R2020-64 Engineering Services for Anchorage Park Marina Dry Storage Compound Renovation ProjectRESOLUTION 2020-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING A PROPOSAL FROM ENGENUITY GROUP, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE ANCHORAGE PARK MARINA DRY STORAGE COMPOUND RENOVATION PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village is a party to a Continuing Contract for Professional Engineering Services with Engenuity Group, Inc. to perform engineering and related services as Village Engineer; and WHEREAS, Village Administration recommended accepting the proposal submitted by Engenuity Group, Inc., and two of its subconsultants, 2GHO and Smith Engineering, for professional engineering services for the Anchorage Park Marina Dry Storage Compound Renovation Project; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that adoption of this Resolution accepting the proposal from Engenuity Group, Inc. is in the best interests of the residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby approves and accepts the proposal from Engenuity Group, Inc. pursuant to the Continuing Contract for Professional Engineering Services for engineering services for the Anchorage Park Marina Dry Storage Compound Renovation Project at a total cost of $58,067.00, with funds expended from Account No. U8028-66211 (Special Revenue Recreation Grant Fund — Anchorage Park Enhancement Grant). The services shall be performed in accordance with all terms and conditions of the Continuing Contract. The Village Council further authorizes the Village Manager to execute all documents necessary to effectuate these services. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8T' -'DAY OF OCTOBER, 2020. (Villago Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK A Higher Standard of Excellence a engr , 1,UI group inc. UIGIIJEER5 SURVEYORS GIS MAPPERS C. ANDRE RAYMAN, P.S.M. KEITH B. WKSON, P.E. LISA A. TROPEPE, P.E. February 13, 2020 ADAM SWANEY, P.E.' L EED AP Revised: March 19, 2020 JU*11FER MALIN, P.S.M, Mr. Russ Ruskay Parks and Recreation Village of North Palm Beach 603 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, FL 33408 (Sent Via E -Mail: rruskay@village-npb.org) Re: Anchorage Park Boat Storage Compound and Boat Trailer Day Parking Lot North Palm Beach, Florida Engenuity Group Project No. 03045.104.14B Dear Mr. Ruskay: We are pleased to offer this proposal to render professional civil engineering & surveying services, along with planning, landscape architecture and electrical engineering services, in connection with the design of a Boat Storage Compound, Boat Trailer Day Parking Lot and North Canal Buffer (hereinafter called the "Project"). Per your recent request, this proposal will be divided into 3 parts: • Boat Storage Compound • Boat Trailer Day Parking Lot • North Canal Buffer Boat Storage Compound: North Palm Beach desires a boat/vehicle/RV storage compound to be constructed utilizing the current storage site on the north side of the park. Compound shall be enclosed by an 8' (minimum) high concrete -type wall with a secure entrance and illumination, following Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. Traffic circulation and boat/vehicle/RV spaces will be designed to maximize storage spaces. Boat Trailer Day Parking Lot: Additionally, a parking lot for vehicle/boat trailer "day" parking on the south side of the park will be similarly designed to accommodate users of the existing boat ramp. The boat wash down area will remain in its current location and be augmented with additional drainage features to help collect and convey runoff to the existing detention areas within the park. 2020 03-19 Proposal Project No. 03045.104.146 Page 1 of 4 1280 NORTH CONGRESS AVENUE, SHITE 101 WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33409 3 561.655.1151 F 501.832.9330 WWW.ENGENU1TYGROUP.COM Asphalt path connectivity will be included in the design to connect existing pathways and provide continuous pedestrian circulation in areas where it is discontinuous or missing. North Canal Buffer: Provide tree inventory for removal of exotic pest material and a landscape mitigation plan to bring area back into a natural regenerative system. Consultant shall coordinate with the Village Environmental Committee. Planting and irrigation plan shall be included and synonymous with the compound wall buffer plan. Design plans shall be generally consistent with the currently adopted "Master Plan" for Anchorage Park. This proposal will include the use of our team sub -consultants for planning/landscape, architecture/irrigation (2GHO) and electrical engineering for illumination and incidental electrical requirements (SEC). Our services as set forth in Exhibit "A" will be provided for a lump sum of $104,257.00 based on the following distribution of compensation: • Boat Storage Compound: Engenuity Group A. Survey of Existing Conditions B. Civil Design and Permitting C. Construction Administration