1985-03 Bid Award to Weather Control Shutters.. RESOLUTION N0. 3-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1 FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF WEATHER CONTROL SHUTTERS, HOLLYWOOD, FL FOR SHUTTERS FOR NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY IN THE AMOUNT OF $ $18,688.00 ~ FROM ACCOUNT N0. 10-571-041-66000 SHUTTERS -CAPITAL BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Weather Control Shutters, Hollywood, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is }~ereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms, The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 10-571-041-66000 Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immedia tely upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED T}lIS 24th DAY OF JANUARY , 19 ~_ ~,1/• MAYOR ATTEST: /.i L°.. age 1 ! `1i l i PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM EEACH FLORIDA •et The undersigned, as bidder, does declare thet no other person other than the hereto named has any interest in this proposal or 1n the contract to be token. t it is wade without arr<y connection with arty other person or persons aaking 1 for the same article,•and 1s in all respects-fair and without collusion or The~underalgned further declares that he has carefully exemined the speciflca- and is thoroughly familiar with Its provisions and with the quality. type and of alateriai called for. .t TM undersigned further declares that M proposes to furnish the articles celled t.thln.•apecifted time set 1n this proposal for the fotlowinyy price, and guarantees parts and service for the articles listed below ere avaiiable within the State orida, to wit: DESCRIPTION 4. Specification A Specification A Aternate Specification B Specification B Alternate ;FROM.AWARD.OF CONTRACT: Days~to start i~ Lump Sum AMOUNT $. ~' ~~ o~ $ So68 . °= g /,2; X060 : `~ Days to complete-`{~ Q/11~5 WARRANTY EN~LOSED: Yes~_ ¢~~Control HUI7ERS, IN . RICHARD W. REIF (duality in security Boca/Delrey: 478-9000 ~ Hurricane vrotection 1$00-434.3714 keynotdsAluminum Sohn Systems 1505 South 30th Avenue • Hollywood, Florida 33040 -6- i PiF ~f0 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACM FLORIDA (Con'td.) /EXCEPTIONS: Off1a -Chr~ of ~orporetlon or Me~bers of Partnership: NAlE ~~ TITLE ADDRESS s Walker Pre~idpnt 62 ~ SW 5tti rnnrr ~i t ++ ~, II War ten Thom son Vice-President 608 NW 25th Str t W i FIRM: Weather Control Shutters, Inc, ® orporat on ~ ar~nersTiip O n v ua Weather Control Shutters, Inc. is chartered under the laws of the State of Florida. SIGNED BY: ~ ' TITLE: t KITNES ES: ' ADDRESSf ~/ 3 I ~.~,~~_ (~~ sz ,,,.~~~,~-e '3 ~oa9 -7-