Tencennial Celebration Booklet January 14th-January 15th 1967COMPLETELY TO YOUR PERSONAL SERVICE AND THAT OF YOUR COMMUNITY "Underneath the Arches the welcome mat is always out" ORTH HE V11 L.4GE OF I IWI x1WI Is- FOR THE BEST 11 I -71 1 HOMES AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Li • REALTORS ARE ACTIVE MEMBERS OF CONSTITUENT ; ► �"�`._, " ., BOARDS . Flo "Will u � ►;t LL , • D COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Consu It John Dora n As the oldest Real Estate office in the Village of North Palm Beach, The John F. Doran organization is firmly established and thoroughly familiar with all areas of the community. Specializing in North Palm Beach properties, both residential and commercial we offer prospective buyers a wide choice of desirable real estate. Our friendly and experienced staff is ready to help you at all times. We cordially invite you to visit our office. And remember The Best Buys in North Palm Beach real estate are listed by John F. Doran. John .or n INC. 531 HIGHWAY( NO. 1 • 107 LAKEVIEW BUILDING NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA A CORDIAL WELCOME TO THE VILLAGE OF 14 ORTH ALM EACH 0"4 409 T_1ENC 04 ENNIAL I IDA'%, C LD'�31DATION Dear Fellow Residents Your Village Council has caused this Tencennial booklet to be published so that you may be made aware of the fantastic growth of your community a community that established itself in a short ten years as one of the outstanding communities of our great State of Florida. On September 1, 1965 there was one completed residence in the Village with a population of four people. On October 24, 1966 ( our Tenth Birthday) we had completed the 1787th home with a Village population of 8,743 people. In addi- tion to the single family residence, we had 78 apart- ment buildings, comprising a total of 541 apartments plus 44 commercial buildings, one public school, to which there have been three additions, 5 churches, one national bank, a post office, community owned and operated country club, Marina, library, Art Center and Village Hall. Also, in September 1956 we had six miles of paved streets. Today we have 55 miles of well -lighted, paved streets within our Village. Our Public Safety ( Police and Fire) De- partment is one of the finest. As you read through this booklet, you will find the history of your Vil- lage, its various departments and facilities displayed in words and pictures. The portion that cannot be indicated is the pride of our residents in their com- munity. Their pride is shown by the excellent upkeep of their personal property throughout our Village as well as how they become involved in various facets of their community projects. Truly, then, our Village is a tribute to the dream of the pioneer developers, the work and efforts of your elected officials, your Village employees, and the citizenry at large, for each one of us is dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth. By work- ing together for the progress of our community, we will exemplify our community slogan that our Village is "the best place to live under the sun." Sincerely, Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor YEARS OF PROGRESS AERIAL VIEW SHOWS BRIDGE ON LIGHTHOUSE DRIVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION 1957. THE NORTH PALM BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL UNDER CON- STRUCTION. THE VIEW IS NORTH-WEST. HE VILLAGE of North Palm Beach is unique in that before the first residence was built, the Village had many paved streets, a Village Hall, a functioning sewage disposal plant, water supply system, electric power, gas lines, telephone facilities, a Mayor and Village Council, a Village Man- ager and both Police and Fire pro- tection. The overall planning of the Village was honored by the National Home Builders Association as the award winning Village of the Nation with regard to its design, layout, restric- tions and facilities as a neighborhood development. Not long after resi- dential construction had started, the Village Marina located on the North Palm Beach Waterway was con- structed and in operation, as well as a recreational area or children f ' 1 lo- cated o-cated on Anchorage Drive. The growth of the Village within the next ten years was quite rapid and today is looked up to as an out- standing residential and neighbor- hood commercial locale. The Mer- chants who have chosen North Palm Beach as a base of their operations have been well supported by the Vil- lage as is attested to by the continual growth of the commercial areas. AN EARLY AERIAL VIEW OF THE FIRST DEVELOPED SECTION OF THE VILLAGE. LOOKING EAST TOWARD LAKE WORTH. J �. x J u.:. is i �Y...:.. : .. :.. .\. .. :i::<•':.: vy..' :\h,.•) vim....... :\wi:.:':.:'.: . n. Y h ,y 4; , ...... .. .. ..:: SSS::, :. :,,J '2;9..:,c,".,. ..:::,;:>'�t . �.L �.k'•kk` 'u62:' r KL .;'.; .,;.., .. - :. :: ;�':..,.:. ...... .,.:::: w. :n: ,... .:: ...:. ., w° sAs>:.i'.,::>' i�i'•'e:��s ":x, s: iz.'a.;Y`.:::`?.; .:;�,:2,. :.$:'.�J.. ...i'.�'��'c: ::-. . ".. ... .. ... ,:: :. ... .:.::: : ... ...: :.:..... .:•. .r -v: ".:.., J.. .\ :r.:: .:::.. :i l�%.ik;ryifi;i"7,:i "Si:. :::s.l. .k .. . ,: .. ........ ..:....... ;:., ......... ....:.. s �s.:.3 �:ko.: razz..` c: ...."::...x•:n:;s,,,»•:: :, >:.G::' : w.c.>A.`. `..";:'�s„'7st`�a:�ra. ::?'.R':tb.::. ., .:°�;.J.XFafi:zJ'»i,:"a'' ,,,��`A\.?'.: x THE ORIGINAL CLUB HOUSE OF THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUN- TRY CLUB. AERIAL VIEW LOOKING EAST SHOWS FIRST PARADE OF HOMES AND VILLAGE HALL UNDER CONSTRUCTION. POWER HOIST FOR BOAT LAUNCHING. ONE OF THE FIRST RECREATIONAL INSTALLATIONS. BOAT LAUNCHING RAMP AND PIER AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH MARINA. -...R....EATION Dc;int, YOUTH ACTIVITIES, PROGRAMS AND EVENTS A VITAL PART OF OUR COMMUNITY LIFE .. . A STUDENT PAINTS AT THE,ART CENTER. On November 24th, 1964, Res- olution No. 218 was passed and adopted by the Village Council creating the Recreation Advisory Board. The Board in an Advisory Ca- pacity functions to study and re- view all the recreational facilities and needs of the entire Village and constantly strive to institute a broad over-all comprehensive plan for all Village residents, in range from youth to adult. Through the Advisory efforts of this committee. two tennis courts were installed on which periodic tennis clinics are held for both children and adults; an eight week, organized and super- vised, summer program is held at Anchorage and Prosperity Parks; a Learn -to -Swim program for all the children of Village residents is conducted at the Country Club pool; Ballet, bridge, safe -boating, baton twirling and investment classes have been made available for those interested. For the 1966-67 fiscal year this Board recommended to the Vil- lage Government the employment of a full time Recreational Direc- tor, construction of a lighted double handball court. and multi- purpose court, improvement to the ball -fields and the tennis courts, continuance of the Learn - to -Swim and the summer play- ground programs and develop- ment of the recreational area at Yacht Club Point. THE OLYMPIC SWIMMING POOL AND DIVING TOWER. SWIMMING AND DIVING CLASSES AS WELL AS FIRST AID AND RESCUE INSTRUCTION ARE A VITAL PART OF OUR RECREATION PROGRAM. A FATHER AND SONS ENJOY THE PLAYGROUND FACILITIES OF ANCH- ORAGE PARK. LEFT, SHUFFLEBOARD COURT, THE POPULAR RECREATIONAL SPORT OF OUR SENIOR CITIZENS. WAITING TO TEE -OFF AT THE COUN- TRY CLUB. GOLF IS A MAJOR REC- REATIONAL ACTIVITY OF VILLAGE RESIDENTS. DEPARTMENT OF HERBERT KOHL Director of Public Safety From its inception, The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, took ad- vantage of the favorable public safety experiences of such outstanding com- munities as Oak Park, Illinois and Sunnyvale, California, by starting with joint police and