanding Coach FLOORING COMPANY The SERVING THE PALM BEACHES FOR 25 YEARS C v- 136 N. Federal Delray Beach Cr. 8-1210 NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB Exemplifies The Principles Of Fine Design FREE ESTIMATES TE 2-1711 TE 2-2012 724 Southern Blvd. W. Palm Beach Southern Blvd. & Lake Ave. Across From Southdale Shopping Center N The One In The Middle Had Par (Sunpaper rnoto) Across the bridge from the 16th green come E. J. Kane, Nippy Parsell and Charles Achenbach. Best Wishes For The Continued Success Of The North Palm Beach Country Club Keith M. Nichols NICHOLS INSURANCE AGENCY 217 LAKEVIEW BUILDING NORTH PALM BEACH 848-0656 These are homes unlike any other homes you have ever seen. Every room, every feature reflects the imagination and careful consideration which went into the detailed planning of each model. cJhe Oakmovit 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths 96 Ti irlehunt 4 Bedrooms 2 Baths Powder Room Me ofteen6him 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths THESE ARE THE NEW U C> /Coop -1 f" in Palm Beach Gardens Priced from $18,000 Directions to Phillips Homes Drive through the Main Entrance ( Garden Homes. Or, turn East off Military Trail at Boulevard), continue on Garden Boule- the Holly Drive entrance and continue to vard to Holly Drive and turn left to Phillips Phillips Homes. If you prefer, you may enter Palm Beach Drive after crossing the railroad tracks and Gardens off AIA. Just turn right on Holly continue west to Phillips Homes. NPB Has City Manager Form Of Government North Palm Beach has a city manager form of gov- ernment. There are three main departments - the building inspection d e p a r t m e n t, headed by Wallace G. Car- ver, building official; the police and fire departments headed by Chief Albert G. Dudden, and the Public Works Department, headed by Robert D. Hill. The op- eration of the village is conducted with 21 employ- ees. North Palm Beach was incorporated and granted a charter by the state legis- lature on August 13, 1956. The charter provides for a five -man council and a vil- lage manager to head up the administrative aspects of the municipal govern- ment. The council selects the mayor from its own membership. To fill the post of vil- lage manager the council sought out a man trained and experienced in muni- cipal government. Albin R. Olson was appointed village manager and the council- manager form of govern- ment was functioning lay- ing the ground work forthe development of the model community before the first resident arrived in Dec- ember, 1956. A CHALLENGING NEW HOLE NOTE THAT FOLLOW THROUGH Wading Comes Before Swimming (Sunpaper Photo) (Sunpaper Photo) Mort Phillips, a member, hits a long one up the new Wading pool, shallow and clear, is safe for the real 12th fairway, with the clubhouse in the background. smallfry. Construction Boss * 0 0 0 0 • • o • • g • LOOKING FORWARD (Sunpaper Photo) The new 11th hole, a spectacular par -three, with a man-made lake and the prevailing wind to grab the tee shot. SMILES REFLECT A GOOD ROUND (Sunpaper Photo) A sociable foursome. Left to right, Dr. and Mrs. Peyton S. Denton, Mrs. Bert LaCerda and Mrs. Foster ATLAS RoofingBSheet Metal Wallace G. Carver, Vil- lage of North Palm Beach building official,who super- vised construction of the new clubhouse and pool. LETTERS TO THE _EDITOR Dear Mr. Newman: It is my understanding that you have taken over the SUN Newspapers as publisher, and I want to take this opportunity to of- fer my best wishes to you in your new undertaking. The area your papers serve is one of the fastest growing in Florida, and has a great future in the years ahead. I am sure that with enlightened leadership which will come from the press, civic groups and interested citizens North Palm Beach County will be an e ven better place in which to live and -work. Please express my best wishes to your staff. I hope we will have an opportunity to get together sometime soon. In the meantime, if there is ever anything we can do for you here in Washington, please do not hesitate to let me know. Sincerely yours, S/ PAUL G. ROGERS Congratulations To The Village Of N. P. B. On The Opening The NEW N.P.B. COUNTRY CLUB P.O. Box 12604 844-0363 1121 Park Ave. Lake Park E To The Opening Of The North Palm Beach Country Club Specializing In Lots And Homes In N.P.B. John F. Doran Real Estate 107 Lakeview Building North Palm Beach, Florida Phone Vi 8-1466 000000000000000000000000000000.0.00.000000000000 Congratulations to the NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB ON THE OPENING Of The New' Clubhouse Heated And Air Conitioned by ATLAS AIR CONDITIONING Corp. 2048 Indian Rd. West Palm Beach Fla. 683-2454 BUDDY BAARKE Swim Team Coach A North Palm Beach Country Club swim team is being organized under direction of Coach Buddy Baarke. The team is af- filiated with the AAU and is a member of the Florida Gold Coast Association. h Swim team membership is open to all children eight years and older. Training and instruction periods are { held each afternoon at the pool beginning at 4 p.m. and on Saturday mornings. Baarke has a national reputation as a swim team coach and is a former All- American and world swim record holder. Prior to joining the North P a 1 m (Sunpaper Photo) Beach