Parade of Homes (PBP) 10-28-56P -41-M &4e,14 Pos7r CUPA M SOPAP &Z4( R5,15 -ft I C o� _UN J BEACH POST TDIES SUhTj)Ays . OCTCIBER 28, 1956 1 Ace,eik:.- PARADE OF HOMES—Pict4e above is a portion ®f the motor ca-valcade to the $500,000 Parade of Homes, exposition In t Village -of North Palm, Beach, held In conjunction with the state convention of the Florida Home Builders Assssoe,, FrIday afternoon. Below Is a view of the, official "ribbon owittling' ceremomes at the Parade of Homes site. eft to right are Rept Paul G. Rogers, F_TjBtA_ oonvenCton. (queen, Jndy Lticzynski and Charliew, Cannintham, mamir of the Villa of lNor ffit'. Palm each,,