2020-05 Code Amendment - Implementing Citizens Master Plan to Comprehensive PlanORDINANCE NO. 2020-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO IMPLEMENT THE CITIZEN'S MASTER PLAN AND ADDRESS THE VILLAGE'S COMMERCIAL CORRIDORS; AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND THE TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village wishes to amend its Comprehensive Plan to implement the Citizen's Master Plan Report and address the Village's commercial corridors to facilitate development and redevelopment opportunities; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments address the following elements: A. Amend the Future Land Use Element to promote pedestrian and bicycle activity in the commercial corridors, provide an exemption for floor area ratios to implement to the Citizen's Master Plan, promote mixed use development and redevelopment, increase residential density in Commercial designations, eliminate height restrictions (to be addressed in the Zoning Code), and modify the workforce housing density bonus; and B. Amend the Transportation Element to provide exceptions to Level of Service Standards for specified arterial and collector roadways within the Village's corporate limits. WHEREAS, on July 7, 2020, the Planning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, conducted a public hearing to review the proposed amendments to the Village Comprehensive Plan and provide a recommendation to the Village Council; and WHEREAS, having conducted all of the duly advertised public hearings required by Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Village Council wishes to amend its Comprehensive Plan and determines that the adoption of this Ordinance is in the interests of the health, safety and welfare of the residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and correct and are incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby adopts the revisions to the Village of North Palm Comprehensive Plan attached hereto as Composite Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference (additional language underlined and deleted language stf eke +i,,.o g ) Page 1 of 2 Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be effective thirty-one (31) days after the Department of Economic Opportunity notifies the Village that the plan amendment package is complete or, if timely challenged, this Ordinance shall be effective upon entry of a final order by the Department of Economic Opportunity or the Administration Commission determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 13TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2020. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 24TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2020. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: VILLAGE ATTORNEY Page 2 of 2 1 3.0 FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT 2 Policy 1.A.4: Land Development regulations adopted to implement this 3 Comprehensive Plan shall be based on and be consistent with the following 4 standards for non-residential land use intensities as indicated below: 5 a. Location shall be in accordance with the Future Land Use Map. 6 Commercial uses shall not be permitted within areas designated for 7 residential development on the Future Land Use Map Series; 8 b. Maximum lot coverage ratio shall be governed by applicable land 9 development regulations; 10 c. Maximum building height shall be governed by applicable land 11 development regulations and shall be consistent with the Village of 12 Report, adopted by Resolution 13 2016-73 on October 27, 2016, and compatible with neighboring land 14 uses; and 15 d. Adequate off-street parking and loading facilities. 16 e. Maximum Floor-Area-Ratios for non-residential land uses shall be 17 established as follows: 18 1. Commercial, religious, and institutional land uses: A maximum 19 of 0.70 for mixed-use development and 0.35 for all other non- 20 residential land uses along U.S. Highway No. 1, north of the Parker 21 Bridge; a maximum of 1.10 along U.S. Highway No. 1, from the 22 Parker Bridge, south to Northlake Boulevard; a maximum of 0.70 23 along U.S. Highway No. 1, south of Northlake Boulevard; and a 24 maximum of 0.70 along Northlake Boulevard and S.R. Alternate A- 25 1-A. The following areas Twin City Mall site shall be exempt from 26 this requirement to implement the 2016 27 The Twin City Mall site, and subject to the latest land development 28 regulations of the C-3 zoning district, which have been was jointly 29 developed by the Village and the Town of Lake Park. 30 The C-MU zoning district along U.S. Highway No. 1, updated in 31 32 Other key redevelopment sites that are explicitly identified in the 33 34 Master Plan. 35 2. Public Buildings And Grounds Uses: A maximum of 0.25. 36 3. Educational Uses: A maximum of 0.15; 37 4. Other Public Facilities Uses: A maximum of 0.30. 38 5. Recreation and Open Space Uses: A maximum of 0.05 39 6. Light Industrial/Business Uses: A maximum of 0.45. 40 Policy 1.A.9: In 2020, the Village shall revised its land development 41 regulations and this Comprehensive Plan no later than 2019 to implement the 42 43 Master Plan Report, adopted by Resolution 2016-73 on October 27, 2016. Page 1 of 6 1 OBJECTIVE 1.B: The Village desires to enhance certain aging commercial 2 corridors that have Mixed-use developments may be permitted through the 3 commercial planned unit development approval process in areas with a 4 Commercial Future Land Use designation, as depicted on the Future Land Use 5 Map Series. into walkable and bikeable centers of vibrant activity. Current 6 business uses along these corridors will be supplemented with new residential 7 and mixed-use development as described in Policy 1.B.4. 