Boat-Launching Area Being Built For Boat Enthusiasts (photo of Village Hall)DATE: CUNNINGHAM SCRAPBOOK 1955-1959 ACC. # XfTRACTIVE VILLAGE II: I. —'t 'ith a foresight unique in <...z t County resYde ztiaia, mu pity. The beautiful village 'hall. municipal planning throughout the United. Stares, a 'Village Hall is keeping with the rest of he weilspl,anned community, -and. is and, all. public utilities were constructed and ready to operate hiicative of the soundness 3f the basic plan jor -the entire before a single home was built in this 5,000 -lot exclusive Palm. -%lager C e,ino )OWN B at A.rea B dim MM 1ju r lw�n usia i/F0 0 t k th .*.SM all boat enthusiasts residing I lAws call for (3tending the lin North Palm. Beach. will soon bei Path Beach -�.va'erway to connect:; l able to make use of theif new 1 wi.t.). the Int;erioastal wAterway. . { boat launching area now under i pa;,shig through elle north area of construction. It is scheduled for thf vUlaged 1completion on November 15. .1 feature of he 'launching area The area is located at ftRe I'Hterd- w11 be the c le.trically operated section of the EarT an liver and boat hoists des4ned to transport: the North. Palm Bleach waterway bmats. from parled trailers to and with direct access to Lake. 'Worth ft)m the water and its adjacent waters. Future. Che .transfers -grill be effected by moans o boat az�as or rings that W13, troll ear the boats in and out o. the pry atc Ii ats up to 20 feet i leiagth aid 4WO pounds will be x (b e til %se #;�_e faCiliF:v, ": j,�--e* � the I-tlnching . area a i -.-CIS beeil p.'.' ,. , �Y � �';l.age ri'si:dents. ' illa9 v14 4, vuv e covelia.Ait,s prohibit boats P. to jig z�ged :ixi the open on anyl facilities capable of ha -i- dlin 5 joa.ts up to, 4.0. feet in '3enotjv.. alp included in the develop ;.lien, Picnic areas will be- c;ons',�-,teed. close by.