Island Named for Machine Magnate (WD) 1-30-75I Tr P.A*Rr T < .30- -Feb. 5, 1975 WeekDay Island Named for Machine Magnate 11NliARNl tilh:H'ER'i' it se•t•rllt-d -UrChitert a OMNI) a year 1111crests in his n('w-foun(f �ltlgf'r Island, one of south pf'rfect for his hobby of* �-etainvr for life, with the paradise', Singer purchased a FIori da's iii ostpleasant experimentation in architt•eb- stipulation that his work was large parcel of ocean fro►tit (c'sitfe'tlt iA and tourist areas, t ure. U Ic► hc' cc►llfint•ti t•xclusi�-el it) y' property dii-c-ct ly north (4 (►rye's its tla[Ilf' to se'�Nltlg 111 lits first fr't'ilitl9 rritat Illi!' P -dill Beach arca. 1 •illilt Beach. Her(' he illachltie heir Paris Singer, construction in Paint Px-aich Mirnt•r*s accomplishments entertained friends in a w11 lavish life stvle 111 the lilt' engaged the services of soon lx't•ame it'gelulary, as Il( w1v cmistrtic.led villa all(] ,"c t9�U'rr as the stt�reotvpe of 4ddlsoll !�1i7.lter to tiesi;�rl his architectural style 1►e•- told them of Ills dream (A' a ill(, rWh American playboy. the fainvill Everglatles (;lull). came the most influential luxury hotel complex that Singrer was captivated by Singer yeas sio impressed by among south Florida's hull- was alrimst 1)t'yond rnlaglna- 'rhe the Palin Beacll section at Miziller"s first c•onintissiitin, ionairt• t•irt•fe. tion. dream called for f1r:st �;ight- Relatively that he agree -41 to pay Ole Eager to expand his Ill(' building oftwo enortnous the. large strip of oceanfront build. He was so property for $40,000, a move enthusiastic for completion that was severely criticized �y� SP4 QF i`39 �i%f as. a frivolous waste of not wait for filling the land. OMMW The never completed Singer Hotel, h(►tcls, on(' ()n each side of v*as the first to Ix• completed the long, strip (A' beach he - and the last. The 1928 ()�ivned. On IIIc' south would hurricane anti the ( stock be the Paris Singer Hotel, market crash of that year and mt tit(-- north side of a dealt a mortal blow to the proposed :36 -hole golf* course hotel, anti as' Florida's real wmild b(' ill(! huge Blue estate market clisapiware(I Heroti Hotel. The estimated into thin aur so tiid Singer's price tag for the construction vast fortune. was $4 million - -`a fantastic Singer reportedly left amount in the non -inflation- Florida a poor man, and he is ary economy of those years. said to have spent his ' ist Singer often spoke= of a years on a houseboat )n flan to construct a tunnel Egypt's Nile f 1 ve . Im-neath the Palm Brach The pathetic sh` al o,1" the Inlet, and the development ill-fated B-lue Heron Hotel of a sul►tlivision of lots to be remained as a haunting se►Itl to the public. reminder of Florida'a pre -- He orAered Mizr r t�; depression over -develop - begin designing the first of mt;nt for 14 years, until the two hottels - the Blue was demolished in -1940. Heron, but. before the In that same year, the, (city architect had started his of Riviera Beach purchased drawings, Singer started to the. large strip of oceanfront build. He was so property for $40,000, a move enthusiastic for completion that was severely criticized of the project that he could as. a frivolous waste of not wait for filling the land. The building was erected on taxpayers' money. a piling foundation and the The property is now "fill" was later pumped considered to - be one of beneath it. Florida's finest ocean The hote'l's service wing beaches.