Former Laundry Driver Parlays Insurance Idea to become Chicago's Wealthiest Man (PBP-Time) 11-3-59PALM BEACH POST--rtm�Curs1cal HAM Sc�PEWK /�-•�i45� 3 — � 45R (955- 1465 M AC A -R -r+ up -aft. Launcir� r ays 'a'l Insurance former laundry truck driver! Who parlayed a. depression-rid.den 1 �insuranee idea into a muiti-millioril -dollar cornpany, whose holdings in- clude a large tract of homes-ite.. ireal estate in Pahm Beach Countyr,! was nained by Fortune w.-agazinel I t t,Iast. week as the wealthiest n--lai.-il =1.: Un Chicago. His naine: John D. MacArthur., H L is formula f or - gelf emp" oyed I sue'Cless., "Anonein, this great na-11 .y 1 tion can, do the same if you're will- ing'. to', sta-t out working for less, money than someone else will PZY 1 you, and live modestly." F PoSitlon-' Sole owner and -1 Life president. of Bankers Life and C Cal s tialty Co.. Chicago, a firm IvIdth assets which MacArthur woulft'ti I sell today for $150,000,000. But, things --vvere not always thijs` f cy"r the ' youngest son of a PreshY- teria.n minister,. "stried He grew up in the A,.us iun a' lof Chicago and graduated from Francis Scott. Key elerneriltary school .— his highest Scholastic at-, tainment. His Pairn Beach County holdingin! include most of Lake Park (Pukr­ chased. from. the estate of the late, for me the r Winter Harry Oakes), I I I.Golf Club -now known as the lNortb.1 IPalm Beach' Country Club.., a sub -1 sLantial investment in the Village!, - of North Palm Beach develop-inent and ownership of Layton's Park ha Riviera Beach. Yet only 21. years ago tie had to borrow $2,500 to save the tottering Bankers Life av,.)d Casualty Co. `df ` It was at this rom going uneler." poillt J_ n 1.936 when MaeAi thur Jc-me i1p with the idea which'� CX eventually -made him a multi' Id' a I.'-- honaire and the only Chicago -n-i listed in Fortune's compilation of; the 76 Americans worth $75 millw(). -)r more. "Nobody had anY Y�1011P-�z In- th()8(' days, MacArthur told. news.i.-ne'n. dhiteview ing hirer 1�,Alt his franne-,sand- ' I stone house near 'Libertyville, so I tried to sell Insurance to a, 11-nan. for just 'what he had in hisIt L pocket--adollar down and a dollarl, a marith." MacArthur and J114 ; .. wife, the fo- - meCatherine - Hyland, comprised r ifile entire sales and office staffs the Mar- knd- of bo-th Ban %.ers Life a quette Life Insurance Co. "We both rangbells and took I door. in $5 or $6 a day apiece. We were going like crazy, "but we could see' that -tile idea was soiiud:" Mae- Arthur added. I L "Cu d-4 i W611 rcuffir" .111cit 1-0 U ...V Ud. 1 A L iA. Idle .- little, Bankers Life' by Ell grew under the drive of Mr. and Mrs. MaeArthur's faith hi histall- i went insurance premiums. Today !the cornpany has 3,300 salesmen, 'five mi-lijon policy -holders and as- sets which $150,0000.) couldn't '4 Typical of 1[acArt'llitir's realistic I I I approach to company mana-gementi, Us the modest $25,000 he draws as L Lea working cwmpany president ;Rs` 1.He pays his sales manager $75,01vi a year. Although he owns all t"Alle; stock in his company-, MacArthur takes no dividends from. it. Other !stock holdings give hirer annual di- vidend. of another. $25,,000 ,a year., M.thues any__ of the MacAr_raeigl w: hors in Libertyville, Ancluding Ad- ' al StevensonI I t better' I�: �A, -V . 1P t han Chicago s wealthiest n). a 111 He rakes . all Che leaves, that need iraking 9 -here- P.-,,.,operty, JOHN D. MACARTHUR ;and except for a. wornall who helps �with the heavy 6eaningf, Mrs,. MaeArthair looks after The house alone and. does all 1-h e coo �Idy ig. T--n'e MaeArthurs don't have a, 1butler and they don't have al chatiffe-ur. His explanation of w1wi they don't en:cpi.oy either is typical' of the man: "I'd go crazy wateh-� ing some guy, stand around waiting for me all :tt he time MacArthur takes a' lot of pride; ii land a lot of perso-i-mal interest inl 1his Palm. Beach Countv., real es. -I tate holdings. On recent trips here be could bel seem. constantly 11in. -the field,.* ex-'( amining plats, looking over blue -1 prints, talking -AN,,-ith i bull -dozer op -11, erators, an b oceaslonally closingI his eyes to visualize what it Will J all look like when streets, houses apd lawns have replaced the noise, I dust" and confusion of the clear.1119, operations