group, he coached Many of the new greens are massive and undulating, the Swimming Association making putting a real challenge. That's Carlton Wright of the Palm Beaches. holding flag as Bob Poole holes on 7. Experts Head Staff Of Country Club CLUB LANDSCAPING (Cont'd from Page A) REFLECTS TROPICS sional Hotel, also in Wasn- Bob Hayes, previously Tropical shrubs and trees ington. at theHour Country ert au t a so served at Club in Macon, Ga., for scape into a harmonious the Colony Hotel in Palm 10 years was appointed golf setting at NorthPalmBeach Beach. �ura.rNO�i� • • Congratulations FLOORING COMPANY The SERVING THE PALM BEACHES FOR 25 YEARS C v- 136 N. Federal Delray Beach Cr. 8-1210 NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB Exemplifies The Principles Of Fine Design FREE ESTIMATES TE 2-1711 TE 2-2012 724 Southern Blvd. W. Palm Beach Southern Blvd. & Lake Ave. Across From Southdale Shopping Center N The One In The Middle Had Par (Sunpaper rnoto) Across the bridge from the 16th green come E. J. Kane, Nippy Parsell and Charles Achenbach. Best Wishes For The Continued Success Of The North Palm Beach Country Club Keith M. Nichols NICHOLS INSURANCE AGENCY 217 LAKEVIEW BUILDING NORTH PALM BEACH 848-0656 These are homes unlike any other homes you have ever seen. Every room, every feature reflects the imagination and careful consideration which went into the detailed planning of each model. cJhe Oakmovit 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths 96 Ti irlehunt 4 Bedrooms 2 Baths Powder Room Me ofteen6him 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths THESE ARE THE NEW U C> /Coop -1 f" in Palm Beach Gardens Priced from $18,000 Directions to Phillips Homes Drive through the Main Entrance ( Garden Homes. Or, turn East off Military Trail at Boulevard), continue on Garden Boule- the Holly Drive entrance and continue to vard to Holly Drive and turn left to Phillips Phillips Homes. If you prefer, you may enter Palm Beach Drive after crossing the railroad tracks and Gardens off AIA. Just turn right on Holly continue west to Phillips Homes. NPB Has City Manager Form Of Government North Palm Beach has a city manager form of gov- ernment. There are three main departments - the building inspection d e p a r t m e n t, headed by Wallace G. Car- ver, building official; the police and fire departments headed by Chief Albert G. Dudden, and the Public Works Department, headed by Robert D. Hill. The op- eration of the village is conducted with 21 employ- ees. North Palm Beach was incorporated and granted a charter by the state legis- lature on August 13, 1956. The charter provides for a five -man council and a vil- lage manager to head up the administrative aspects of the municipal govern- ment. The council selects the mayor from its own membership. To fill the post of vil- lage manager the council sought out a man trained and experienced in muni- cipal government. Albin R. Olson was appointed village manager and the council- manager form of govern- ment was functioning lay- ing the ground work forthe development of the model community before the first resident arrived in Dec- ember, 1956. A CHALLENGING NEW HOLE NOTE THAT FOLLOW THROUGH Wading Comes Before Swimming (Sunpaper Photo) (Sunpaper Photo) Mort Phillips, a member, hits a long one up the new Wading pool, shallow and clear, is safe for the real 12th fairway, with the clubhouse in the background. smallfry. Construction Boss * 0 0 0 0 • • o • • g • LOOKING FORWARD (Sunpaper Photo) The new 11th hole, a spectacular par -three, with a man-made lake and the prevailing wind to grab the tee shot. SMILES REFLECT A GOOD ROUND (Sunpaper Photo) A sociable foursome. Left to right, Dr. and Mrs. Peyton S. Denton, Mrs. Bert LaCerda and Mrs. Foster ATLAS RoofingBSheet Metal Wallace G. Carver, Vil- lage of North Palm Beach building official,who super- vised construction of the new clubhouse and pool. LETTERS TO THE _EDITOR Dear Mr. Newman: It is my understanding that you have taken over the SUN Newspapers as publisher, and I want to take this opportunity to of- fer my best wishes to you in your new undertaking. The area your papers serve is one of the fastest growing in Florida, and has a great future in the years ahead. I am sure that with enlightened leadership which will come from the press, civic groups and interested citizens North Palm Beach County will be an e ven better place in which to live and -work. Please express my best wishes to your staff. I hope we will have an opportunity to get together sometime soon. In the meantime, if there is ever anything we can do for you here in Washington, please do not hesitate to let me know. Sincerely yours, S/ PAUL G. ROGERS Congratulations To The Village Of N. P. B. On The Opening The NEW N.P.B. COUNTRY CLUB P.O. Box 12604 844-0363 1121 Park Ave. Lake Park E To The Opening Of The North Palm Beach Country Club Specializing In Lots And Homes In N.P.B. John F. Doran Real Estate 107 Lakeview Building North Palm Beach, Florida Phone Vi 8-1466 000000000000000000000000000000.0.00.000000000000 Congratulations to the NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB ON THE OPENING Of The New' Clubhouse Heated And Air Conitioned by ATLAS AIR CONDITIONING Corp. 2048 Indian Rd. West Palm Beach Fla. 683-2454