History of the First Presbyterian Church clippingsAe r, I 0--b f2s. MLAGE OF NORTH 'PALM LM MACH HISTORIAN MI.STORY OF FIRST PR]kS BYE R,IAN CHURCH North Palm Beach, Florida -A mission bras organized in 1962 by Memoriad Presbyterian Church of West .Palm'Beach. This small group of approximately,25 Chrisitiane met fora period in.homes 'and then in f acilities of the Port of P Beach,' Liter in 1962, meetings began in th;e: .classrooms of K er Kollege, it Was there on July 28., 1963, that we received, our charter as the First Presbyter*ian Church in. North Pa'1m Beach. In - September, 1962, -the -Manse at 731 Eagle Way West North Palm Beach was purchased* in November, 196.3,. six 'acres of land*on.Prosperity Faims Road was bought from the Village; this included an existing building that ...,had housed a. commercial TV transmittin station.'* The building was quickly 9 enlarged to provid6 more space for worship services, Our first minister Gerald L. Vo ' ye, was welcomed in -January of 19650 While -Rev* voye-waa with us. a-Xaster Plan wal adopted for a building ex- pans.ion, During Chis ,.s ame year, an option to buy.one additional acre of adjoining.land was exercised. Rev*. James.. F. Andeison was called to our church in August of 1967, and under his leadership the new Chapel and Sunday -School building, now known as the Robinson Building', were made a reality. The Chapel seats 250;and the Robinson Building at that time'6ntained 5 cl C assroomsp a,aursery, the minister's study, tudy, and a Church -Office-. Plans for the, old building,, flow known as Hawkins Fellowship Hall,., included classroom and fellow- ship facilities. By Che end'of 1968 our membership had grown to 145, Rev. Robert. -O. Kantn.er was called to our church in July of f 1972 and was the first mi,i' n ster'to-live in our present Manse located at 541 Marlin Road, North Palm Beach. '..Rev. Kantner left in July of 1973, at which time Dr..Ryan Lee Wood was appointed temporary moderator by the Presbytery and serveduntilDrs JAmes T. Stout Baas called. January of 19740 In January of 1977 Dr. Re He Duke was called to serve as our Minister of.Outreach,. and Rev. Lucky Arnold joined. our staff on June 15, 1980, as our Minister of Education, Some*of our major improvements have included the.,reno' ti n va on of our Fellowship 'Hall in 1974, two acres of church grounds '.1eas'e'd to the Village for. $1.0.0 per .yeas for recreational u'set-Little League, etc.-. the le-- 1. . & . COUP tion of our new Christian Edu'cation Building and its dedication in Decesaber of 1979. As of October 1, 1980, we had an active,membership of 550 dedicated Christians* In"June, .1981 Dr. James T.'.Stout left to become a pastor of a church in Beaumont, Texas, Rev. Walter Arnold is currently serving as interim pastor. Spring 1962 CHRONOLOGY OF CHURCH GROWTH North Palm Beach Mission of Memorial Presbyterian Church formed. ' ' < " kid a?C Si yrirwl s w'�`Ys " ::'= t qf' }i/a cry • ,.,.e� , a . DS ` i4s"."t * . r. Aedii ..-T•(.r .r ^ ..'i. 'Tf ' 4''Y7'r{' �t� ..„ aresb't ys�tt .* y''.k _ t+-,..... _l_. C..> i•C'r�r .- v"rsi .:eT•'p ,e•�Y: rir. :" �k T' :{.'.�a Tih'v'. 't'"'irrys'.'•.a� t a t.:a. ty ra,:'.aI•►j;y .., v,. ., ;,T,,,;, _ r_ '-�4R� 7. .T'f.>` � ,.�F- 4' 7,°.(•..S.L'r'p".f..=nr r(.r'. ' - i, :."m!n C+ •1..f.I.-'. o.i�:y.ea_.� eft i•. ' 1 r an - inf o r�aa;1,.i.n in,..: a .: r _ . . g :. P lvate home in Riviera Beach...w- sixteen. -par t:cpants In Februar IQ61 at Y . a business meeting, tweheY of the group voted to organize a . Society, Temporary uarters were loaned- to them in an unfurni she trailer a _ d meeting room in a p r from June to . Deceriiber . 1961, Then space available at_ the Colonnades H P ce was made otel on Sin er.t. g I -s l axe d f_o y S nca r e ry c e s an - d Su - 1 nday Schoo but ;ale xA` y f dne slay even, me 4� y C ould not o e tinge hc c nvene.there, There f ore ,_.._ r.� _.... in... a.y 19.62 the * grou moved to-........:_.,, Oppor*tuni ty Hall in order � p. - that regular Wednesday evening meetings :,cou-1d be held: - g } : on October 5, 1962 the j. 11 9 nineteen en member group plied for permissi.on to become- a Societ granted on Feb u o y. Permission was, s,�a r ary 21, 3 63: and by --laws were then forn ulate_ds hn June 1963 two, lar*..e � g rooms were rented -on . thet ..; .se.c-ond floor cf the Bazaar Internati o' na i wh ere Church and I Sunday School services were conducted - Late . extra room was o . btained which. served a-. nur er Ataendarce. increased st:eadl •, y y and in Decembe' r o. g quarae:rs were made :ova • ; liable. bn� the :ground floor w •: c ude.d spate f or a Readz .; R hlc .n g ooh and pr�.va,cy for Busines : _and Board meetings. Such meeti.l s had g beery► held priors: this '`in` pr,.vat e home s or Chamber of Commerce buildings The Society t s first lectur r.. in Mar,ch of -1964, e � oyful ly took place ,ti 9 .4, in Riviera'. Beach High School G mn � atorium. In early .1966, a beautifully situated ple.ce of_ property was purchased for .a church building -in - North: Plm .. Beach, an -d a buildinfund was established. The Societyt­ C)was orated on -March Torch 8 a6 , 1J 6, and applied to become a church incorP in June, 1967 , T) --i s was accepted July 20, 1967 and on August 30, 1967 , the charter was chanced fror:: "Christian hrlstian Science Society, .Inc . , 'Riviera Beach, Florida E to 'First Church of Christ Scientist, Inc., North Palm Beach, Floridal' . ' The -building project was started on February6 on.-:... `' 1967, and the first meeting in the new edifice was held on .: , August 2, 1.967. % The stracture is a white stucco bui.ldin �d-t i. h . -_an audktorlum i eatin 1� P peQ le and a propriate rooms, for Firs and Sec a n d Readers- S u -n d ay -S c h -o o l- _an -d R_e ad -i -n a-- R e-om . W VILLAOF ALM BEACH