8 Policy 1.B.1: The following use and intensity standards shall be used to 9 promote land use efficiency in mixed-use infill and redevelopment 10 activities, and determine maximum mixed-use development potential on a 11 given parcel of land: 12 1. Maximum development potential: Maximum commercial mixed- 13 use development potential is subject to the floor-area limitations 14 established in Policy 1.A.4, subject to the application of the Village's 15 land development regulations. 16 2. Permitted uses: Permitted uses shall be specified in each zoning 17 district that allows mixed-use development (see Policy 1.B.4). Each 18 mixed-use development must contain a residential component, 19 together with at least one non-residential component consisting of 20 uses authorized in the assigned underlying commercial zoning 21 district, subject to conditions of approval. 22 3. Mix of uses: The non-residential component of a mixed-use 23 development must comprise a minimum of 10% the gross floor area. 24 The residential component of a mixed-use development must 25 contain a minimum of 25% of the gross floor area. 26 3. 4. Residential density: Dwelling units in Commercial designations 27 The residential component of a mixed-use development shall not 28 exceed a density of 24 12 units per acre or as further limited by 29 zoning district regulations. Developments that qualify for the 30 workforce housing density bonus described in Policy 1.B.2 may 31 construct up to 12 additional units per acre). 32 4. 6. Height limitations: With the exception of those properties 33 located along U.S. Highway 1, The maximum height of a mixed-use 34 development shall be limited to that allowed by the underlying 35 commercial or mixed-use zoning district. The maximum height for 36 mixed-use developments with frontage along U.S. Highway 1 is 37 related to the depth of the property, as measured from the U.S. 38 Highway 1 right-of-way, as follows: 39 250 feet or less: Maximum height of 2 stories 40 Greater than 250 feet to 300 feet: Maximum height of 3 stories 41 Greater than 300 feet: Maximum height of 4 stories Page 2 of 6 1 Policy 1.B.2: Workforce housing density bonus: The maximum 2 residential density of a mixed-use development may shall be increased 3 from 12 to 24 to 36 units per acre provided that either: (a) bonus units are 4 constructed on-site; or (2) (b) funding is provided to assist in an workforce 5 affordable housing program in another jurisdiction or an appropriate 6 alternative, as determined by the Village of North Palm Beach. If 7 alternative (a) is selected, 50% of the bonus units shall be affordable 8 qualify for any of the four (4) eligible income group categories based on 9 Average Median Income (AMI) as defined by the set forth in the County's 10 Workforce Housing Program income guidelines. No more than 50% of the 11 workforce housing units shall be in the 120-140% category. If alternative 12 (b) is selected, an amount equal to 5% of the cost of the vertical 13 construction of the bonus units shall be contributed to the Palm Beach 14 County Affordable Housing Trust Fund, or other appropriate alternative, 15 as determined by the Village of North Palm Beach. 16 Policy 1.B.3: Assisted Living Facilities, as defined in Section 429.02(5) 17 of the Florida Statutes and licensed by the Florida Agency for Health Care 18 Administration may be permitted as mixed-use developments through the 19 commercial planned unit development approval process, or the special 20 21 regulations, subject to the following use and intensity standards: 22 1. A mixed-use Assisted Living Facility shall provide assistance 23 with activities of daily living, as defined in Section 429.02(1) of 24 the Florida Statutes and special care for persons with memory 25 disorders, as regulated by Section 429.178 of the Florida 26 Statutes. 27 2. Required uses: Each mixed-use Assisted Living Facility shall 28 contain a residential component, together with a non-residential 29 component consisting of administrative offices, central kitchen 30 and communal dining facilities, and separate or shared spaces 31 for the provision of medical, recreation, social, religious, and 32 personal services. 33 3. Mix of required uses: The residential component shall 34 comprise a minimum of 50% and the non-residential component 35 shall comprise a maximum of 20% of the gross floor area of a 36 mixed-use Assisted Living Facility. 37 4. Maximum floor area: Maximum mixed-use Assisted Living 38 Facility development potential is subject to the floor-area 39 limitations established in Policy 1.A.4, subject to the application 40 of the Village's land development regulations. 41 5. Maximum resident occupancy: The residential density of a 42 mixed-use Assisted Living Facility may be increased by the 43 Village Council to an equivalent of 24 units per acre. The 44 maximum resident occupancy shall then be determined by 45 multiplying the equivalent residential density by 1.97 residents 46 per unit. Maximum resident occupancy shall be determined on a 47 project-by-project basis based upon an assessment of site Page 3 of 6 1 characteristics and the application of Village land development 2 regulations. 3 6. Height limitations: The maximum height of a mixed-use 4 Assisted Living Facility shall be determined by the application of 5 Policy 1.B.1.6. 6 7. Waivers for reductions in minimum dwelling unit size and 7 parking requirements may be requested during the commercial 8 planned unit development or other authorized approval process. 