1984-04 Publish General ElectionRESOLUTION ~No. 4-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARILIA DIRECTING THE V7T7Af.'F CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF THE GENERAL. ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MARCH 13, 1984; NAMING THE TIME AND PLACE WHERE SUCH ELECTION SHALL BE HELD; APP07NLZNG THE ELECTION OFFICIALS FOR THE GII9ERAL ELECTION AND RUN-OFF WHEREAS, The Charter of the Village provides for a general election to beheld on the second Tuesday in March of each year; and WHEREAS, There are three offices to be filled at the general election ELECTION; DECJARING THE OFFICES TO BE FILLED AT SUCH ELECTION. to be held in the Village on the second Tuesday in March, 1984; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID BY THE VIISAGE OOUNCIL OF NORTH PAis4 ~ BEACH, FLARIDA: Section 1. That a general election shall be held, and is hereby declared to be held in the Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, between the hours of 7:00 A. M.'and 7:00 P. M. on the 13th day of March, 1984, for the purpose of electing members to the Village Council to ~~ fill such offices in Groups 1, 3 and 5, for a period of two years each. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to cause a notice of said election to be published in the Palm Beach Post-Times once at least fifteen days prior to said election. Said notice shall be substantially in the following form: NOTICE OF GE[~RAL. ELECTION MARCH 13, 1984 TU ALL QUALIFIID ELECTORS RESIDING IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PRIM BEACH, PALM BEACH OOUNTY, FIARIDA: By order of the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, notice is hereby given that a general election will be held in said Village on the 13th day of March, 1984 for the purpose of I electing crnmci]men for the following offices, to-wit: Village Councilman, Group 1 (2-year term) I Village Councilman, Group 3 (2-year term) l! Village Councilman, Group 5 (2-year term) Said election will beheld in the Village of North Palm Beach, and 1 polling places are designated as Faith Lutheran Church, Precinct 48; Council Chmnbers, Village Hall, Precinct 49; Old Port Cove, Recreation Roan between the North and South Quay Buildings, Precinct 50; North County Courthouse, Precinct 34; Elk's Lodge No. 2069, Precinct 52; and St. Clare's Church, Precinct 53. The polls will be open in the voting places from 7:00 A. M. Lentil 7:00 P. M. The following inspectors, deputies and clerks have been designated and appointed by the Village Council for the purpose of conducting said election: Faith Lutheran Church, Precinct 48: Inspectors: Caryl B. Brawn Shirley A. Detera Barbara C. Duke Earlene P. Gerlach Janet N. Heaton Nancy Jean Butterfield Deputy: Harold H. Hall, Sr. Clerk: Carol R. Goldstine Council Chambers, VilLsge Hall, Precinct 49: '~J Inspectors: Margo J. Born Joyce F. Brown Betsey P. Collins. Barbara A. Hill Regina K. Johnson Jtne L: Mosier Georgene G. Skaryd Deputy: John R. Kenney Clerk: Linda R. Wilkins Old Port Cove Roan between the North and South s, ec ct Inspectors: Mary M. Butterworth Thelma J. Deal Jetta M. Steed Millicent Walter Deputy: Carol T. Merlon Clerk: Jean H. Corcoran North County Courthouse, Precinct 34: Inspectors: Bertha D. Koehler Dorothy H. Perkins Annmarie K. Roll Deputy: Fielder M. Bowles Clerk: Margaret L. Hutcheson -2- ELk's LxlQe No. 2069, Precinct 52: Inspectors: Barbara B. Bedwell Enna A. Brawn Florence E. Daniels Pearl B. Duran Roberta R. Ladeda Helen Levy Barbara C. Nichols Martha L. Schultz Deputy: Olive Anderson ' Clerk: Gertrude K. Zentgraf St. Clare's Church, Precinct 53: Inspectors: Muriel B. Higbee Florence K. Korff Rose L. Krische Margaret I. Scully Deputy: Thomas M. Scully Clerk: Cathryn W. Mitchell The above officials have also been designated and appointed by the Village Council for the purpose of conducting the special run-off election to beheld on the fourth Tuesday in March, 1984, if such becotres necessary. PUBLISH: Palm Beach Post Section 3. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to secure and furnish to the inspectors, deputies and clerks in charge of the polling places an the day of the election a certified list of the qualified electors appearing on the registration books. Section 4. The inspectors, deputies and clerks of said general election to beheld on March 13, 1984 are hereby appointed as follows: Faith Lutheran Church, Precinct 48: Inspectors: Caryl B. Brown Shirley A. Deters Barbara C. Duke Earlene P. Gerlach Janet N. Heaton Nancy Jean Butterfield Deputy: Harold H. Hall, Sr. ' Clerk: Carol R. Goldstine Cotmcil Chambers, Village Hall, Precinct 49: Inspectors: Deputy: Margo J. Born Joyce F. Brown Betsey P. Collins Barbara A. Hill Regina K. Johnson Jtnte L. Mosier Georgene G. Skaryd John R. xenney Clerk: Linda R. Wilkins -3- Old Port Cove Recreation Room between the North and South y s, ecinct Inspectors: Mary M. Butterworth Thelma J. Deal Jetta M. Steed Millicent Walter L~ Deputy: Carol T. Melon Clerk: Joan H. Corcoran North County Courthouse, Precinct 34: Inspectors: Bertha D, Koehler Dorothy H. Perkins Antmvtrie K. Roll Deputy: Fielden M. Bowles Clerk: Margaret L. Hutcheson Elk's Lodge No. 20691 Precinct 52: Inspectors:. Barbara B. Bedwell Enna A, Bm~nt Florence E. Daniels Pearl B, Doran Roberta R, Ladeda Helen Levy Barbara C. Nichols Martha L. Schultz Deputy: Olive Anderson Clerk: Gertrude K. Zentgraf 1 St. Clare's Ctnffch. Precinct 53: Inspectors: Muriel B. Higbee Florence K. Korff Rose L. Krische Margaret I. Scully Deputy: Thanes M. Scully Clerk: Cathryn W, Mitchell Said officers are hereby directed to hold said election in accordance with the law and in such manner as to prevent all fraud, deceit and abuse therein or thereto and to make the returns of said election in the manner prescribed by law. Section 5. the offices for which said candidates shall be elected 1 at the general election are: Village Councilman, Group 1 (2-year term) village Councilor-ut, (.Youp 3 (2-year teen) Village Cotmci].m~m, Group 5 (2-year term) Section 6. The inspectors, .deputies and clerks of the general election to beheld in the Village on the second Tuesday in March, 1984, are hereby designated to be the same officials to serve at the special run-off election if such election is held. -4- Section 7. The Village Clerk and election officials are hereby L_~~ directed to arrange for the use of wting machines at said general election, and the form of .the ballot shall be such as is consistent with the use of voting machines. Absentee ballots shall be prepared by the Village Clerk in form consistent with existing Village ordinances. Section 8. The Village Council shall hold a meeting on the 14th day of March, 1984 for the purpose of canvassing the returns and declaring the results of said election. Sect 9. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon 1 passage. PASSID AAID ADOPTED THIS 9th DAY OF FEBRUARY 1984. ATTEST: 1 -5-