Harry S. Kelsey, May 1954, planning UTOPIAHARRY S. KELSEY, May 1954, planning "UTOPIA", a retirement village near Miami. This development would have included homes and a dozen industries. However, it never materialized before his death in 1957. UTOPIA! "I am so enthused that I get up about 5 A.M. and get through about 7 to 9 P.M. I do believe that the town of UTOPIA can be known all over the world, simply from its accomplishments. The Retirement Village can really become UTOPIA for the aging residents. With its club house, parks, recreational centers ( with all kinds of games) , movie center, motor boating, etc. Even the residence owners, through a com- mittee of their own chosing, will formulate and oversee the various functions. As the residents will come from all walks of life, there will always be plenty of home talent for suc- cessful entertainment planni Ag. Expect to sell them honies and establish a dozen in- dustries so that they can work and earn as much as the Government allows. The various small industries even now outlined and clearly set forth, will supplement additional income for all the residents. These industries can be pooled into one "melting pot", both from the point of assets, ear- iiings and extra dividends to those owning homes and em- ployed in UTOPIA. I believe that UTOPIA townsite is second to none, now available, at the present time ... First — its proximity to downtown Miami; Second — its location between two of the best known thoroughfares; Third — canal front lots available by motor boat to the Ocean or fishing resorts or to Lake Okeechobee, as desired. It's a long road, but I hope to make it. It's my. last struggle and I hope my best after 25 years of waiting." Quoted from notes of HARRY S. KELSEY May 14, 1955 IR