fire divisions to function as the Department of Public Safety, under the administra- tion and supervision of a single Director. With increased efficiency and econ- omy, your public safety officer per- forms all the police and fire duties within the Village, augmented by its Police Reserve and Volunteer Fire Divisions. The Department of Public Safety patrol cars perform this double duty on a 24 hour basis, as they patrol the 55 miles of Village streets. The patrol cars are similarly equipped with standard police accessory which in- cludes: radio, radar unit, riot gun, crime scene investigation kit, acci- dent investigation tools, camera, and in addition the newest type of fire extinguishers, fire fighting clothing and a complete first aid kit, with oxygen. Supervisory personnel hold Red Cross instructor cards. PHOTO OF POLICE MOBILE UNITS, STANDING FROM LEFT. POLICE CHIEF KOHL, SGT. WILLE, AND SGT. MCGUIRE. OFFICERS AND MEN OF THE NORTH PALM BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Department personnel perform under a continuous training program, as its members are drilled semi- monthly in fire fighting techniques and attend the City of West Palm Beach, Florida Police Academy. Your Department of Public Safety was f or- tunate in obtaining the usual fine cooperation of the F.B.I., with respect to making available qualified agents to conduct police training profes- sional course in the Village this past year, for both local officers as well as officers from surrounding com- munities. The Department consisting of one Director, two Sergeants, seven offi- cers, one clerk, and school guards stand ready to acknowledge your call for help or assistance during anytime of the day or night. FUNCTIONS OF DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1 -Protection of Life and Propery. 2 -Administer First Aid. 3 -Enforce Occupational License Ordinance. 4 -Enforce Boat Safety and Boating Laws. 5 -Performance of Fire Prevention Inspections. 6 -Accident Investigation. 7 -Public Relations Work. RADAR UNIT. MOST MODERN METHOD OF SPEEDER APPREHENSION. TRAFFIC VIOLATION GETS CITATION. PATROLMAN MAKING ROUTINE DOOR CHECK OF COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. The VILLAGE EDWARD M. J ACOMO Director STUDENTS IN OIL PAINTING CLASS. ONE OF THE MANY SUBJECTS TAUGHT AT THE ART CENTER. The North Palm Beach Art Center, now in existence for seven years, believes that you the individual are the instrument of Art, the decid- ing judge of whether art is a living experience, or a hollow farce. You decide if art exists only for art's sake, dead and unused, or if it is a living part of you to be appreciated and created. The creation of visual art is not a luxury, or recreation for a society bent on finding a distraction in an age of leisure; it is not to be regarded as therapy for the anxious in a neu- rotic age. Rather, the Art Center sees art as necessary to the well-being and well-functioning of healthy and pur- poseful people people like you who are aware, active, curious, concerned and involved. Art increases our state of aliveness by expanding and deep- ening our state of awareness. Art discovers, heightens and refines life's experiences; it brings our emotions to our attention and makes us feel them fully. It is a selection and ex- amination of our world, in order, that we may apprehend the selected properties and values often obscure in ordinary experience. Art seems to clarify our feelings. Until we express emotions, we do not know what they are. Art has always been the means by which man illumines and shapes the work he has to do and the road he must travel. It has all the excitement and difficulty of pioneering. The Art Center, as a community program, sees creative art in this light as a great principle of visual education; it is dedicated to transmitting to its students the capacity of learning to SEE. Both avocational and vocational students are encouraged to recognize the spirit, traditions, skills and crafts necessary to an artist. If as Michelangelo says, the artist paints, not only with his hands, but with his mind, then his art education must concern itself with WHAT art has to say as well as HOW he says it. We believe that a work of art breaks up reality, recombining it in such a manner that it enlarges our total understanding. Art lives only through the past experience of artist and observer. The Art Center is in- terested in training creative artists and observers. To this end, courses are designed to give considerable latitude for the exploration of theory, and for self-expression.. The Art Center is a non-profit educational And aesthetic institution owned and operated by the municipal government of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Classes are organized in numerous graphic and dimensional art and craft activities. The Art Center occupies the old Sir Harry Oakes Estate adjacent to the Country Club. Spacious stu- dios provide work areas for fine -arts and crafts activities and projects. A small gallery provides exhibition space for student work and traveling loan shows. THE ABOVE PHOTO SHOWS SEVERAL EXAMPLES OF ART CENTER STUDENTS WORK. k4"IM9"ff 10L LM WAIVICIM 09 COUNTRY CLUB FRANCIS SHUSTER Pro Manager l A SHORT HISTORY OF THE NORTH PALL BEACH COUNTRY CLUB A nine hole golf course was built in 1924 by Mr. Harry I. Kelsey of the East Coast Finance Company, original developers of "Kelsey City" which is now Lake Park. This course was situated south of the Earman River where Food Fair and the First American Bank are now located. In 1925-26, Mr. Kel- sey built a second course, now the North Palm Beach Country Club course. He pumped sand up from Lake Worth to build a dominant site for a clubhouse which still stands as the North Palm Beach Art Center. This course was known as the Palm Beach Winter Club and was operated seasonally. The nine hole course was abandoned in 1935. When East Coast Finance went bankrupt during the depression, Tesdem, Inc., an Oaks Corporation, appeared and bought their hold- ings which included the Country Club. Sir Harry used the club house as one of his homes, and added the south wing, which now houses the North Palm Beach Library. The barns were used for his wife's saddle horses. The area passed successively through the hands of industrialists Ralph Stolkin and insurance mag- nate, John D. Mac Arthur. In 1955, the Ross Brothers purchased the North Palm Beach area from the Mac Arthur interests. Principals of the firm were Richard E. and Her- bert A. Ross, John A. Schwencke :. a. �....... �. .. 4. .... ... ..:.. ... ... .d �..... ..i. 4�. 4... .. ...... ........ ........ ...... -::..... .. �,�f' .... e?.. ... .... . ::: ...: 2t..�c s...: v .: :. � .. .:: .: .:. ..v... ::..: ��: •.i:: .,:..:+..^.... .... .... ............ .... ... ...... ... .. .