School land donated in NPB; Home building permits soar to new record; many waterway homesites in NPB; zoning adopted; police, fire have one bossPolicy, Fire Departments. Have (ane Boss Chief A. G. Dudden, Has Well.Equippcd Of Safety .Forth Palm Beach took advan- gage of the favorable Public safety experience of such communities as Oak Park, Illinois, and Sunnyvale, California, and began. with a joint police and fire department. To gain increased efficiency and economy�, a Department of Publid Safety headed by Chief Albert G� ,Dudden, was created. The villagq 1pollee and firemen wear the same �kats. The public safety patrol car doe*% Idouble duty as it patrols the vilq Mage streets on a 24 hour basis. IIn addition -to standard polic6 ,equipment. the radio equipped. paq Itrol car carries two types of port- 6-# f, extiwluig rs, hose Z (rope, life rings stretcher, w* il?iaia. resuscitator, atict a e6i-Lj: lete first-aid kit. Duty- personnel ave been trained and certified in rst aid treatment. by the Amerj.e an Red Cross. department 4 A volunteer fire. quipped with a modern 500 -gallon umper apparatus stands ready to ugment the public safety patrol 'car in case of an outbreak of fire too large for the patrol car to - handle. Vil age Zoning iti-� ;--q ­�iit and Tniss" No possibil growth exists in the planned cOM- munity of North Palm Beach, thanks to a Zoning Plan, ado...' and made, part of village ordinance Number 20 on.August 14, 1957. - As !shown on a printed zoning map, the the village plan, is UUCOMP1114 cated, easy to understand and pre- cents a realistic approach to regu� lating the type of construction to be permitted within the village• A. limited commercial district ,(C -1A), varying in -width from 300 ito 500 feet extends along both side% of US -1 from the Intracoastal Wa, terway to the Earman River. A larger C -1A tract lies east of US -1 immediately south of the Ea� man River, and aneighborhood-, 1,commerical district (C-1) west of, 11 m & River jTS-t and south Of the E ar-. ap f :,5,hopping io take care 0 U, center soon to 'be built - Multiple family dwelling disc- ;�-,(Xicts (R-2) are placed along 0101, east side of - the entire length of Prosperity Farms Rd., the west - [ern, village boundary'and In six other locations best suited for --sUch construction. commercial A Neighborhood comme I � dice also surrounds the Marina. area north of the Intracoastal Wa�­ terway and 4Qast of US -IF with `-k. limited commercial area along tble,, north back on the Intraeo-astia]l and. 1west of 'US -1. One general. com,- imercial district (C-2-) in the -north- west corner of the- village, Pr',0'v4de,,% for boat repair works. 1The rest of the land "in the Nyd- 1age, exclusivP of munic' a!, and church areas. are sOngle'. faM- lily.dwelling districts (K -11)i" i ep e Buildi][19 ermits Soar T' w Record i o Ne A. ew building permit record, for, he infantnVillage of north PaImMany Waterway Beach was set in AUgIiSt when rtermits for Homesites I k, 0 new homes totalling $502,930 were issued by L. E. Dick- A jg T y. _r7 Vvii6a these j-_Qupled. there ix�dll be an appY oxi mate 50 per cent increase in the ~ � More thaii half of the pIL 6,000 homesites In North Palm village -population. As of Sept. I., Dickerson reveal- Beach Village w,.fll be located. on ed that 53 fiamilles had mo* into the waterways which. interlace the the village, representing a total villa"ge. population of 169 persons. This is Mother Nature, with a little help Can average of 3.07 persons perin froman, has provided an ideall dwelling. , way to eliminatestagnant water.l Since construction started in the lin any of the N. Palm. Beach new village in October, 1956, per- i wateMays. mits for 136 homes, 'completed or The intercoastal water flows under construction, have been.into Lake Worth north of the vii-,, granted for a total value of $2,254,' lage. and the Earman,river, which 749, flows into Lake Worth. south of the The first month of construction, village is being widened and deep - October -of, last year, was unusual- ened. A North Palm. Beach Canal, ly high for such an early phase in fiGNving north to south from the the village development because of intercoastal to the Earman in the the Parade of Homes exposition western portion of the village will staged there that month by the provide a flowage "syphon" to: Palm Beach County Chapter of the eliminate dead - water space. the National Assn. of, Home Builders. waterways mong the canal. Following is a list of permit val- uations by months, commencing with October, 1956: October,, $342, 473; November, $189,536.; Deced-1 ber, $197,304; January, $127,590;i February, $173,4.219; March, $10 184; April, $180,556; May, $553,682;' June, 147,650; July., $229,415; and'! August, .502,930. a te c. 1 och u L,a d _D110 -ft 0 M B In -North, - eachPa I I North s are Isenior high. sehool, is built., pe 'lizing /that goods I high. ol students Beach high f a good cum- ?:Rlm. ' school. an integral part o Beach Prop- vi be able to enroll t1tere and be North Palm 1-mity, ernes, Inc..,, develo.j)ers of Northl,',ransported by school bus If they P alia Beach Village, donated 10 so desire. acres of land with art assessed' The new elementary school In valuation of $96,000 to the PRIM Nj)rth Palm. Beach •will be one of Beach County Board of Education tli� finest of its kind in the state. for new '. 16 -room oejinentary. Tvo two-story classroom wings, T -a 1,- comeeted by- a eovered waIX wfll Bids are soor, to be let, ii -a the �hotse 16 rooms. -rooin ss'ection. $294000 building, Nvhich will. be, last of the class 9 . be, connected by a covered walk, conveniently located near the vil- -story building housing !age age hall. Grade school children wilbe a one Jnom North Palm Beach as well as adrinistrative offices and .a. Con]- 'the area to be designated by the -biniion icafeteria-auditorium. ,; eligible to Dwelopers of North Palin ellool Board will be elicr lh attend this fine new sel'001, avcbeen congratulated by county Junior high school students in' 'officials as well as parents in the the village will attend the Riviera entiri area for the generosity and Beach junior high, only 2-5 miles foresklit which prompted them 'to frorl the village bw, school bus. donati 10 acres of very -va)mablp When the :nevi Riviera Beach Mand br sehQ61. purMsesi, ch-