Village Newsletter July 1976Justice te trd flry florida �icen�en�iali ,e 791 6 LIBERTY IS NOT A FOUR LETTER WORD A 200th birthday is .an interesting event Not that many people get to celebrate one, and yet here we are.9 all 15000 or so people of the Village caught up with mil- lions of other people in our country celebrating something whose founders weren't quite certain was going to work. It all seems very natural to us -- this thing called LIBERTY., but so few in the rest of the world really understand it. Whether you are for or against open housings forced bussingg abortion, educations womens' lib, black mili- tants and the myriad number of issues which constantly face the people of this country -- at least you can voice your opinion to elected representatives who can do something about it. I feel so sorry for people who watch the nightly news.9 grumble about how rotten and corrupt our government i s .9 sit back in an easy chair and reach for another martini. I thank God every day that I work with people who care about people and live in a community that tries to spend our tax dollars wisely.9 but if it wasn't for each one of you and your involvement with people through Girl Scouts, Little Leagueq church groups., hospital volunteers and all the other organizationsg I couldn't even begin to do my job, The SPIRIT of the American people is what keeps us free. The point of this message is simply that LIBERTY is not just a concept to put on the shelf and point to once every hundred years., it is the spirit and ideals of our people. Without those most important elements we surer# won't have a TRICENTENNIAL. Paul J. Nicoletti HEAR YE! HEAR V E ! PUBL I CK NOTI CE Att Bi'ce.ntenniat Independence. Vag, (oeeher,d cventz ahe oven to, v,c' .P.Prt c, e nezidentz and theiA que,Atz . PteaA e come - bn.i no the. cede - bnate the Hotida.rt with 6Aiends and ne-.iohbon.s. Saturday, July 3 7 AM Men' s Golf Tourna ment 9 AM Tennis Tournament (Father/Son) Tennis Tournament (Mothe r/Daughte r) 8 PM "1776 Party" at Country Club Sundays July 4 8:30 AM Golf Tournament (Mixed) 12:30 PM Old -Fashioned 4th July Picnic Bandstand Dedica- tion edica- tion 3-4 PM Diving Exhibition 4-6 PM Free Swimming 8 PM Cocktail Hour 9 PM FIREWORKS Monday� July 5 9-4:30 PM Recreational Activities - Osborne Pa rk 10 AM Tennis Tournament (Mixed Doub 1 e s ) 12 Noon Golf Tournament (Juniors) See Schedule commencing on Page 2 - W -2 - RECREATION DEPARTMENT NEWS OLD-FASHIONED PICNIC - North Palm Beach Country Club Driving Range - 10:30 A.M. 10:30 Passive contests in Pitching,, Putting, Archery and Obstacle Course ( Race against watch) - Prizes awarded for winner's. 12:30 Picnic games and races for all ages= including: ' 3 Legged Races Wheelbarrow Races Sack Races Wa to rba l l oon +OS8 Egg Toss Blueberry Pie Eating Contest Peanut Hunt Diaper' De ry Race (15 months and under .only ) JayLees will sell Hot Dogs., Pop and Beer 2:00 500 Red., White and Blue Balloons will be sent into the air. Two Arenas - Children and Adults. 2:15 Free chilled Watermelon for everybody. 2:30 Palm Beach County Community Band - Bicentennial Dedication and Songs - Rudolph von Unruh., Director. 3:15 Clown Divers and FREE Swim for all at the Country Club Pool until 6:00 P.M. 4:30 - 5:30 "The Reflections" on the Pool Patio - Pat Johnson., Director 6:00 Buffet at the Country Club 8:00 Cocktail Hour 9:00 F I REWO RKS on the Golf Course (10th Fairway) The North Palm Beach Bicentennial 4th of July celebration will have its own version of the largest cake ever baked. This 300 pound cake will be on display at the Driving Range at the North Palm Beach Country Club. Village Councilmen and their wives., along with other Village officials will cut and serve this cake FREE to all sometime between 2 and 2:30 P.M. CHILDREN'S ARTS -& CERAMICS AND CHILDREN+' S CERAMIC - The second ' session will begin on July 26 and run for a five week period. You may register for these classes at the Recreation Department. For further information call 626-5151. LUAU & LET'S .MAKE A DEAL will be held July 30 at Osborne Park. The Luau will be at 6:00 P.M. followed by Let's Make A Deal at 8:00 P.M. LIBRARY NEWS - On Monday, July 5. the Library will be closed for Independence l)ay. The Library has received a donation of $1v000.00 from Mr. George I. Delacorte. This donation will be used to further develop our Florida Book Collection, Sumner Read i n Program -- Grades 1-3 meet every Tuesday from 1:00-1:45 P.M. July 6 Indian Myths (Came dressed as Indians) July 13 Movie: THE DOUGHNUTS July 20 Puppet Show July 27 Movie: WINTER OF THE WITCH (Come dressed in red, white and blue) Grades 4-6 meet every Thursday from 1:00-2:00 P.M. July 8 Peanut Party July 15 Folktales from around the world July 22 Colonial Crafts July 29 Movie: PADDLE TO THE SEA Preschool Story Time Children who are 3.. 