1983-32 Award Bid to Club Car, Inc.~. RESOLUTION N0. 32-83 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIAA, ACCEPTIIVG THE BID OF CLUB CAR, INC. FOR A FOUR-YEAR GOLF CART LEASE IN THE ANDUNT OF $70 PER CART PER NDNiH ($50,400 PER YEAR) TO BE EXPENDED FROM ACCOUNT N0. 11.3-572-44.20 (RENTALS EQUIPh4~f). BE IT RESOLVID BY THE VILiAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAiI~I BEACH, FIARIDA: Section 1. The bid of Club Car, Inc., copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be ex- pended fran Account No. 11.3-572-44.20 (Rentals Equipment). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect imrediately upon passage. PASSID AND ADOPTID THIS 23rd DAY OF JUNE, 1983. ti~~~~~ MAYOR ATZEST: Village Clerk PKGI'OSAL TO THE VILLA+_.E OF f;OGiH PALM REACH, FLOP.IDA Vi. ~ 1~, `~ ;=The undersigned. as bidder, does declare that no other person other than-the i,i'•i r herein named has any interest in this proposal or 1n the contract to be taken, ~,n~that it is made Nlthout any connection with any other person or parsons caking ir~`Y°,+1 for the same artlele. aM 1a 1n all Pespetts fair and without collusion or :•«ud. The undersigned further declares that he has fatefullyy examined the apecifica- .ans and is thoroughly taa~111ar with ita pr+ov/tions and wlth.tM Duality. type and rade of material taller tar. the undersigned further declares thtt M proposes to furnish the articles called rnr~rithin specified time set in this proposal for the following price, and guarantees •;•.,' tarts end srrvice for the articles listed below are avatleb a within tM State i,a~•i~:a, t;: ait: r;~i~.i ACTUNER: cLUS cax, 1NC. DATE: Maw 13, 1li3 :~ • l: . IMiDE1 NO.:,,,i ns ~[LlYER1t: 5 to 7 weeks flour rer_eint Hof firm order. :'9H'•:YTY: 2 veers yarts. lxear labor excluding batteries. Csoaa cwt of caste Pull ariatanaeca coat par casC/laaae . Piwaca X oa four (4) year leaaa Nat eNt pas oast pas rout6 Pull >,alntananca coat pas cast (aacluaiw of laaaa) i= 134.160.00 ;$216./car/yr. x 4•yrs. ~ $864.00/car Approximately 13% simple with 30% ;residual due at end of 48 payments ;`70.00/car/mo. - including above ;240./car/yr+ x 4 yrs. ~ $960.00/car -6- ~O AL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FLORIDA (Con'td.) -"~~ Para ra h.7 Within 48 hours, excludin weekends and Holid s. KS/EXCEPTIONS: ( g P )~ g ~ .,, . 'ar graph 9): Same as exception to paragraph 7 above and if basic fleet needs battery change t'this is to be done within an agreed reasonable time frame. cers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NA14E TITLE ADDRESS ^.onr2e H. Inman ___ President August J. Sam W V.P. V FIRM: CLUB CAR, INC. ® orporat on O artners p O ndlvldua SIGNED BY: "" " TITLE: ~ ~ ` ~ ~• ~ ~~nCU CAR, INC. EAST FLORIDA (Regional Office) 135 N.W. 44rr1_ StYPet a Raton, Florida 33431 ~E OFFICE: 1• Box 4658 {usta, GA 30907 -7-