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... .... A VIEW OF THE NEW CLUBHOUSE. THIS MODERN $400, 000 CLUBHOUSE HAS EVERY MODERN FACILITY FOR THE CONVENIENCE AND ENJOYMENT OF CLUB MEMBERS. THE 18th GREEN, PRO -SHOP IN BACKGROUND. ON THE RIGHT OF PHOTO BEHIND THE PALMS CAN BE SEEN THE DIVING TOWER. and Jay H. White. The cost of the area plus the cost of. anticipated .improvements was estimated at approximately nine million dollars. The North Palm Beach Country Club was operated by the develop- ment firm until 1961. In 1961, the Village of North Palm Beach pur- chased the North Palm Beach Country Club properties for $1,- 025,000 through the issuance of "General Obligation Bonds," as voted by the residents of North Palm Beach. In addition, approxi- mately $400,000 was voted for the building of a new club house and and swimming pool. For the first three years, the North Palm Beach Country Club struggled to become a self-support- ing facility. With the formation of a strong "Governing Governin Board," g 9>> the Club in 1965 showed substantial improvement and a small operat- ing profit The membership in- creased together with an increased Golf, Swimming and Social Pro- gram. Especially outstanding has been the growth of the Women's Golf Association and the Junior Golf Program. Extensive improve- ments are planned to accommodate the present large membership. A group of interested members have formed a "Gift and Bequests" Committee to aid the Board of Governors to complete their tenta- tive five year program of Club Im- provement. Major plans consist of: 1. Bulkhead Program 2. Planting Program 3. Club House rehabilitation Members of the North Palm Beach Country Club can be justly proud of what is being recognized as the Finest in Florida. SLIM AND TRIM CLASS SHOWN ON CLUBHOUSE PATIO. PUTTING LESSONS ON THE PRAC- TICE GREEN. R � ABOUT The North L. A. BAARKE Pool Manager and Swimming Coach. .3 THE COUNTRY CLUB . . . Palm Beach Coun- try Club golf course is carefully maintained to provide maximum player enjoyment. It brings out the best in a pro's bag of tricks, as well as giving the average golfer the challenges and thrills that make golf one of the greatest of sports. The Country Club consists of an area of 145.9 acres. The area includes the club house, dining room, swimming pool, patios, golf course, driving range, and abun- dant parking area. The Village of North Palm Beach was organized under Chap- ter 31481 Special Acts of the Flor- ida Legislature Extraordinary Session of 1956. The Village ac- quired the North Palm Beach Country Club under its Charter Power in Article V, Section 1; Article V, Section 3 (35) and Article V, Section 3 (36) as set forth in Resolution 117, passed by the Village Council. Funds for the purchase and improvement were provided by a Village "General Obligation" Bond Issue approved July 18, 1961. The North Palm Beach Country Club policies gov- erning the Country Club are de- termined by a "Board of Gover- nors" as established in orclinances 91 and 110, subject to ultimate control by the Village Council. The North Palm Beach Country Club Olympic pool features two swimming courses: the Olympic course 50 meters (54 yards, 2 feet) by six lanes and the stand- ard short course 25 yards by 6 lanes; two one meter diving boards, one three meter board, and 5 71/2 and 10 meter diving platforms with 1T of water under the platforms. The pool holds 510,000 gallons of water and has a filter which completely recirculates the whole pool every 6 hours. A modern gas chlorination system coupled with the filter system keeps the water as clear and pure as drinking water. The pool manager and swim- ming coach, L. A. Baarcke was employed to plan and build an all-around, quality swimming program for North Palm Beach. Since the pool opened in January 1963 the program has developed into the best in Florida and one of the best in the United States. A VIEW OF THE OLYMPIC SWIMMING POOL AND DIVING TOWER. THIS INSTALLATION IS ONE OF THE LARGEST AND FINEST IN THE SOUTH. civ AN AERIAL VIEW OF THE COURSE, LOOKING NORTH FROM THE CLUBHOUSE. PRO -SHOP IS SHOWN ON RIGHT. BRIDGE CLUB SESSION IN THE GOLD ROOM OF THE CLUBHOUSE. LOOKING OUT FROM THE DINING ROOM WINDOW A PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE COURSE, AND CLOSE-UP THE PRACTICE PUTTING GREEN. ON THE DRIVING RANGE YOUNGSTERS LINE UP FOR GOLF INSTRUCTION. THE N.P.B. COUNTRY CLUB IS JUSTLY PROUD OF THE MANY TOUR- NAMENT TROPHIES WON BY ITS JUNIOR GOLFERS. MR. FRED TRAPNELL POSES WITH GROUP OF CONTEST WINNERS AFTER PRESENTING TROPHIES. 144100RT11 jk7W W.AAC 11 WAT E..JR S U.AP.JP.JLy DEEP WEELS WITH A MODERN EFFICIENT WATER PLANT PROVIDE THE VILLAGE WITH THE FINEST WATER IN PALM BEACH COUNTY The Water Plant is located west of the Village of North Palm Beach, on Richard Road. It was originally constructed in 1956 with a capacity of 1.5 million gallons per day, and expanded in 1962 to 6 million gallons per day. Water is taken from 11 wells, aerated, chlorinated, softened, sta- bilized and filtered. All phases of treatment are carried out in a Per- mutit precipitator softening unit. This softening unit is - divided into primary and secondary mixing and clarification zones. Water from the wells is first aerated and passes downward through the primary mixing zone of the precipitator; here the water is softened with chemical hydrate lime. After the application of lime for softening, the water rises to the secondary mix where the softening reactions are completed and coagu- lation of lime sludge is started, using activated silicate as a coagu- lant aid. Here also chlorinaation is accomplished. \ In the clarification zone the co- agulated lime sludge drops to the bottom of the unit, the treated water passes by gravity to five rapid sand filtera. On the way to these filters calgon is added to stabilize the softened water. The water is then filtered and stored in the million gallon ground storage tank and clear well until needed in the Village. The lime slurry which falls to the bottom of the unit is drawn off every two hours or as required by the percentage of the lime needed to soften the water coming into the plants. The lime feeder has a capacity of 1200 lbs. per hour, which feeds to the unit in parts per million; an average day's run of 3600 gallons per minute would require between 4500 and 5000 lbs. of lime per day for softening purposes. The laboratory at the Water Plant is equipped to run complete chemical analyses and a qualified chemist and operators are on duty at all times. Tests are run every two hours. These tests consist of a pH, alka- linity, iron content, total hardness, chloride determination of raw water, color and chlorine. The re- sults of these tests are recorded once a day and filed with the Board of Health once a month. The effluent from all treatment units is checked by the operator every two hours and recorded on daily log sheets. EMERGENCY POWER: In case of power failure, the plant is equipped with a 200 K.W. emer- gency generator, driven by a gas powered Waukesha engine. This is capable of running the plant at 2/ 3 capacity. HIGH -SERVICE PUMPS. There are 4 High -Service pumps at the plant which have different ratings. 2 1500 gal. per minute pumps 1 500 " " 1-3500 21" These pumps are capable of de- livering 6500 gallons per minute to the entire system. Our elevated storage tank has a capacity of 300,- 000 gallons which maintains a static head of pressure in our en- tire system of 54 lbs. AREAS SERVICED. North Palm Beach Utilities also serves the town of Lake Park, some parts of Palm Beach Gardens, including Alamanda School, Hidden Key, Hidden Key North, and Lost Tree Village. Our distribution system consists of 72 miles of pipe from 4 -inch to 16 -inch. There are also 264 fire hydrants in the system. Our goal in the past ten years has been to supply our customers with the highest quality water that can be produced, along with the best service available, and this will be our contirming goal in. years to come. HIGH SERVICE PUMPS HAVE A CAP- ACITY OF 6,500 GALLONS PER MIN- UTE. SIX MILLION GALLON -A -DAY TREATMENT UNIT, WITH AERATOR, SHOWN IN UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER. vwc .,.. INTERMIXING CONE OF SOFTENING UNIT WHERE ALL CLARIFI- CATION TREATMENT TAKES PLACE. TWO, ONE MILLION GALLONS A DAY AUTOMATIC VALVELESS GRAVITY FILTERS. P�� MRS. HELEN S. PURSEL Librarian THE k4"]KXW 1k LM ISAACH The Village of North Palm Beach Library owes its origin, four years ago, to a group of women, namely, the North Palm Beach Library Society who con- tinue to be active working with the library staff and the Village to further the professional and cultural growth of the library. Donation of books, magazines and newspapers by interested or- ganizations, banks and individuals have been responsible for much of the Library's growth and. de- velopment. Currently there are 7000 vol- umes now available, which in- cludes a variety of classifications and provide the public with a well - rounded and up -, to - date source of both reference and pleasurable reading. For the 1966-67 fiscal year, the children's department will b p be en- larged with entertainment and reading programs planned. Fur- thermore, the aim of the library is to add enrichment materials to assist students of all ages, in connection with individual efforts as well as school assignments. ^UAW A PARTIAL VIEW OF THE LIBRARY. THERE ARE NOW OVER 7,000 VOLUMES AVAILABLE FOR LENDING AND REFERENCE. 