Course Review NPCC (FL Golf Journal)M .4 Perhaps Jack's gone too Far this Orne. If you card a low number, you'll call this one of his greatest works. If you limp home in triple digits thanks to a multiplic- ity of three putts, you'll mutter his name in your sleep. The greatest golfer in history, now one of the game's most renowned designers, has a catalog of triumphant designs to his name, and seemingly adds another every week. North Pala Beach Country Club, a project that hit close to home for the Golden Bear, is one of the most recent addi- tions. It's also one of the most noteworthy for several reasons. First and foremost, Nicklaus charged the Village of North Palmi Beach dust $ 1 for the redesign, since the course is only a few miles from his family home and thus has a special place in his heart. Second, unlike many of his projects, at Forth Palm Beach he vas not given an endless landscape of dynamic land. buries household appliances randomly beneath putting surf aces. You will not escape a' this course \vit�noi �t a trio of triple swipes, at the very least.-� Nicklaus makes you gamble early, as the short par- 4 third hole brings glory or goat, and little in between. ,'our dramatically uphill approach of only about 100 yards requires t� a precision and guile. If [aa fi A'. , �a EI i fC you play too safe ai'�c r F rw ,., ,„E„, ,�y, , r� u overshoot the green, ?; your return chip or putt ��oI'Grt pe- ;Tctn 1O' e 6 ^-' t is liable to go right back �- NWS,• !1 C1 r r i �-- off the front. Pull up t�!r f /_+.-ti.- 1 short, and your ball will F�� i 32 h a ib .5 G,66.3 i L�tJ i zip back at you 50-70 d � �'?C, r :r 0. -7 r� yards, leaving you with f virtually the same shot pean : �”` "on c `' I a ain. This is the hole Off Season, IT, 6 3b where John Daly would 'ik'�4lUc.;� c'•�n �a�e�c;-f t slap his ball Into the �J� .U� r .�f Ju � -`^ woods and stomp off. While the acreage of Forth Palm Beach Country Club, which originally opened in 192.7 and underwent major reno- { vation in 1963, would make any real 4��4fUtfV.4rt�ic�e ;��!� arc = -„...�..m-..K.- �r�-....re-n-V?=;=--•Mr._�arex ,-,=^r.�-- a •r--;a-.�r,” E estate developer salivate due to its prime location on a prime corner of the Intracoastal Waterway, it's a rather cramped and flat location for 18 holes. The challenge for Nicklaus was to fashion an undulating and provoca- tive golf course one that is playable for seniors with still enough muscle for today's young hitters. He has succeeded. Nicklaus got quite creative in adding several hun- dred yards length tO the course, re- routing several holes, and adding tee boxes where the unimaginative might think impossible. The 319 -yard eleventh hole is another love it or hate it moment. Assistant Pro Robert Lane says 1 absolutely despised this hole the first time I played it, and with each successive rout I gree to appreciate it more. Now it's one of my favorites on rhe course." Numerous raid -fairway 1. and bordering sand traps mak a � j make riy tee- Cf'9vt i iii t`_�T i i� on 1 1, but it's a rare design in that driver, fair- way metal, long iron and x EG t� IC �yO dlt! ti� �`«0' -, �� even C� 6 -iron ai e possible !`^ 7 ++}" t4 ;5,�} �iZ r -.pa 1wP'at`.J'7^I' Cs -"x.+. v' .k .f ..ea+ - But the memorable art r Y -- �=- _� part o f North Palm i"T-1---..���.�. ���_ . �.� ���, ., }� .tit .. , s��� .. .�:� } �. ,.�. ._ _ �:�, -� .. The h eavi options. T tiny, Beach Country Club, the part that will impel high praise or high ly sloped green makes your approach club and angle critical. cT. itICISrn is tlee� lis. / 1 i i You can play this hole 10 different ways s and still nor, have a solid strategy. Lip and do��lii and ai ouria and over ani rhrc,,_� Y-,�? -round' i f once more you've never played h, s�. tt's like Forth Palm Reach Country Club is owned by the city and , P y greens li=�e i_ 7 - Donald Ross meets a demonic Torn Fazio mLers g��y who offers memberships as well as public play. 10 1 Florida Goff Journal