9 Policy 1.B.4: Specific additional development limitations and conditions 10 on proposed Residential and mixed-use developments may be approved 11 in areas with a Commercial Future Land Use designation in order to 12 achieve a mixed-use development pattern. The Village may use any of 13 the following mechanisms to achieve the desired pattern: shall be 14 established, as necessary, by the Village 15 The mixed-use provisions in the C-MU zoning district along US. 16 Highway No. 1 between Yacht Club Drive and the Earman River, 17 which are intended to evolve that district into a mixed-use 18 development pattern that remains predominately commercial along 19 US Highway No. 1. 20 The mixed-use provisions in the C-T zoning district in the southwest 21 portion of the Village. 22 Through The commercial planned unit development process in other 23 zoning districts. 24 Special Policy 5.6: As a means of enhancing the commercial character 25 of the area along Northlake Boulevard through renovation and/or 26 redevelopment, maintain a waiver process the Commercial Planned Unit 27 Development (CPUD) ordinance which may allows proposed projects to 28 depart from the strict interpretations of the Zoning Code if, after review by 29 the Village, it is found that said projects are in compliance with the North 30 Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan and meet standards in the Zoning 31 Code. 32 Special Policy 5.16: The 0.43 acre lot located at the southwest corner of 33 Prosperity Farms Road and Honey Road (Map 5 of the Future Land Use 34 Map Atlas) shall be assigned a Commercial Future Land Use Map 35 designation in order to support its current use. The current use may be 36 maintained consistent with the provisions of Sections 45-63 (non- 37 conforming uses) and 45-64 (non-conforming structures) of the Village 38 Code; however, any future change in use shall be consistent with those 39 uses permitted in the C-T C-C transitional Commercial District. 40 Special Policy 5.18: Residential development on the property delineated 41 as "Special Policy 5.18 5.16" on Map 3B of the Future Land Use Map 42 Atlas shall be limited to a maximum of 16 residential units. Page 4 of 6 1 OBJECTIVE 6: The Village shall encourage infill development and 2 redevelopment along the Northlake Boulevard and U.S. Highway No.1 corridors. 3 Policy 6.1: Development and redevelopment activities along the 4 Northlake Boulevard corridor shall conform to the requirements of in the 5 Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zone, as illustrated on Figure 3-8, shall 6 conform with the special land development regulations adopted by the 7 Village of North Palm Beach for the Northlake Boulevard corridor as well 8 as the requirements of the Village's Comprehensive Plan and underlying 9 zoning districts. 10 Policy 6.2: Mixed-use development and redevelopment is encouraged 11 along the U.S. Highway No.1 corridor by the Village through the 12 provisions of the C-MU and C-T and may also be permitted through the 13 commercial planned unit development approval process, consistent with 14 the density and intensity criteria stated in Objective 1.B. 15 3.5.4 Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zone Map The Northlake Boulevard 16 Overlay Zone is illustrated on Maps 3C and 5 appropriate maps in the Future 17 Land Use Map Atlas. All properties within the overlay zone are illustrated on 18 Maps 3C and 5 of the Future Land Use Map Atlas Development and 19 redevelopment activities are subject to the special land development regulations 20 adopted by the Village of North Palm Beach for the Northlake Boulevard corridor. 21 adopted under the Overlay Zone ordinance. TABLE 3-1 LAND USE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM For purposes of the Comprehensive Plan, the following land use classifications, which are applicable to North Palm Beach, are used to describe existing land uses in the Village. The classifications are consistent with those defined in Chapter 9J5, F.A.C. and concurrent with the Village's perception of use. Residential: Land uses and activities within land areas used predominantly for housing and excluding all tourist accommodations. Commercial: Land uses and activities within land areas which are predominantly related to the sale, rental and distribution of products and the provision or performance of services. Within the Commercial classification, residential and other uses may also be permitted in accordance with the mixed-use policies of the Comprehensive Plan regulations. \[remainder of Table 3-1 deleted for brevity\] \[the identical changes are being made to Table 1 in the Future Land Use Atlas\] 22 Page 5 of 6 1 4.0 TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT 2 Policy 1.2: Consistent with the adopted Palm Beach County traffic 3 performance standards, the Village shall maintain a peak hour Level-Of- 4 Service (LOS) standard of "D" for all Arterial and Collector roadways 5 within the corporate limits, consistent with Article 12, Chapter B of the 6 Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code (Ref: Table 4-1). 7 with these exceptions: 8 Prosperity Farms Road between Northlake Boulevard and Burns 9 Road, which is designated as a Constrained Roadway at a Lower 10 Level of Service (CRALLS) facility (see Figure 4-5, Policies 1.3 11 and 1.4, and Table 11-1). 12 Transportation concurrency exception area(s) that are designated 13 in the comprehensive plans of the Village of North Palm Beach 14 and Palm Beach County. 15 16 17 Page 6 of 6