1983-37 Defining Resident RequirementsRESOLUTION No. 37-83 1 ~I A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, DEFINING THE "RESIDENT" RE- pUIREMENTS FOR CLUB MEMBERSHIP AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB; THE NORTH PALM BEACH RECREATION DEPARTMENT; THE NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY AND THE NORTH PALM BEACH ! MARINA, ANA REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS, ORDERS AND RULES AND REGULATIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN ~ EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF i J~ NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: I Section 1. For the purpose of Club Membership in the North Palm Beach Country Club; the North Palm Beach Recreation Depart- ment; the North Palm Beach Library and the North Palm Beach Marina, the following definition of a "resident" shall be used: A. A person shall be entitled to membership in the North Palm Beach Country Club; the North Palm Beach Recreation Depart- ment; the North Palm Beach Library and the North Palm Beach Marina if he is a "resident" of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. A "resident" is a person who lives and pays taxes in the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, whether a full-time 1 or part-time resident. Proof of ownership in residency shall provide a deed of ownership or a tax biZ1. ! B. Commercial taxpayers owning commercial establishments ~i {~ and commercial property within the Village of North Palm Beach, '~ Florida, shall not be considered residents for the purpose of membership in the North Palm Beach Country Club; the North Palm 1 Beach Recreation Department; the North Palm Beach Library and the North Palm Beach Marina. 1 C. A person who rents residential property within the ~ corporate limits of the Villageof North Palm Beach, and who re- I { sides within the Village of North Palm Beach on a full-time basis, and who is able to product proof of such full-time rest- ! dency within the Village of North Palm Beach, such as: Voter's Registration Card, Utility Bi11s, etc., is to be considered a full-time resident for the purpose of membership in the North i !I Palm Beach Country Club; the North Palm Beach Recreation Depart- men t; the North Palm Beach Library and the North Palm Beach i ! Marina. I i ~~ Section 2. This Resolution shall repeal any other !~ Resolutions, Orders and Rules and Regulations of the Council in i~ conflict herewith. i .. !. )i Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. READ, PASSED AND ADOPTED~TRIS 25th DAY OF August 1983. MAYOR ATTEST: DEPUTY VILLAGE CLERK /