01ORTH Ilk1W LM SEACH and BOAT LAUNCHING FACILITIES 4 twope.:. w aenx:. h w. .r MELIF .; a THE NORTH PALM BEACH MARINA. ONE OF THE FINEST ON THE EAST COAST. The Village of North Palm Beach is basically a waterfront community and as such is keenly aware of the needs of its boating residents. A well designed con- crete boat launching ramp capable of handling 3 launchings at one time is avail- able along with an electric hoist. There are provisions for wet dockage for 30 boats and dry storage area for approxi- mately 35 boats up to 40 feet in length. A nominal charge is made for both the wet and dry storage areas as well as keys for operation of the electric hoist. In addition to the above facilities, there are two privately owned Marinas, one located on the Intra Coastal Waterway -D "9 -9 19 nul-.1 DING D PARTM NT INSPECTION AND CODE ENFORCEMENT" ASSURES SOUND, SAFE CONSTRUCTION s o:�::: N=::r W. G. CARVER Building Official A TYPICAL STREET OF FINE HOMES. WELL DESIGNED AND SOLIDLY CONSTRUCTED. The Building Department is in di- rect charge of the Building Official and this Department processes all plans and specifications for new buildings upon which permits are to be issued and series of inspections made. The inspections cover the basic construction, plumbing, electrical, heating, air conditioning, elevators, etc., insofar as the code requirements demand. The Department is also charged with the responsibility of in- terpretation of the Zoning Code and the use and occupancy of the struc- tures thereon. It is also a function of this Depart- ment to maintain cooperative rela- tionships with Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Public Officials and the general public insofar as consultation regarding new buildings and attend- ant problems. The Department makes in excess of 5,000 inspections per year in the interest of administering the Building Code and to assure the best possible quality of work obtain- able. The Building Department ad- ministers the examinations required for Contractors to secure an Occupa- tional License within the Village and issues these licenses and constantly polices the sub -contractors that are employed on the various projects. A TYPICAL CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT BUILDING (36 UNITS) The Department is responsible for a complete set of records insofar as each individual structure and its at- tendant problems and inspections, and is constantly on the alert for new materials and processes which would enhance the structural values of future projects and cooperates with officials of the County and State in the interest of up -grading the Build- ing Code and such new materials that are brought out in the course of a year. A CBS WITH BRICK VENEER HOME UNDER CONSTRUCTION A 20 UNIT CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT BUILDING UNDER CONSTRUCTION TFB THE NORTH PALM BEACH F1'"RE VOL UN riEER DR. EDWIN J. OBERT Senior member and Medical Officer V.F.D. D I : PARTM--ENT The Village of North Palm Beach Volunteer Fire Department was organized on March 7th, 1957. This formation consisted of twelve men from varied occupa- tions making their new home within the Village. Their interest as Volunteer Firemen continued through the years and many members now have in excess of five years of service. Notably among your Volunteer Firemen is Dr. Edwin J. Obert, retired, who not only being the Senior resident of the Village, was in this initial group of volun- teers and currently the honorary Medical Officer. Early training originated with the State Fire College at Ocala, Florida, which arranged for their THESE JUNIOR FIRE-FIGHTERS ENJOYED POSING FOR THIS PICTURE AROUND OUR MODERN FIRE TRUCK. instructor to administer a 40 hour course to the newly organized group. Training has continued on a semi-monthly basis, employing the University of Maryland Fire- men's Training Course as the guide for such training. Through the course years offi- cial fire records disclose a low of five fires in 1957 and a high of thirty fires in 1965. This unit working in conjunc- tion with the Department of Pub- lic Safety makes the combined unit one of the outstanding de- partments in the country. FUNCTIONS OF THE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. 1 -Respond to all alarms of fire. 2 -Assist in Mutual Aid to neigh- boring communities. 3 -Assist Department of Public Safety in extinguishment and Fire Prevention inspections. 4 -Assist at Parades or other large gatherings. 5 -Respond to emergency alarms such as drownings, strike or riot. Cioiagratulatiolls CONGRATULATIONS! ... To the developers, builders, merchants, professional community but most of all to the residents of the Village of North Palm Beach. We'd like the whole world to know more about our charming village and the way we live in this sub -tropical fairyland. We awaken everyday to the glow of radiant sunshine piercing through breathtaking formations of fleecy white clouds against an unbelievably blue sky! We step from our homes into this luscious climate and drive to work down winding streets of coconut palms and malelucas. . .we see our kiddies trotting off to school in shirtsleeves with no rubber boots or snowsuits to bother them. Our senior citizens enjoy their own shuffleboard courts and card room or add to their golden years by peddling their bikes. We drop our boat into a free launching ramp and take a cruise through our many canals and pass the countless dockside homes with their own pools, we marvel at the brilliant red hibiscus hedges or purple bougainvilla. Our boat will take us up the scenic intracoastal waterway which is another world from the water, or maybe we would head out into Lake Worth and throw in a line to catch a sporty blue fish waiting to be taken. Of course the fabulous Gulf- stream in the blue Atlantic is only a ten minute run from our modern marina where you'll see yachts, schooners and boats of every description whose owners take to the sea for the finest sport fishing in the world. Our northern friends cannot believe we have a Country Club that otters the largest pool in the state and a challenging eighteen holes of rolling fairways and all this for a total cost of less than two quarters a day for the entire family! If mainland living gets too hectic we can hop into a beach buggy for a few hours of rigorous surfing or enjoy a quiet walk on the miles of our isolated ocean beaches where we can wander by the hour in quiet contemplation. YES, WE LOVE LIVING IN NORTH PALM BEACH AND ARE PROUD TO BE A PART OF ITS GROWTH! The PRESIDENT Visit our exciting President Model Home (shown below) in Yacht Club Point. Open daily 10 to 5 P.M. ... .... .._..,. ,,. v.:rc.xw::':::..0 ., n.: ...:.: r:n __� ..:�.:: .;:.t•,:::tt4}:'.....,•:}x; ::x,.a,:h.a:.:a'..: ra:;' -- •;, �,y s.._� .: : 'r ... .:::. :..moi:: o..:`: r.:t•.. ',... ,... „., .K .: xy},..... ...: ,. .. m•} .... :. .... ..: ...:....: .:,.,:.::x�:.r.Jt.::.,.., v .,.ea ... rv. .t .r.:,.. :£..C.... .... ,xr :%,'�,'.: . ��;: '�a :�.'xa" x..o.i:. .....:...... a „fi'`'b . . ... F.a .:».. .v..: :ko..'..,.:`Yt;: �: .: :.,.:;..;.: .:. :.::.,}. .: a.. ..a....,...a,:. ....�.. .............. f �..,a ..... .,..... .... >. •.... ¢..�foY::k 3.x;s?,. «xfx,.. ... ... a ........ ............. .... ..... .'$iX .. w.. .... .:.. :...F........... w. ... ........ ., . ... .D u':•>x. ^<:�'•. :::>'f:i?C`'` .. .. ,...... r..t ..... .n......, h....�.. a ..... ..:..... :.... n....... ...... ...4nM v ..... �:,: :... }R'.^.. ...,.. .}f ,� .. Y.`i. ........... .v.`.a.aa..e ............4� ... ..<..a. ..... .,..�.<........ �.`... REALTORS 800 U.S. 1 —NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 848-2563 FiRSTAm-ERICANBANK OF NOETH PAI..M BEAC73 FIT WS� � REG ULAR BANKING HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY 9A,M, TO2P.M. FRIDAYS 9A.M. TO 6:30 P.M. DRIVE-IN TELLERS MON. - THURS. 7:30 AOM, TO 6 P.M. FRIDAYS 7:30 A.M. JO 6:30 P.M. FIST AMERICAN BANK OF N01ZT H PA_Lm B F, -Ac H 401 Northlake Boulevard, North Palm Beach, Florida Telephone 848-0611 When You Go To Sea on U �� Overall view of the Marina. Intracoastal Waterway. Lake Worth and Atlantic Ocean are shown. Photo was taken from South end of Marina. The North Palm Beach Marina has accom- modations for 100 yachts up to 100'. There is no rough water, currents or wash to interfere with docking. There is 10' of water at Piers and Turnning Basin. Concrete docks are wide with finger piers and Greenhart piling. 110 and 220 volt electricity with individual cir- cuit breakers at each slip. Public phone on dock with individual phone jacks for pri- vate telephones aboard. Docks are lighted throughout the night. The modern shower building provides complete facilities including private tiled showers and dressing rooms, also washer and drier. Excellent drinking water. Beer and soft drinks are available. Mail port. Gulf, double filtered gas, diesel oil and a complete line of other Gulf yachting and boating needs are available. A 6-12 volt fast charger and an electric oil changer are but a small, yet important, part of our modern equipment. A large and complete line of marine sup- plies is constantly maintained which includes: pumps, spark plugs, oil and fuel filters, paint, cleaners, batteries, hose, cushions, nylon lines, etc. Woodworking tools, Mahogany, Teak, Oak and Ash lumber are stock items. Complete Banking Facilities for Every Member of the Family . CHECKING ACCOUNTS PAYROLLS PREPARED Regular Personal Phone Denominations in Advance Commercial SAVINGS ACCOUNTS . Drive -Up Facilities Regular (Adult and Children's) Banking By Mail One Year 5% Time Depository Night De g p y Certificates Of Deposit i t p Safe Deposit Vaults Lines of Credit Bank Money Orders Term Loans Stock Purchases Accounts Receivable Loans 0 U.S. Savings Bonds Small Business Loans Cashier's Checks Mortgage Loans Construction L oa ns Traveler's Checks . INSTALLMENT LOANS Christmas Club Autorriobi le , Collections Personal , Bank Drafts Home Improvement , Transfer of Funds Insurance Premium Financing Free Checking Accounts o ng For Those Over 60 Member F.D.I.0 FIT WS� � REG ULAR BANKING HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY 9A,M, TO2P.M. FRIDAYS 9A.M. TO 6:30 P.M. DRIVE-IN TELLERS MON. - THURS. 7:30 AOM, TO 6 P.M. FRIDAYS 7:30 A.M. JO 6:30 P.M. FIST AMERICAN BANK OF N01ZT H PA_Lm B F, -Ac H 401 Northlake Boulevard, North Palm Beach, Florida Telephone 848-0611 When You Go To Sea on U �� Overall view of the Marina. Intracoastal Waterway. Lake Worth and Atlantic Ocean are shown. Photo was taken from South end of Marina. The North Palm Beach Marina has accom- modations for 100 yachts up to 100'. There is no rough water, currents or wash to interfere with docking. There is 10' of water at Piers and Turnning Basin. Concrete docks are wide with finger piers and Greenhart piling. 110 and 220 volt electricity with individual cir- cuit breakers at each slip. Public phone on dock with individual phone jacks for pri- vate telephones aboard. Docks are lighted throughout the night. The modern shower building provides complete facilities including private tiled showers and dressing rooms, also washer and drier. Excellent drinking water. Beer and soft drinks are available. Mail port. Gulf, double filtered gas, diesel oil and a complete line of other Gulf yachting and boating needs are available. A 6-12 volt fast charger and an electric oil changer are but a small, yet important, part of our modern equipment. A large and complete line of marine sup- plies is constantly maintained which includes: pumps, spark plugs, oil and fuel filters, paint, cleaners, batteries, hose, cushions, nylon lines, etc. Woodworking tools, Mahogany, Teak, Oak and Ash lumber are stock items. Manufactured in the Village of North Palm Beach, these 28' classic auxiliaries are a familiar sight on Lake Worth, in the Gulfstream, the Bahamas and all over the Eastern Seaboard. In addition to classic 28' Soverel Marine also builds the Morc Racer, The Soverel 33 and the Soverel 36. Write for illustrated brochure containing complete information and prices. SOVEREL MARINE INC. N4�RTH ALM SEACH 0-?*--"-`�`*' JANUARY � AND 1 1967 NO GREAT DAYS TE-,4NC .4NNdM I�\l L RAT 10 N 2225 IDLEWILD ROAD .NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA FLORIDA/BAHAMA BASE BOAT CHARTERS 1956 1966 FRIDAY JANUARY 13th, 1967 MORNING Tencennial Pro -Celebrity Golf Tournament at the North Palm Beach Country Club. AFTERNOON Civic Day - 20 students have been picked from surrounding schools to fill the positions at the Village Hall from 1 to 4:.30 p.m. SATURDAY JANUARY 14th, 1967 8': 00 a.m. - Ring area church bells, sound fire and police siren for three minutes. Open North Palm Beach Merchants' Tencennial Celebration Sale. Open Boat Show and New Car Show in the parking lot of the .First American Bank of North Palm Beach. 10: 00 a.m. - Parade route': Start at Cinnamon Road and Lig}1thouse Drive, east on Lighthouse Drive to Anchorage Drive, south then east on Anchorage Drive to .Eastwind Drive: north on .Eastwind Drive past Village Hall, Dispersal, at School and Church parking areas on .Eastwind Drive. 11: 00 a.m. - High School Band Concert, area bands combined on Village Hall steps. Notable area musician conducting. 12 Noon - Luncheon at North Palm Beach Country Club for pioneer Village residents and guests. Theodore Pratt, speaker. 1: 00 p.m. - Open swimming at the North Palm Beach Country Club pool. Opening of North Palm Beach Art Center Art Show. the village of NORTH ILLMSEACH 1: 45 p.m. - Dedication of the 66Golfers' Den" at the North Palm Beach Club Driving Range. 2: 00 p.m. - Pro 'Golf .Exhibition Little League Exhibition Baseball Game at Prosperity Park 3: 00 p.m. - Teen -Age Golf Match Surfing Contest - location to be announced 4: 00 p.m. - North Palm Beach Library Book Fair and Open House at Library. 6': 30 to 7: 30 p.m. - Cocktail Party, North Palm Beach Country Club. 7: 30 to 9: 00 p.m. - Award Dinner honoring North Palm Beach Developers, former Mayors and Councilmen, Key speaker, Dr. Kenneth Williams, President of .Florida .Atlantic University. 9': 00 p.m. - Tencennial Celebration at the North Palm Beach Country Club -Dancing .......... on the patio to the music of Jake Burrows -Open to the public. SUNDAY JANUARY 15th, 1967 8': 00 a.m. - Golf Tournament at the North Palm Beach Country Club - Calloway System. 11': 00 a.m. - Area churches to hold special services for Tencennial event, all residents urged to attend church. Mayor and the Village Council to attend the First Presbyterian Church in North Palm Beach on Prosperity Farms Rd. 11: 00 a.m. - Sail Boat Race in the lake between the Marina and the Island. 12 Noon - Bar-B-Que sponsored by the B.P,.O..E. at Lodge on U. S. #1. f: 00 p.m. - Tennis Exhibition at the North Palm Beach Country Club. 2: 00 p.m. - Jai -Alai and 'Golf Match 2: 00 p.m. - Shuffleboard Tournament, Senior Social Clubhouse. 