1985-34 Bid Award to Standard Roofing & Sheet Metal Works, Inc. RESOLUTION N0. 34-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1 FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF STANDARD ROOFING & SHEET METAL WORKS, INC. FOR REROOFING NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY. IN THE AMOUNT OF $24,447.00 FROM ACCOUNT N0. 10-571-041-34620 (R & M - BUILDING AND GROUNDS) BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1 FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Standard Roofing & Sheet Metal Works, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is T~ereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be .expended from Account No. 10-571-041-34620 (R & M - Building and Grounds) Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED T}IIS 12TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 19 85 _ .ri~_~ MAYOR ATTF,ST ~ p~~ ~~ 1 PROPOSAL TO TfiE VILLAGE Of NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Gentlemen: bidder heretndnamednhas anybinterestoin thlsaproposalnor inetheecontractetotbentaken, and that it is made without any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and 1s in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifica- tions and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of rr~~terial called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within specified time set in this proposal for the following price, and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida, to wit: DATE: September 5, 1985 Item Description Lump Sum 1.. Reroof Library per plans and specifications $ 24,447.00 2. 4larranty conditions and time.- -------•,:~ 2 year Workmanship and Material~~~- "`~---_~ 3. .Time to start 30 calendar days. 4. Time to complete 25 working days. 5. Exceptions to be listed on Page 7. -6- PROPOSAL TO THE__VILLAGE OF NORTN PALM BEACH, FLORIDA (Con'td.) REMARKS/EXCEPTIONS: NONE Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAME TITLE ADDRESS Leslie G. Knopf , President 11183 Yellow Legs Landing, Lake Worth,Fl. 33967 Frederick Knopf, Vice President,3630 Whitehall Dr. #401 Bldg.13, W. Palm Bch F Ann P. Knopf , Secretary/Treasurer,11183 Yellow Legs Landing,Lake Worth,Fl. 33967 Dean Blowers , Asst, Treasurer, 110 W. Mango, Lake Wort:h,Fl. 33967 FIRM:Standard Roofing & Sheet Metal Works, ® orporat on O artners p O Individua SIGNED BY: ~ !~/:>~1~1'- ~~ TITLE: President WITNESSES: ~ • U~~ ADDRESS: 5385 Lake Worth Rd. Lake Worth,Fl. 33463 -7-