Ross Pays $750,000 To Buy Winter Club 10-4-55CUNN.r.�� �+Rrm ScRAt P Aee,,� R55 -195H 1-Fxs-,aRy low F Roe_7cy 0, 000 W-wr 7"0 T Y o Bu inter Club I Sale of .the Palm Beach Winter Club by the Pa , Im Beach Develop - i ment Co. to North Palm Beach, Inc. — Ross Brothers Construction �Co.—at a pride of $750,000 was reported jointly by Charles A. Cunning- ham and Richard E. Ross late Monday. Mrs-. Raymond F. May and ,Co., served as brokers in the transaction. Ross, who with his brother, !plans to develop another huge tract of acreage in the area and construct some 1,500 homes start- ing shortly after the first of the year, said that the 18 -hole golf! course would continue to operate i as it has in the past and would be ,open to the public at all times. At the same time he announced 'Plans for extensive development of 1 the club. He said that plains al- ready are in the fo.rmative stage! i for the addition of an olym Pic size swimming pool. and cabana! I club, a marina on Lake Worth and 1 tennis courts and other facilities: Cunningham, local representa- tive of John MacArthur, Chicago financier and. owner or the devel- opment firm �iwldch ree�_flly pur- :zA; ased approximately 80 per cent: �of thd property in Lake Park, and, some 6,000 acres lying immediate -i 1Y to the north of the town limit (Continued on rage 6, Col. 1) nth-;u,M From Page O-jw_j said last is that negotiations for the put chase of the club by, I North Palm Beach, Inc., started approximately a month ago. In addition to the actual, club facilities, and the golf course, the sale included approximately 57 acres of lake front land lying to the 'east of U. S. 1. Club property to the west of the highway is estimated at 170, acres. The property affected by Mon -1 day's sale extends for 3,300 feet along U. S. 1 on both east and,� west sides; 4,000 feet on Lake! Worth, and one mile along the! Intracoastal Waterway. Two holes of the present golf course — those lying at the south - western corner — will be relo- cated and placed more to the east and south, bringing them al- most along U. S. 1, Ross said in revealing that the -,*I.,, ipg;-- would be necessary z to squ,--,Ye up the prpr_­,;rtAi)ne esta'hi.i.sbed in the purchase.. The acts al grAf course covers a distance of soine, 6,50 yards.