Offer Congratulations To NPB On Tencennial (PBCounty Sun Press) 1-12-67PALM BEACH COUNTY SUN PRESS, INC. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1967 O� Off e,rNP co,ngratuiationsTO OnTencennial Ives M. Cary, Editor -Publisher, Courier Highlights (Jupiter, Lake Park, Palm Beach Shores, Palm Beach Gardens, Cabana Colony) cited the North Palm Beach Ten. cenni al as a "...milestone in the community's remarkable develop- ment as an ideal place to live." Honorable Frank Kohl, Mayor of Lake Park CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR TENCENNIAL. WE ARE PROUD :TO BE YOUR MUNICIPAL NEIGH- BOR. FRANK KOHL. John D. MacArthur to attend Tencennial Awards Banquet Jan. 14 at the North Palm Beach Country Club as a guest of honor. PLEASE ACCEPT MY BEST WI- SHES FOR YOUR TENCENNIAL- CELEBRATION. JOHN D. MAC- Ivan Tors, shown above with Gentle Ben, congratulated officials and residents of North Palm Beach on "...ten years of commendable pro- gress." BEST WISHES ON TEN YEARS OF REMARKABLE PROGRESS. IVAN TORS. Photo By Jack Walrad