Services Sub -consultants (Proposals attached in Exhibit "B"): D. Planning, Landscape Architecture, including Construction Administration Services (2GHO) E. Electrical Design, including Construction Administration Services (SEC) $4,300.00 $27,625.00 $8,125.00 $11,017.00 $7,000.00 Subtotal: $58,067.00 2020 03-19 Proposal Project No. 03045.104.146 Page 2 of 4 • Boat Trailer Day Parking Lot: Engenuity Group F. Survey of Existing Conditions G. Civil Design and Permitting H. Construction Administration Services Sub -consultants (Proposals attached in Exhibit "B"): I. Planning, Landscape Architecture, including Construction Administration Services (2GHO) J. Electrical Design, including Construction Administration Services (SEC) North Canal Buffer: Engenuity Group K. Survey of Existing Conditions $2,580.00 $14,875.00 $4,375.00 $11,658.00 $6,000.00 Subtotal: $39,488.00 $1,720.00 Sub -consultants (Proposals attached in Exhibit "B"): L. Planning, Landscape Architecture, including Construction Administration Services (2GHO) $4,982.00 Subtotal: $6,702.00 Permit Fees, Reproduction Charges and Reimbursable Expenses The fee for the sub -consultants will be invoiced through Engenuity and no mark-up will be added to their fee. The total fee does not include the payment of any governmental agency submittal or processing fees. The cost of printing, reproduction, facsimile, mileage, and postage are included in our fee. Invoicing and Payment Work will be invoiced on a monthly basis for work completed to date. Invoice shall be paid in full by the Client within thirty (30) days of the invoice 2020 03-19 Proposal Project No. 03045.104.14B Page 3 of 4 date, unless within such thirty (30) day period, Client notifies Engenuity Group, Inc. in writing of its objection to the amount of said invoice. Such notice shall be accompanied by payment of any undisputed portion of said invoice. If written objection is not received within thirty (30) days it shall constitute approval of invoice by Client. If the payment is not received within thirty (30) days of billing date, a late charge will be added to the invoice in the amount of 1'/2 percent per month on the outstanding balance. If payment is not received within sixty (60) days of the invoice date, work may be suspended on the project until the outstanding invoice(s) are paid in full. This proposal and Exhibit "A" and "B" represent the entire understanding between you and us with respect to the Project. If this satisfactorily sets forth your understanding of our scope of services, we would appreciate you providing written authorization to proceed. PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES §558.0035 (2013) AN INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE OR AGENT MAY NOT BE HELD INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE FOR NEGLIGENCE , Sincerely, Af, /� � l -/ Adam Swaney, P.E. Director of Engineering Accepted this 91+�—day of Och �6 e- r , 2020. By: �-.. (Owner) Approved by: Keith B. Jackson, P.E. Vice President 2020 03-19 Proposal Project No. 03045.104.14B Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT "A" Anchorage Park- Boat Storage Compound and Boat Trailer Day Parking Lot Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Engenuity Group Project No. 03045.104.14B ENGINEER'S SERVICES: A1.01 Topographic Surveying A. Establish horizontal and vertical control. B. Set temporary benchmarks for CONTRACTOR's use during construction. C. Locate existing drainage and sanitary structures with invert elevations, driveways, trees, landscaping, utility poles/lines, and all other above ground items within the two parking areas (dry storage and day parking). D. Prepare topographic survey for use as engineering base map and updated survey. E. Elevations will be gathered in National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 to be consistent with all previous survey work completed. A conversion factor to NAVD 88 datum will be noted on the survey. A1.02 Design Services A. Prepare drawings indicating the scope, extent, and character of the paving, grading, drainage and security wall work to be performed and furnished by the CONTRACTOR. A performance specification for the security wall will be provided to allow for consistent and similar wall types to be allowed in the bidding process. B. Specifications shall be in note format on plans. C. Provide technical criteria, written descriptions, and design data for filing a permit application to the Village of NPB, SFWMD for new/modified Environmental Resource Permit for drainage features and NPDES Notice of Intent. EXHIBIT "A" — ENGINEER'S SERVICES 202003-19 Project No. 03045.104.14B PAGE 1 OF 2 D. This proposal does not include the following: 1. Preparation of a dewatering permit for the contractor, if necessary. 2. Reproduction of drawings and specifications for CONTRACTOR'S use during construction. 3. Design of landscaping, irrigation, or lighting/electric. See separate sub consultant proposals. 