2: 30 p.m. - Swimming .Exhibition, North Palm Beach Country Club. 3 to 5 p.m. - Fashion Show, North Palm Beach Country Club, by the Junior Women's Club of North Palm Beach. the village of "IEKK79. IRV� S�acx the village of 191OR'�i IL ROM 1FX CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS Ll The Village of North Palm Beach is justly proud of its many clubs and civic organizations. Their contributions to the communities welfare socially, cul- turally and civically has been a vital factor in the progress and growth of the Village. The mayor,.village council and village manager congratulate all of you for the splendid work you're doing in connection with this major event. ORGANIZATIONS BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA GIRL SCOUTS OF AMERICA NORTH PALM BEACH LADIES SOCIAL CLUB NORTH PALM BEACH YOUTH ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION NORTH PALM BEACH GARDEN CLUB AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN, NORTH. PALM BEACH BRANCH KIWANIS CLUB CI VI TAN CLUB ELKS LODGE JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB OF THE NORTH PALM BEACHES CIVIC CLUBS NORTH PALM BEACH SENIOR SOCIAL -SHUFFLEBOARD CLUB NORTH PALM BEACH BRIDGE CLUBS -(VARIOUS) NORTH PALM BEACH WOMEN'S GOLF ASSOCIATION NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY SOCIETY LIONS CLUB, NORTH PALM BEACH 'ROTARY CLUB OF THE PALM BEACHES k JAYCEES, PALM BEACH GARDENS, NORTH PALM BEACH NORTH PALM BEACH TENCENNIAL CELEBRATION SATURDAY & SUNDAY, JANUARY 14-15, 1967 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN General Chairman Harold Beery Auto Show Earl Thompson Finance Chairman Joe J. Eassa, Jr. Flower Show Mrs. Russell Michael Advertising Chairman Eric James Fashion Show Mrs. M. C. Love, Jr. Publicity Chairman Jack Walrad Pioneer Lundleon Mrs. Herbert Gildan Public Relations Buck Kinnard Art Show Edward Jacomo Merchants Celebration Frank Peuser Space Chairman W. G. Carver Swimming Exhibition Buddy Baarcke YAA Little League Game Mrs. Chas. Joslin Golf Tournament, Pro Book Fair & Library fete Mrs. Edward Sharp Exhibition, Teen-agers, Tencennial Parade Mallory Privett Jai -Alai & Golf matches F. Shuster Tencennial Dinner Dance Mayor Tom Lewis Sail races Tennis Exhibition Bick Stevens and boat show Commander Wm. Soverel (Co-ordinators: Maynard Isabell Shuffleboard Tournament Howard Campbell Mal Privett, JCS High School Band Concert Mrs. Harold Beery Civic Clubs Mrs. Chris Bean in the village of ORTH ALM L3FACH ® ®� ® ..... ..... ...... ........ ....... r: ........ ....................... ...................:.. � � -an iff; xilc vunuul u1-gdiiizaLion is proua of its part in the building of the Village of North Palm Beach. It is also proud of its high standards of design and craftsmanship, reflected in the more than 200 custom homes it has built in the village. The Foster concept of fine Traditional and Colonial architectural design gn ad s pted to the needs of Florida living has contributed much to the charm and distinction of this fine community. Our design and planning department is ready to assist you in creating a fine custom home, an apartment complex, business or commercial building, shop- ping center or motel. And, to build what we design at the lowest possible price consistant with our quality standards. GENE AND BOB FOSTE R CUSTOM DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF FINE HOMES 0 ARDLEY RD,. JUNO, FLORIDA 848-2977 MODERN INSURANCE IDEAS PLUS OLD FASHIONED SF IV CF:: LET ONE OF THESE MEN PROVE IT TO YOU NED SHARP JIM BARYON BILL WADSWORTH A. ST.JOHN SAL DeCANlO JOHN SWIFT C. J. TODD FRED TERRELL DICK DUKES DON WOOD JAY MARTING ED BAUfR A. LEE HICKS JERRY HIGGINS BOB KENT DON HOFFMANN JUST CALL 832-1657 Ask for FREE Property Survey HAROLD BEERY AND ASSOCIATES 339 ROYAL POINCIANA PLAZA, PALM BEACH GULF LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY EVERYBODY LUVS" WORLD FAMOUS HOT DOGS STEAMED IN BEER' For over 25 years the name LUM'S has meant to millions the "world's finest hot dogs!" These hot dogs are a special breed, made of only the finest meat and steam cooked in beer to the peak of perfection! .. . LUM'S have made the Hot Dog a gourmet's treat. Served on an oven -fresh, special LUM'S Bun, with sherry flavored sauerkraut. It's a taste thrill you'll want to enjoy often! Come and bring the family. EVER TRY A LUM*S Hickory smoked barbecued beef sandwich? Then you're in for a taste treat. Tender, choice, barbecued beef served on a special LUM'S Egg Roll with our own B.B.Q. ,sauce. Submarine Sandwich? There's none like LUM'S. Generous portions of Holland Ham, Genoa Salami, Provo- lone cheese and Cooked Salami gar- nished with lettuce and tomato — served on a delicious Italian Roll. You'll love it! JUST LUMLIC10US FOOD THE PALM BEACHES' NEWEST CONDOMINIUM COMMUNITY Jr.1m 11trl 11� WHERE YOUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR IS THE P.G.A. NATIONAL COUNTRY CLUB TAMBERLANE'S first building, illustrated below, is now ready for occupancy. It is the beginning of an adult condominium community utilizing the cluster concept of development, a concept that provides maximum privacy, garden and recreation facilities. It is located in one of Florida's finest residential areas. Apartments for sale range in price from $12,300 to $22,500. For Free Color Brochure and complete information fill out and mail coupon. = c z 2t4& FOR FREE BROCHURE FAIRWAY HOMES, INC. s 10019 North Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida The TAMBERLANE brochure illustrates the en- Please send Tamberlane brochure and complete ete ,enformation. tire development. It also contains complete NAME and detailed information on each apartment, itr ADDRESS together with their respective prices. CITY STATE aamberlane IN THE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS GOLF CAPITAL OF THE WORLD SATE R RIGHT FROM THE WELL? NOT A DROP OF 1T... Q This high service pump delivers 3,750 gallons per minute to the dis- tribution system. Cost: $21,480. II� NORTH � PALM BEACH .T r j ly 6� 7 Full treatment is carried out at the water plant which produces 6 million gallons of fully treated water per day, and has a storage capacity of 11/2 million gallons. Cost: $1.9 million. We make i'*t Rieghtel Water is the life blood of a community as an oasis is to the caravan in the desert. Without a sufficient supply of water no community can prosper and grow. If its water supply is not adequate, the community will, as it were, wither on the vine just as a growing plant that is not watered properly. Water is a commodity so precious that no tyrant has ever dared deny it to his people. The earliest records of our civilization are linked with the spring, the water holes, the rivers and the wells. Wars have been fought over water rights, and mighty nations have vanished because their water rights failed. Men have battled to death over the last drop of water in a canteen. Families have given up their homes and deserted their properties because of f ailing wells and dried up water sources. London was virtually destroyed by fire in the 17th century and Chicago was reduced to ashes in 1871 because sufficient water could not be delivered to the right place at the right time. Water is a natural resource and as such must be conserved. It must be neither wasted nor put to use in quantities inconsistent with the supply that is economically available. With these thoughts in mind the water plant operators must realize that they have more than one job to fulfill. First of all to deliver the highest quality of water that can be delivered; and second, to conserve water wher- ever possible. These are the aims of the employees of your utility company. X01 NORTH PALM BEACH UTILITIES, INC. 603 ANCHORAGE DRIVE 9 NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA THE FINE 5 T WATER I N PALM BEACH COUNT Y WHO SAYS WE KEEP " j BANKER'S HOURS"? j l '! When a businessman needs a service that usually takes a week, we at First Marine do it today! We arere ared p p to work day and night