1983-07 Supporting PBC in Legislative Intent for Uniform Municipal Filing Election Dates and Absentee Ballots.. r ~ RESOLUTION NO. 7-83 R A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAi1~I BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING AN ACT RELATING TO PALM BEACH COUNTY; PROVIDING FOR LEGISLATIVE ' INTF.NP; PROVIDING UNIFORM FILING DATES AND UNIFORM ELECTION DATES FOR MUN- ICIPAL ELECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR TERMS OF OFFICE; PROVIDING FOR CORRESPONDENCE OF TERMS OF MUNICIPAL OFFICE 1t3 THE COM~N DATES PROVIDID IN THIS ACT; PRO- VIDING THAT THE GENERAL LAW FOR ABSENTEE BALLdL5 SHALL APPLY TD ALL ABSENTEE BALSdYTS IN MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR F.xN~~rrONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECT- IVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVID BY THE VILIAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLARIDA. Section 1. That the proposed legislative act attached hereto, and by reference made a part hereof, be adopted by the State Legislature and supported by the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect imrediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTID THIS 10th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1983. ATTEST: ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ i~ e~- L _, ~ , A bill to be entitled •~ ~ An act relating to Palm Beach •County; providing for legis- 2 lative intent; providing uniform filing dates and uniform elec- s tion dates for municipal elections; providing for terms of 4 office; providing fi:or correspondence of terms of nunicipal s office to the common dates provided in this act; providing that 6 the general law for absentee ballots shall apply to all'absente 7 ballots in municipal elections; providing for exemptions; pro- 8 viding an effective date. • y •• Be it Enacted by the Legislature of -the State of Flortda: 10 Sectional. It is the intent of this act to provide for 11 aniform filing an d.electlon.dates for, all municipal elections. 12 to elect .municipal. officers in Palm Beach County. It is not 13 the intent of this act to determine the length of terms of 14 municipal offices.. 15 f Section 2. Candidates.f.or any municipal office in Pain 16 ,Beach County shall file such papers and pay's,~ch•fees as may 17 be required by law with the applicable municipal clerk no 18 earlier than noon on the. last Tuesday in -0anuary nor later than 19 noon on the second Tuesday .in February`•of the calendar year in 20 which the election is to be held. The naves of'a11 candidates 21 and the offices for which they have filed shail be received by 22 the super-visor of elections •from•the,munfcipal•clerks by 5:.00 23 p.m, on the first Friday after the close of. qualifying. 24 Section 3. Any election relating to a municipal office, 25 other. than run-of f, elections .held pursuant to Sec.~4 of this 26 act or special election s`,~sha11 be •held on the second Tuesday 27 in March of the calendar year: 2a Section 4, Any municipality which by charter or local 29 ordinance requires that a r'un-off election be held in .the 3o event no candidate receives'a mafori.ty of.the votes for an 31 office shall hold such election on the 4th Tuesday in March • p 1 -•- 1 of the calendar year. 2 Section 5. Municipal officers elected pursuant•to this 3 act shal) take office,wi,thin;ten• (10) dav5 after 'election s., 4 with the specific day to be decided by local ordinance. s Section 6. qny municipal officer whose term of office 6 expires after July 1. 1984 shall continue in office un~il•the ~ election of his successor in. 1985. Any municipal officer whose 8 term of office expires on or.6efore July 1, 1984 shall continue 9 in office only until the .election of his successor•in March. 10 1984. tl Section 7: The general law in regard to absentee ballots t2 shall apply to all absentee ballots. for municipal elections, 13 except that the words "municipal clerk" shall be substituted la vrhenever the word "su.pervisor"'appears in those sections con- ,. 15 cerning absentee ballots. However. the supervisor of elections is 'may handle absentee ballots• for .any mudtCtpai,i~ty lvhich •s o• 17 requests. • 18 Section 8. This act shall take effect January 2, 1984. 19 20 21 23' 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 i ~•.,