A Bicentennial Message by the President of the United States of America (Gerald Ford)A Bicentennial Message By the President of the United Stater of America e now mark the beginning of our Third Century as an INDEPENDENT NATION aS well as the 20th Anni- versary of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION. For two centuries our Nation has grown, changed and flourished. A diverse people, drawn from all corners of the EARTH, have joined together to fulfill the Promise of Democracy. AMERICA'S BICENTENNIAL is rich in History and in the promise and potential of the years that lie Ahead. It is about the events of our PAST, our ACHIEVEMENTS, our TRADITIONS, our DIVERSITY, Our FREEDOMS, Our form Of GOVERNMENT and Our continuing COMMITMENT to a better LIFE for all AMERICANS. The BICENTENNIAL offers each of us the OPPORTUNITY tO loin with our fellow CITIZENS in honoring the Past and preparing for the Future in COMMUNITIES across the Nation. THUS, in joining together as RACES, NATIONALITIES, and INDIVIDUALS, we also retain and strengthen Our TRADITIONS, BACKGROUND AND personal FREEDOM. As we lay the cornerstone of America's Third Century, I am most happy to commend the Bicentennial Community of NORTH PALM BEACH for playing a special part in this great National Celebration.