to give you or your business the service you want regardless of your banking needs. FaIRST A"IVE B"K OF RIVIERA BEACX Member federal Deposit Insurance Corporation JERRY THOMAS MChairman of the Board H. RICHARD MCCORD Presi den t e it andne es a ocati"On InPalmBeachese As a resident of this new Garden Apartment adult condominium community, you will enjoy: A waterfront location of exceptional beauty and convenience, a short walk to the shopping center, bank, clinics cs and professional buildings. Luxurious tropical landscaping, a swimming pool, putting green and shuffle- board court all are a part of the relaxed life you'll lead in the Village Garden in the village of Apartments. Soundproof, completely air conditioned and heated, these large NORTH luxury apartments are Florida's outstanding condominium values! Furnished PALM BEACH models open. See them now at 41 U. S. Highway #1 in North Palm Beach. AN OUTSTANDING ADULT CONDOMINIUM COMMUNITY No expense has been spared in the design and planning of this exceptional condominium community. Maximum garden, recreation and parking space adds to pleasure of living here. Membership in the North Palm Beach Country Club is available to apartment owners. The club is only a three minute drive from your door. VILLAGrE MODEL APARTMENTS OPEN Furnished model apartments are open daily and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. :k W/ P*wo artments CON DOMIN IUM 41 U. S. HIGHWAY NO. 1 • NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA • TELEPHONE 844-7103 FOR YOUR PROTECTION AND PEACE OF MIND: COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE FA The Keith Nichols Insurance Agency represents only the most respected insurance companies. Companies who, over the years kILISF have provided millions of Americans with low cost protection plus fast, dependable and fair claim settlement. You will like the personal service and interest offered by the Keith Nichols 848-0656 Agency in the handling of your insurance program. A call will bring a qualified representative. el y lc 61s DEPENDABLE .EFFICIENT .PERSONAL SERVICE LAKEVIEW BUILDING .NORTH PALM BEACH r YACIA I IJARBOUR LA N DI. l -G SF BUILT BY YACHT HARBOR LANDINGS INC. TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR SEPTEMBER '67 DELIVERY AN EXCITING NEW WATERFRONT CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT BY YACHT HARBOR LANDINGS INC. Overlooking the North Palm Beach marina, and but a short walk from the North Palm Beach Country Club, Whitehaven's new adult condominium community will occupy the finest location in the Palm Beaches. These spacious luxury apartment will embody every new feature and convenience. They will also be priced to make them Florida's greatest condominium values! MAIL COUPON FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION YACj H T H BR' YACHT HARBOUR LANDINGS, INC. ING� INC. OFFICE and MODEL - 200 YACHT CLUB DRIVE 842-1772 NORTH PALM BEACH ' 200 Yacht Club Drive North Palm Beach, Florida ' ' Please send complete information on your new ' condominium apartments ' ' NAME ' ' ADDRESS ' CITY STATE One Bedroom Two Bedrooms f Oise Bath Two Baths N"rl- Although natural recreational facilities abound in the Juno Beach c area, additional cultural, social and spectator events are only a short � drive away in the Palm Beaches. There are 6 championship golf p p g courses within 10 minutes drive. Outstandingpoints of p interest such as Worth Avenue, the Poinciana Playhouse, Norton Gallery, Palm Beach Kennel e g Club and Palm Beach Jai Alai plus a Ion list of other } a er great living ingredients combine to make Better Living truly exemplified in a Medal- lion-certified eda I- 1 ion -certified Greenbrier condominium n i um a art p went in the Town of Juno Bea �a c h ter... APARTMENTS - AN ADULT OCEANFRONT COMMUNITY MAIL ADDRESS, 50 CELESTIAL WAY, JUNO BEACH, FLORIDA 33403 STANLEY KAGAN, SALES MANAGER PHONE 642-4233 'U'V•ILLIAM C. WALLACE, INC. CIVIL ENGINEER & LAND SURVEYOR 105-106 LAKEVIEW BLDG. NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA PARK MUSIC CENTER 844 PARK AVENUE LAKE PARK, FLORIDA P HONE 844-0256 COMPLETE LINE OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS INSTRUCTIONS ON ALL INSTRUMENTS BY PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS SALES - RENTALS RECORDS -ACCESSORIES - MUSIC "Golden Rule Service Since 1960" Sinclair Products Junod's Service Center Corner of U.S. 1 and North lake Blvd. 848-3396 for Customer Courtesy and Dependable Service Drive With Care Buy Sinclair SHORE CLUB THE ALL WATERFRONT COUNTRY CLUB APARTMENT COMMUNITY LOCATED DIRECTLY ON THE SHORES OF LAKE WORTH I an won so Sam a 0 a A& WIN A& � a. a& — — - - — - 92 54 � X135 '2 1 BEDROOM � per Month BEDROOMS per Month from only9 � 8 2 BATHS O O 2 PAYS ALL from. 131�1O O PAYS ALL SUBSTANTIAL TAX DEDUCTIONS AVAILABLE IN ALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS Stn ,vii r �) "P.AL\ IKAC+( GAWDI 05 )S))�i!>u I N TRC-�--I�. I � - PAL A\ 51AC N — GAW D[ 03))))�)� 0)))LOST ))ji alp 111)►5 LAKE- RAJ?W RMI-4zA INA6 Il � J ,r(lrrnrrru Vlow GOLF Less than fifteen minutes from five country clubs. One mile from the fabulous North Palm Peach Country Club. BOATING Right on the Lake with boat and fishing docks. Miles of protected waterways — the Intracoastal is right in front. The Atlantic Ocean can be reached through nearby inlets. FISHING Go for the little fighters in the Lake or the big fellows in the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. Diversify your sports activities. Live! CULTURE Some of the world's most famous galleries are minutes from your apartment. Little Theater groups abound in the area. Florida Atlantic University is a thirty minute drive. Art shows are a frequent occurance throughout the area I, 1 Lek Wall-to-wall nylon carpeting in decorator colors. Heated swimming pool. Spacious sundeck area. Sauna II to . �, baths. Shuffleboard courts. Boat and Fishing docks. Launderies on each floor. All -electric kitchens. Central \V[ -3T FAL S�ArC�-- airconditioning �-.......�.�.�....�..���o���.. ALSO SHORE CLUB APARTMENTS , Spacious landscaped grounds abounding in tropical ' P.O. BOX 14355, NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 1 planting. Private parking. Self-service elevators. Close Please mail one of your 1 your apartment for a week or a year — it will be pro - tected and maintained awaiting your return. illustrated brochures. 1 1 OWN 1 NAME ........................................... 1 an apartment all year 'round in Shore Club for much less than you'd pay for a season's rent. It simply makes ADDRESS 1 good sense. Ask these men who have bought one: ......................................... professional golfers, attorneys, bankers, businessmen, 1 1 and retired military command personnel. 1 CITY .............................................. FREE ' 1 color brochure is yours for the asking. We will rush one STATE ........................ ZIP ................ , to you. Just clip and mail the coupon today. SYMBOLS OF GOOD TASTE AND GOOD SENSE Now you can have a home without compromise. One that reflects your needs .. . your wishes . . . your personality. When you purchase a Rutenberg Home you receive all of the exclusive benefits of custom homebuilding plus the guarantee of satisfaction shared by more than 5,000 Florida families who enjoy living in their Rutenberg Homes. FURNISHED MODELS OPEN Furnished models are open for your inspection From 9 A• M. to 6 P. M. seven days a week . 