4. Geotechnical field-testing services during construction. 5. Construction survey/stakeout and preparation of record drawings. 6. Any Environmental analysis of wetlands, uplands or vegetation. A1.03 Bidding Services A. Assist client in advertising and obtaining bids for site work. Client shall prepare bid manual as necessary. A1.04 Construction Phase Services A. Attend preconstruction meeting with Village staff and selected contractor and issue minutes. B. Provide periodic construction observations over the project duration, in conjunction with Village Staff for construction quality control purposes. Attend construction site meetings as necessary. C. Provide review and approval of periodic pay requests, requests for information, clarifications and interpretations as required. D. Provide construction completion certification to Village and SFWMD and NPDES Notice of Completion. EXHIBIT "A" — ENGINEER'S SERVICES 202003-19 Project No. 03045.104.14B PAGE 2OF2 Landscape Architects 1 Planners Environmental Consultants. GENTILE GLAS I HOLLOWAY O'MAHON EY& Associates, Inc. WORK ORDER #x Anchorage Park - North Palm Beach Phase 2B Additional Services 2GHO PROJECT #17-0609.3 Boat Storage Enclosure December 6, 2019, Revised February 17, 2020, March 17, 2020 Design Approach / Scope LC00901,; George G. Gentile FASLA M. Troy Holloxvay ASLA Emily A O'Mahoney ASLA Dodi Buckmaster Glas AICP The Landscape Architect continue from the conceptual level drawings done to date refine and detail the boat yard wall, layout and landscape. TASK 7 PHASE 2B BOAT YARD WALL ADDITIONAL: The Landscape Architect will provide layout confirmation and provide modifications for wall enclosure and parking spaces assuring circulation works and the wall is screened from the outside. The canal buffer will be part of Phase 9. Provide construction documentation on the wall, wall planting and irrigation. TASK 7A DELIVERY: Prepare Auto -turn documents for parking and circulation Final parking lot and wall layout Prepare a planting plan for the outside walls of the enclosure Prepare an irrigation plan for the outside walls of the enclosure Wall / Grille details and specifications Assist in grant exhibit requirements Provide preliminary cost estimates FEE TOTAL: $6,292.00 30% Plans 60% Plans 90% Plans 100% Plans REIMBURSEMENT ALLOTMENT: $50.00 TIMING: As Directed TASK 7B DELIVERY: MEETINGS Prepare or assist in PowerPoint presentation ($1,240.00 full) (1) Public Meeting(s) ($680.00) (1) Committee Meetings ($680.00) FEE: $2,600.00 <<_ 1907 Commerce Lane, Suite 101 Jupiter, Florida 33458 1561-575-9557 1561-575-5260 Fax www.2gho.com REIMBURSEMENT ALLOTMENT: $85.00 TIMING: As Directed TASK 7C DELIVERY: Construction Administration Services Punch Lists Up to four (4) team/field meetings Final Certification FEE: $1,940.00 REIMBURSEMENT ALLOTMENT: $50.00 TIMING: As Directed TASK 8 PHASE 2B DAY BOAT PARKING LOT: The Landscape Architect will provide parking layout confirmation assuring circulation works for boat trailers and vehicles. TASK 8A DELIVERY: Prepare Auto -turn documents for parking and circulation Layout the trail walkway, connecting to existing Modify and update the planting plan for the area Prepare an irrigation plan Assist in grant exhibit requirements Provide preliminary cost estimates FEE TOTAL: $5,838.00 30% Plans 60% Plans 90% Plans 100% Plans REIMBURSEMENT ALLOTMENT: $50.00 TIMING: As Directed TASK 8B DELIVERY: MEETINGS Prepare or assist in PowerPoint presentation ($1,240.00 full) (1) Public Meeting(s) ($680.00) (1) Committee Meetings ($680.00) FEE: $2,600.00 REIMBURSEMENT ALLOTMENT: $50.00 TIMING: As Directed TASK 8C DELIVERY: Construction Administration Services Punch Lists Up to five (5) team/field meetings Final Certification FEE: $3,020.00 REIMBURSEMENT ALLOTMENT: $100.00 TIMING: As Directed TASK 9 NORTH CANAL EMBANKMENT: The Landscape Architect will provide tree inventory for removal of exotic pest material and a landscape mitigation plan to bring it back into a natural regenerative system. The Consultant will meet and work with the Environmental Committee. Provide construction documentation on the wall, planting and irrigation. 2 Page K:\Company Information\Client Pro posals\Engenuity\Anchorage Park\2GHO Add'I Services Anchorage Park 17-0612.36 Engenuity.doc TASK 9A DELIVERY: Inventory trees and exotics on north buffer Prepare a mitigation planting plan for the canal bank to buffer enclosure Prepare an irrigation plan for the outside walls of the enclosure Assist in grant exhibit requirements Provide preliminary cost estimates FEE TOTAL: $2,858.00 30% Plans 60% Plans 90% Plans 100% Plans REIMBURSEMENT ALLOTMENT: $50.00 TIMING: As Directed TASK 9B DELIVERY: MEETINGS As part of other meetings FEE: $0.00 REIMBURSEMENT ALLOTMENT: $85.00 .00 TIMING: As Directed TASK 9C DELIVERY: Construction Administration Services Punch Lists Up to four (4) team/field meetings Final Certification FEE: $1,960.00 REIMBURSEMENT ALLOTMENT: $29.00 TIMING: As Directed 3 Page K:\Company Information\Client Pro posals\Engenuity\Anchorage Park\2GHO Add'I Services Anchorage Park 17-0612.3r3 Engenuity.doc Smith Engineering r Consultants,, Inc. March 18, 2020 Mr. Keith Jackson, P.E. Engenuity Group 1280 N. Congress Ave., Suite 101 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Re: Village of North Palm Beach- Anchorage Park, Boat Ramp Parking Lot Electrical Engineering Services Proposal Dear Keith: Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. (SEC) is pleased to provide this proposal for the above referenced project. We propose to provide the following scope of services: Design Phase: 1. Initial site visit and review of project plans. 