Easter NPB Country Club (The Sun) 4-18-63r I t �HAVTNG A E PALM BEACH GARDENS 'HAT TIME' IN THE OLD TOWN (Sunpaper Photos) Mr. and Mrs. Bev Smith, married just 24 years and co -builders of their successful auto agency, look over new showroom opening next week in Lake Park. Parachutists will .drop ,'" ■ rt�fi .sky, band<5 , �: -;i — M"'24 ® f "In--` _ _ ema"'all rw car with be given away -----and the new Bev Smith auto showroom 'in Lake Park will open. The doings will occur B m a, 32, the held prior to public ses- press his fight for defeat April 26, 27 and 28 at the showroom on Route 1 Jake o s youngest mayor ever elec- sions. From these ses- observers feel, have of the proposed charter, now awaiting legislative north of Park Avenue. takesst ted in Riviera Beach, takeEverything sions, come agreements which review in Taland will be free, office Wednesday night With are voted upon in routine for public eleectctioonn of a including a chance to es- a good 'prospect that fu- fashion, without full dis- nine -man charter the number of mar- ture City Council meetings cussion. sion that would draft a com- bles in a sealed glass bowl will be exciting. The is almost He also is expected to after public and thus be eligible to win excitement hearings.atter a Falcon. certain to be supplied by Jaeger iand several other Those who miss out on the'Falcon will have a H a r o l d Jaeger, stormy president of the Taxpayers BAND CONCERT councilmen have been ' at odds for years on various chance at a deep freezer, Association, who will be projects, and whether he bicycles (s e v e n Colum- installed as a councilman. The Riviera High will be elected chairman bias), or miniature Fords Jaeger was elected on a School band will give a to succeed Robert H. Carl - (50 of them). good -government platform "there concert Sunday at Kel- son, whom he defeated at Arrangements are being and has said that sey Parkin Lake Park. the election, is believed made for the Jupiter Band are a number of things The public is invited to doubtful. to la at 7;30 m Friday play P 'll be lkin,� into with Ioo hear the band play in Most iobservers believe and the Riviera Beach band great interest. Jaeger may a council l eurge urclosed appreciation to the for money do- the new chairman will be at 7:30 pm Saturday. Friendshipto 90 eliminate meet t o w n nated toward the band s Max H a' mm a r, cu rrently Sunda the ings which often have been uniforms. (Continued on Page 3)1 (Continued on Page 3) American Cancer Society workers make plans for benefit fashion show to be pre- sented April 29 at 2 p.m. at the Racquet Club on Singer Island. Left to right, Mrs. Edward Costello, Mrs. Charles Edington, Mrs. Arthur Yount, Mrs. S. W. Lott, Mrs. Walter Dolan and Mrs Joseph Angelicchio. Marge Spinney's will present the noted fashion designer, Mr. Dino, with his collection of sport clothes. Tickets will be on sale at the doorfor $1.50 and at Marge Spinney's store. APRIL 27 IS BEAUTIFICATION DAY IN LP Mayor William Brant signs proclamation naming Saturday, April 27, as Beauti- fication Day in Lake Park, and urging all residents to cooperate by planting trees ,and shrubs. With the mayor are, left to right, Mrs. Edward Higgins, Mrs. Emily S. Van Dyke, Mrs. Harry E. Bell and Mrs. Methyle Morris. Today, volunteers will stake S e m 1 n o 1 e Boulevard and Flagler Boulevard. Volunteers are asked to appear with garden tools at 8 am April 27 on Seminole Boulevard. John D. MacArthur is do- nating decorative rocks for the project.