Peggy Enders article (North County News) 6-27-81PEGGY By Susan Thomas The twenty-fifth anni- versary celebration of the village, of North Palm Beach is a time to look back over the short history and reflect on how far the community vas come in a relatively s rt time. It is also a tinle to look ahead to an exci *ting future. In look- ing to the future we, at 'North County News set out to Find and interview a 44crcpss section" of I village residents that would typify the past, present and future. We found that each person represented, in some way; today, yesterday and tomorrow. A perfect example of 91 L 19 Y�Ckt `Now , 'then and " %_1 to come" is a very busy homemaker, wife and mother, Peggy Enders. Born and raised in Tampa, Mrs. Enders moved to North Palm Beach with her husband Louis. in 1959. She became a member of the first beautification com- mittee when she and 2 others were appointed by the village council. Mrs. Enders, a past president of the Garden Club, is. the only mem- ber who has continued an active membership since .1959. In May she was presented with the Blanebe Capel Coving- ton leadership award at Peggy Enders the state convention. The award was based partially on securing $IU,000 for e-, ,i.-,reened in pavilion and meeting center at the Mounts Agriculture 'Center. Known for her inter- est and hard work, Mrs. Enders has served on the Planning and Zoning Board, is currently on the Planning Commis- sion, and chairman of the Village 25th anni- versary celebration. In 1970 she was presented with an engraved plaque for "outstanding devo- tion to the commun- ity. 97 When Northlake Blvd. was widened in 1965, it was Mrs. Enders who led the work to beautify the median strip, which brought about a boundary change between Lake North County News 6/27/b1 Park and North Palm Beach. A nature lover, Mrs. Enders pushed to, have the village made a bird sanctuary., "This,99 she now recalls, "is a difficult process, actual- ly needing a charter revision." Since it was felt a charter revision was due anyway, a committee set about the. task. The committee included Louis Enders. It took 9 months, but on December 10, 1968, the revised charter was passed, and North Palm Beach also became a --bird sanctuary.