2. Coordinate with FPL for electric service, and design the electrical service point for the site. 3. Prepare lighting calculations (photornetrics) within the project site to indicate design illumination levels for permitting. Light pole and fixture selection will be coordinated with the project team. 4. Parking lot lighting design in accordance with Illuminating Engineering Society standards, the National Electrical Code, and applicable local codes. 5. Electrical distribution design to provide power to the parking lot lighting system in accordance with the National Electrical Code and applicable local codes. 6. Prepare AutoCAD drawings to describe the electrical service point, pole/.fixture locations, circuitry, and lighting details, suitable for bidding, permitting, and- construction. We propose to furnish drawings in AutoCAD format using base plan drawings provided by Engenuity Group. Our lump sum fee to provide the design phase services described above is $3,000. 2161 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 312 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 (561 ) 61 6-391 1 Fax (561) 616-3912 t�tsr• Construction Phase: 1. Review electrical equipment shop drawings. 2. Respond to contractor requests for information (RFI's) and review change order requests. 3. Attend one (1) construction meeting/site visit during construction. 4. Perform a final inspection and prepare a punch list. 5. Measure final illumination levels at night and prepare a letter of certification for the building department. 6. Prepare record drawings based upon contractor "as -built" drawings. Our lump sum fee to provide the construction phase services described above is $3,000. Thank you for using Smith Engineering Consultants as the source for these engineering services. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, Larry M. Smith, P. E. President Smith Engineering r Consultants, Inc. March 18, 2020 Mr. Keith Jackson, P.E. Engenuity Group 1280 N. Congress Ave., Suite 101 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Re: Village of North Palm Beach- Anchorage Park, Dry Storage Parking Lot Electrical Engineering Services Proposal Dear Keith: Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. (SEC) is pleased to provide this proposal for the above referenced project. We propose to provide the following scope of services: Design Phase: 1. Initial site visit and review of project plans. 2. Coordinate with FPL for electric service, and design the electrical service point for the site. 3. Prepare lighting calculations (photometrics) within the project site to indicate design illumination levels for permitting. Light pole and fixture selection will be coordinated with the project team. 4. Parking lot lighting design in accordance with Illuminating Engineering Society standards, the National Electrical Code, and applicable local codes. 5. Electrical distribution design to provide power to the parking lot lighting system and gate operator in accordance with the National Electrical Code and applicable local codes. 6. Prepare AutoCAD drawings to describe the electrical service point, pole/fixture locations, circuitry, and lighting details, suitable for bidding, permitting, and construction. We propose to furnish drawings in AutoCAD format using base plan drawings provided by Engenuity Group. Our lump sum fee to provide the design phase services described above is $4,000. 2.161 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 312 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 (561) 61 6-391 1 Fax (561) 61 6-391 2 Construction Phase: 1. Review electrical equipment shop drawings. 2. Respond to contractor requests for information (BFI's) and review change order requests. 3. Attend one (1) construction meeting/site visit during construction. 4. Perform a final inspection and prepare a punch list. 5. Measure final illumination levels at night and prepare a letter of certification for the building department. 6. Prepare record drawings based upon contractor "as -built" drawings. Our lump sum fee to provide the construction phase services described above is $3,000. Thank you for using Smith Engineering Consultants as the source for these engineering services. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, 0 Larry M. Smith, P. E. President