4848 HOLLY DRIVE PALM BEACH GARDENS 848-6678 1pqw, A4 The W*VTt CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS BEST BUY • BEST LOCATION IN THE PALM BEACHES The sure way to enjoy the good Florida life is to own a Sandpiper Condominium apartment. These spacious, luxury apartments are priced extremely low. For example, a one bedroom one bath apart- ment may be bought for as little as 11,900. In addition to a large apartment you get unsurpassed location. On the water, yet so close to shopping, beach, clinics and professional services that you can walk if you desire. Your enjoyment of living at the Sandpiper is further enhanced by a large fresh water heated pool, shuffleboard, a putting green and spacious gardens. Membership in the North Palm Beach Country Club (just a mile north) is open to Sandpiper Owners. Before you buy anywhere, be sure and see the Sandpiper! SALES EXCUSIVELY BY PETER CARAS REG. REAL ESTATE BROKER 1#VWftV& C> A0111111ft ADULT CONDOMINIUM COMMUNITY IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH 136 U. S. HIGHWAY NO. I (OPPOSITE FOOD FAIR) PHONE 842-4244 THE Place to save A N D L O A N ASSOCIATION OF W E S T P A L M B E A C H H. LOY ANDERSON, president DOWNTOWN SOUTHSIDE WESTSIDE LAKE PARK 215 South Olive Ave. 301 Southern Blvd. 2701 Okeechobee Rd. 500 Federal Hwy. TE 3-5511 TE 3-5523 OV 3-3133 84.4-6366 /00 J;yg�gftl Z -30i&4 CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO NORTH PALM BEACH MEDLEY'S GIFTS 787 North la ke Blvd, Tel. 842-4771 SERVING THE NORTH COUNTY AREA G Icz AUTO PLAZA PHONE 1215 FEDERAL HIGHWAY 848-E3671 LAKE PARK, FLORIDA Green's Fuel Gas Service GREEN'S FUEL FOR COOKING - REFRIGERATION WATER HEATING - MOTOR FUEL - HOME HEATING AIR CONDITIONING vn►M TX -32 . . Green's Fuel • • .SERVICE of Florida Corporation 2302 N. Dixie Hwy. Lake Worth, Fla. Phone 582-4481 FAM I LY �BOOTERY FF ` 924 THE PAIM 16EA Cbj,,S Ail NORTHLAKE wwwwl� BLVD. FOR MEN - Jarman & Hush Puppies LADIES - Caressa TOTS to TEENS - Sandler Acrobat - Lazy Bones - U.S. Keds P.S. ALSO SHOE REPAIR DEPT. USE YOUR NORMAN'S CHARGE HARRY'S TOY SHOP THE FIRST WITH THE NEWEST 918 NO. LAKE BLVD. COLONIAL VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER OPEN 9:30 to 5:30 P.M. MON. THRU SAT. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. )ttnior jizej 3 14ra 15 and )unjor Pelitei COLONIAL VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER 922 NORTHLAKE BLVD. OPEN: 9:30 A .M. to 5:30 P.M . MON. THRU SAT. FRI. EVE. TIL 9 P.M. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY AT The BUTCHER BOY 928 N # ORTHLAKE BLVD. OF THE PALM BEACHES THE BUTCHER BOY HARRY'S TOY SHOP COMET CLEANERS MARG E SPINNEY NORMAN'S FAMILY ACME'S APPLIANCE BOOTERY TV & STEREO SHOE REPAIR DEPT. ROSS BARBER SHOP CLAD JRS D S PRIME WESTERN BEEF POULTRY DELICATESSEN GOURMET I CO U NT DRUGS HOURS LAD 'N LASSIE MEN'S SHOP 8 TO 6 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY FRANK'S BATH AND CLOSET 8 TO 9 FRIDAY 900 BLOCK NORTHLAKE BLVD. of the NORTH PALM BEACHES AREA GENERAL* ELECTRIC APPLIANCE TV STEREO CENTERS ACME SALES STU SPRAGUE Dept. Mgr, SERVICE 904 NORTHLAKE BLVD. LAKE PARK, FLA. Lad +H LYouth assie Fashions Featuring: Miss Dorissa -Rob Roy - Shepardess Tiny Town -Tiny Tots -Steven - Trimfit Youngland - Shirley and other Famous Brands Colonial Village Shopping Center 920 Northlake Blvd. Lake Park, Fla, Adam & Gerrie Scherb, Owners COMPLIMENTS OF DISCOUNT DRUGS, INC. Colonial Shopping Center 902 Northlake Blvd. Lake Park, Fla* r FASHIONS FOR RESORT LIVING 0 l The newest selection of dresses, sportswear, beachwear, casuals, sweaters and Hawiian fashions 1 from the best of the American designers THREE FASHION .f1 Q TREES AT: d BAZAAR PLAZA RIVIERA BEACH VILLAGE SQUARE TEQUESTA COLONIAL VI LLAGE NORTH LAKE BLVD. a CHENEY BROTHERS, INC. Established 1928 402 Claremore Drive, West Palm Beach, Florida INSTITUTIONAL WHOLESALE GROCERS Exclusive Distributors of FANNY FOSTER and C.B.I. Labels Janitorial Supplies Paper Goads 848-9211 FRUIT SHIPPERS Debrals Pantry "FOODS OF ALL NATIONS" 814 NORTHLAKE BLVD. LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 t'.1t Jaihionj Plat Nomat's cApparel LOLA A. REEL GAROCHS EAiT SHOPPING CCNTCR OWN[R 3061 LIGHTHOUSE DR. PHON[ 1344.7469 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLA. HAINES MEATS AND PROVISIONS Distributors of Morrell Prime &Choice Meats 1643 N.E. 14th Avenue F t . Lauderdale, Fla. Jim Abwey, Sales Mgr. & Vice Pres. . . 4.cx� yth ng cq�n t1«sic., COMPLETE LINE OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BALDWIN AND LOWERY ORGANS AND PIANOS LATEST HIT RECORDS.-- SHEET MUSIC 220 U, S. HIGHWAY No. 1 LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 DR. MAE G. LEONE PHC)NF: x42-3925 MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS ,�� w mw ADMIRAL 40010 SY COLE'S io NORTHLAKE RADIO & TV 793 NORTHLAKE BLVD., NORTH PALM BEACH, FLA. PHONE 646-2511 NORTH PALM BEACH Gulf We have COURIER 2 way radios & HY—GAIN antennas PICK UP & DELIVERY 844-9335 U.S. 1 & Yacht Harbor Dr. Bring Your Real Estate Problems To Us FHA - VA Mortgage Assistance HOMES—APARTMENTS —LOTS —ACREAGE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Inlet Realty 3 2 1 NORTHLAKE B O U L E VA R D NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA PHONE Victor 4-7103 Best Wishes to the VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH on their 10th from the NPB LIONS CLUB on their 9th. Growing & working together through the years! MUSIC MART INSTRUMENTS 0 ACCESSORIES 0 SERVICE 0 INSTRUCTION THOMAS TRANSISTOR ORGANS 719 NORTHLAKE BLVD. NO. PALM BEACH, FLA. 33403 CALL 848-1680 Convratulationj to Y]Orth Palm (/.each on its _JencenrziaC Celelration Northlake Blvd. Office at Prosperity Farms Rd. Lake Park Open 'til 6:30 P.M. Friday Eves. FIDELITY P& SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Main Office -218 Datura Street 45th Street Office at Broadway Downtown West Palm Beach West Palm Beach Open 'til 6:30 P.M. Friday Eves. GEORGE B. PRESTON, President CONDITIO/��N I Of G JUNG, Inc. Grant Campbell 11811 U.S. HIGHWAY #1, JUNO, FLA. [Elegant Fashions for the discriminating woman I Jran Carretta [ BOUTIQUE FASHIONS SPECIALIZING IN BRIDALS - FORMALS - COC KTA I L DRESSES 419 NORTHLAKE BLVD. NORTH PALM BEACH PHO NE 848-1773 GO-GO GO-GO G IRLS GIRLS RED VELVET SALOON CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT 8:30 P.M. - 3 A.M. TWO BANDS TWO BA NDS NIGHTLY NIGHTLY Congratulations on your 10 cennial; We are celebrating our 5-cennial North Palm Beach's only drug store; serving the community in sickness & h -ea l th ! WINSHIP'S PRESCRIPTION CENTER 805 NORTHLAKE BLVD. N. PALM BEACH PHO NE 842-2444, SPEER'S PUB Congratulations to North Palm Beach on their 10th Anniversary from Spee is Pub where you find the best sandwiches in town THE KAL CO. 771 NORTHLAKE BLVD. NORTH PALM BEACH, FLA. 33403 PH. 844-6006 OFFICE SUPPLIES KEYS DUPLICATED RUBBER STAMPS -SUNDRIES PHOTO COPYING -MIMEOGRAPHING CO Nv RATULAT IO NS TO RESIDENTS OF NORTH PALM BE/0P-H TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 844-9866 CIRULL05S PIZZA - LASAGNA - SPAGHETTI 633 - A NORTH LAKE BLVD., NORTH PALM BEACH, FLA. GENE ARMSTRONG ASSOCIATES INC. BUILDERS OF FINE RESIDENCES THROUGHOUT NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY ''Homes of Imagination ARMSTRONG DEVELOPMENT CORP, DEVELOPERS OF RESIDENTAL HOMESITES HIDDEN KEY HIDDEN KEY NORTH and soon CAPTAINS KEY ARMSTRONG SALES CORP, HOME DESIGN COMPLETE HOME BUYERS SERVICE FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS REG. REAL ESTATE BROKER "Creative Sales" WALTER ARMSTRONG CONSTRUCTION CO. COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION SHOPPING CENTERS CHURCHES MEDICAL CLINICS FOTAL DEVELOPMENT LAKEVIEW BUILDING NORTH PALM BEACH 844-1324 ............ Ob OF CONSTRUCT-1Cho ---------- GENERAL I SrpqIM BEACH•E�o� PAVING GRADING DRAINAGE We congratulate the Village of North Palm Beach on its 10th Anniversary. Rubin Construction Company is proud of its part in the building of this fine community, and look forward to its continued growth and progress. "Partners fior _�ro,gress with Palm .each County" RUBIN CONSTRUCTION CO. W E S T P A L M B E A C H f F L 0 R I D A