4 or 5 years old and who are not yet in kindergarten are invited to attend Story Time every Wednesday. Activities will include storytelling and movies. The program will end July 28. BICENTENNIAL NEWS NOTES On July 17., 1821,, Florida was officially transferred to the United States from Spain. The transfer document was signed by Spanish Governor Cal lava and U.S. General Andrew Jackson at Pensacola. I -3 - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES NEWS Plastic Sacks may be obtained at the Village Hall during normal working hours and at the Public Safety Department during the day on Saturday and Sunday. A box of fifty bags costs $3.75 plus 15�- tax, and a box of one hundred bags costs $6.25 plus 25�- tax. Please use them whenever possible and encourage your neighbors to do the same, so as to provide a more healthful, safe and sanitary environment for all of the Village resi- dents. HELPI HELP! HELPI - The newspaper recycling program is falling down. To aid in the nationwide movement to recycle paper, please save your newspapers, boxboard and maga- zines and place them on the swale for pick-up starting at 8:00 A.M. each and every Thursday. NOTE: There will be garbage collection ONLY on Monday, July 5. 1 TENNIS NEWS - There will be a round robi u tournament open to all club members and Vil- lage residents. The events will be FATHER AND SON DOUBLES, MOTHER AND DAUGHTER DOUBLES on Saturday, July 3 and an "OPEN" MIXED DOUBLES on Monday, July 5. This tournament is strictly social - no trophy hounds, please 1 Entry forms are available at the Pro Shop and must be completed and turned in by Thursday, July 1. Call 626-6515 for further information. Sorry, ?phone registration cannot be accepted. SUMMER JUNIOR GROUP LESSONS - Each two week session will consist of ten hours of pro- fessional instruction five days a week. Age: 8 to 15 years. July 5, July 26 and August 9 All classes will be conducted between 12 and 4 P.M. A fee is charged. Call 626-6515 for further information. Sorry, 'phone registrations cannot be accepted. ADULT LESSONS - Classes will be available Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9 and 10 o' clock. Evening classes will be available at 7 and 8 P.M. Each class will meet twice a week for five weeks (ten hours of instruction). A fee is charged. Call 626-6515 for further information. Sorry, 'phone registrations cannot be accepted. POOL NEWS - ADVANCED LIFESAVING - For anyone 15 years or older who can pass the swim test. Classes Monday and Tuesday, 7-10 P.M.,, July 12 -August 3. Registration by phone with the Pool Office 626-4343. No fee is charged. SWIM TEAM - Open to children seven years and older with reasonable swimming ability. For a tryout or information call the Pool Office. A fee is charged. The NORTHLAKE BOULEVARD BEAUTIFICATION ASSOCIATION is landscaping two Bicentennial Islands on Northlake Boulevard to help celebrate the Nation's 200th Birthday and the Village of North Palm Beach's 20th Birthday. The two easterly islands nearest U.S. #1 were selected for the project. Contributions were received from North Palm Beach Gar- den Club, Lake Park Garden Club, Junior Women's Club of the North Palm Beaches, Lions Club, Winship's Prescription Center, Kelsey City Landscaping & Nurseries, Village of North Palm Beach, and 66 Sabal Palms from Palm Beach County Commission. James Blakely donated the landscaping plans for this ro ect and included the " P g p project, on N orthlake Boulevard for future use. North Palm Beach dedicate a "Liberty Tree," which is being planted at this time, when they reconvene in the fall. NATIONAL SAFE BOATING WEEK JULY 4-109 19 76 - BOATING SKILLS & SEAMANSHIP COU RS E - C. M. E' s (Courtesy Motorboat Examinations) will be given all day, each day, at Phil Foster Park, Lake Park Marina and North Palm Beach Marina. These are free to boat owners. Auxiliary members will participate at above locations to answer questions on safe boating, pass out free literature and promote Safe Boating Classes (13 lesson BS&S Course) starting Wednesday, July 7, 1976. Auxiliary Facilities will be on Safety Patrol and under operational orders during the weekend of July 3, 4 and 5 to visit the above marinas, answer questions pertaining to the Auxiliary, pass out literature, show uniforms and vessels to the public and to assist the Coast Guard under operational Search and Rescue work. To pre -register, procure text book and homework book or for additional information, call 848-1510, 626-3432 or 842-2128. -4 - THE AME R I CAN AS SOC I AT I ON OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN (AAUW) NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH will hold a "Used Book Fair" on October 15$ 16 and 17 at the Palm Beach Mall to benefit Fellowships and other educational projects. Books of all types$ especially child- ren's., are needed. The deadline date to receive any books will be October 8. Con- tainers are available at Fidelity Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. on Northlake Blvd.; Publix at Oakbrook Square; Winn Di-xie on PGA Blvd.; First American Banks North Palm Beach; First Marine Bank, Riviera Beach and Community Federal Riviera Beach. Do- nations are tax deductible. tall * 626-0959 if you have a large load of books and no transportation available. The Village Council and the North Palm Beach Bicentennial Committee extends to all residents and, their faiAlities the special wish for a pleasant and happy 4th. Magor Ronald L. Heraty Vice Mayor Mervin H. McIntyre President Pro Tem V. A. Marks Councilman M. C. Loves Jr. Councilman Al C. Moore NOM PAW P.M MjqW,1 The Village of North Palm Beach Village Hall -U.S. Highway # 1 North Palm Beach, Fla; 33408 Chairman H. Mallory Privett., Jr,. Vice Chairman Judith Colbath Robert L. Lassett, Sr. Bernice Se tnor Charles M. McCreary Paul J.9coliet ti Village Manager Bulk Rate U. S. Postage 7. 7 Paid West Palm Beach Florida Permit No. 18 0 Iii 4�t-+ 726 Tr {t_ r1t 1� f� ;.J-