1983-27 Bid Award to Southern International FireworksRESOLUTION N0. 27-83 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAi2•I BEACH, FIARIDA, ACCE3?TTNG THE BID OF SOUTHERN INTERNATIONAL FIREWORKS FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAY IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,874.00, FRCM ACOOUNT N0. 43-572-49.32 (PUBLIC EVENTS). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Southern International Fireworks cagy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its teams. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The mmies are to be expended from Account No. 43-572-49.32. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect umiediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 26th Ik1Y OF MAY, 1983. //' G/'ii5 ~J•~ VICE MAYOR ATTEST: Village Clerk Fize:roz s Fro~za.~ to include the folloainE iter:s. ::ssoztnent poz ' ite:,. to be the sere or sinilar to those listed. 13 9 inch HEAVY SALUTES, that can be fired during the day. 35 9 inch SPECIAL SHELLS: Red, Green, Blue, Red, Amber, Red• & silver, Blue & white 25 9 inch SPECIAL SHELLS: Multi break Oriental, 2 break Fish with Color, Peony, 2 break color & Wt-istle, 2 break fish and Whistle with Willow • 19 12 inch SHELLS: Variegated, Spidenveb, Gold, Silver, Red flitter, Green flitter, Orange, Purple, Aluminum, Magnesium & artillery 12 15 inch SPECIAL SHELLS: Chrysanthemum, Dew drops, Golden rod and Rainbow, Variegated, Thunder & Criss-Dross . 19 18 inch SPECIAL SELECTED SHELLS: Shells of golden Comets, • Oriental, Imported Peony, 9 colortransformation, Chrysan- themum, flitter and Variety of colored Comets • 20 15 inch FANCY SPECIAL EFFECT SHELLS: 3 -color Transformation Oriental Peony, Intermediate Comets, Chrysanthemum, Golden Crossette, Flitter, Golden comet 8 12 inch FANCX SPECIAL EFFECT SHELLS: Comets, color & artillery, Whistle and Color, 2 break Thunder, Flying Serpents, Imported Japanese 8 12 inch FANCY 2-3-4 SHELLS: Finest in color and effects? 8 19 inch SPECIAL SHELLS: Flying Cartwheels, Thunder & color, Musical Chasers, Artillery, Heavy salutes, Spiderweb ~ comet 8 9 inch MULTIPLE BREAK SHELLS: '1 Break & Salute, 2 break color and 2 break & Salute -5- I~j•3., ~ ~,.~ . 56'~ " ~b,y, ^.•~ F. ~~ ~"i AERIAL SHELLS: 23 9 inch EXTRA HEAVY SALUTES, tha t can be fired during the day 35 9 inch SPECIAL STAR SHELLS, Green, Blue, Red, Willow, Snowstorm, Ruby, Yellow, White, Rainbow, Comet, Variegated, Silver pike, Gold and Emerald ' 38 9 inch SPECIAL SHELLS: Multiple break Oriental, 3 break Fish with Color, 2 break Color & whistle, 2 break Fish and Whistle willow 15 12 inch FAT\*CY STAR SHELLS: Silver, Ambar & Blue, Red & Green, Blue & white, Weeping willow, White & Yellow, Green & Red, Red & silver ." 22 12 inch SPECIAL SHELLS: Special effect, Chrysanthemum, Multi- break, Comets, 2 break color 'flying Cartwheels, Interlocking comets, 2 break Whistling chaser & color, Peony w/Pistils, Orientals 11 15 inch SUPER STAR SHELLS: Golden. Comet, Violet, Emerald, Yellow Electric, Pink, Emerald, Magnesium & Blue, Red Electric, Weepinq Willow and Chartruse 13 15 inch SPECIAL SHELLS: Asst. colored flowers, Peony, Chrysan- themum, Comet;, Floral Bouquet, Oriental, Willow;'Fancy star Shells 17 18 inch COLOSSAL SHELLS: Specially selected for their beauty, consisting of a variety of shells; 4 color Transformation Chrysanthemum, Peony with Pistils, Bees, Floral bouquet, Fancy star shells -5.1- ~ FINALE I75 GRAND FINALE SHELLS These shells have Flaming Beauty, Gripping Actron, Compelling Bom- bardments of heavy Reports, afford- ing a'Sensational endings, never to be ' • forgotten I • . •.ONE AMERICAN FLAG SET PIECE! THE VILLAGE WILL ACCEPT SIMILAR DISPLAYS FOR ANY OF TIIE PRECEDING SPECIFICATIONS.' .r -5.2- 'I :`~ vi::larsi"~•°Ci tv$ 5 'J., ,_.. .y .;, r. .. •..~ ... ... :~ , 'IC...~r, d~JCS Ln::~:-.i t.,•J~ (TJ G.1. i' :'$;n. a..^ ;:i ~~ ,~ ,•, •^o haS any interc'$C in .hiS p~c;~:,s::l ar ir, :.:^ .C4t:tf CL tC: ~:~ '%' a n:: Laat •it is made without any connection tri;h i;ny other p_•rson ar persa~a t:.ki::g proposal for ine.sa•„e article, and is in all respects fair and ~•~ithout collusion or fraud. - ' The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the sr^eei`ica- ~tions and is thoroughly faniliar with its provisions and with the quality, typz~and sgrada of naterial called for. • The undersigned further declares that he proposes tb furnish the articles called for within specified tire set in this proposal for the follo:,ing price, and Suarzntees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State , of Florida, to ti•(i t: DATE •.__AASil ~B; ~oa~ DRLIVERY: June 15 - 30. 1983 NEf PRIG B~ B7 4 0 0 6 - p>,Q;~OSAL 70 TN;. PILLAGE OF C02TN PAL'". BEACI'., FLORi03 (CGn'td.) P.EI:IRKS/EXCE?TIO'IS: Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAME TITLE ADDRESS ~_Gary Partlow President P O Box 11645 - Rock Hill, SC John T. Feigert Vic2-President P.O. Box 8340 - Atlanta, GA SIGNED BY TITLE ~~ ay n B ADDRESS _ P.O. Rnx R~dn Atlanta, GA 30306 -7- ;Southern International Firewozks Inc. ® orporat on 0 artners ~p o ndiv di