Village Hall Open House (Courier) 12-5-68VILLAGE HALL #2 COTTP A ust 15, 19C Vol �•.. ; /i / ''� / / ; / i i% / ;f % //%! �'.i-, Rod � t?�, i � � �� � �' �. f/ . �` �' ��jJ' : . �V�' � i��1/��'% / % / , "' % j/// i / / ��►/�; � / / / 1. V. 11 �/ / ��// ��"/, '.:;� � �/ / : •l / / %! ;,ice . ,5.�/X�"'% ;�,/ / j �, S'' •i ; A SHOVEL FULL of sand is overturncd by Jan Min- nich, Miss Appleblossorn of 1968, at r -he groundbreak- ing ceremonies for the new add: ric_-ns and alterations to the NPB Villag:- Hali. `R i &:�: e f;.. at �; . cere.- crony held on August. 7th, v e r �. i'ro,A left to right: !///�//L,�,d/'�,�//�1// %• %/� / ///, i �%?�`%� � .�/ 4.'/'/'�'/ f�/9� '%'4,,�/ � // y y' ./. %/y' S. ,/fid// -�� U, rry Robbins, village manager, Herbert W a t t councilman, Tbm Lewis, mayor, Jan Minnich, honorary mayor of the day, Mrs. Albert Minn. ch, Mother of Miss Appleblossom, .Alan Everard, councilman and David Clark. councilman. Ernie Histed Photo \..,' U,;. 1. tet,. ToP � Village North Palm Beach Vil- lage residents Friday will inspect two nearly- com- pleted wing additions to the Village Hall following the traditional North Palm Beach Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. Village Manager Law- rence J. Robbins said the fourth annual Christmas tree ceremony will come off at 7: 30 p. m. in the open area between the two new wings. Mayor Tom Lewis will pull a switch that will turn on lights on two Christ- mas trees. Other Village Hall exterior Christmas decorations already are illuminated. The tree lighting pro- gram is sponsored by the North Palm Beach Youthi A c t i v i t i es Association whose president is Don Murphy. After the cere- mony there will bera carol sing led by the 80 -voice Riviera B ch Hi' h e� g School choral group .under the direction of William Goode. Open house"'. and inspection of the additions will f o 11 o w community winging. ..lua December r ,1 9 68 Hall open House "All residents are urged to share in all por- tions of the program," Mayor Lewis said. We want everyone to see what our residents are getting for $90,,000 in revenue bond funds which pay building costs." Mayor Lewis, Torn Bell and Councilman Dave Clark, Allan Ever- ard and Herb Watt w i 11 e s c o r t groups through the hall. Robbins said the addi- tions are abut 90 per- cent completed and the council, which is chang- ing to Thursday night meetings in January, ex- pects to use its neve quar- ters for the Jan. 2 work- shop session. The council now meets on Tuesday nights. T h e first and third Thursdays will be workshops, the second and fourth regular meetings. Persons taking the Vil- lage Hall tours will enter the new North Wing through the combination council chambers— courtroom. They will see the conference room and offices of the village man- ager and clerk.