NPB History Predates Palm Beach CountyNPB History Predates Pal'Be- ch County Highway marker less than a mile Photo By ,lack Walrad from NPB Country Club reveals early history, By Jack Walrad "What's Past Is Prologue! " These immortal words of Ralph Waldo Emerson embla- zon the majestic marble por- tals of the National Archives in Washington, D.C. And, by a strange quirk of circumstances, t h o s e same hallowed words prophetically apply now to the Village of North Palm Beach. For it was here between 1890 and 1900 that south Florida, all of which was then gigantic i)ade County, found it's roots. The acreage on which now stands the classic North Palm Beach Country Club, with the fabled estate of Sir Harry Oakes was once a thriving part of Juno, then the proud county seat of old Dade. As the captioned photo of the roadside marker reveals, Dade's first courthouse was built in Juno, just a mile or so north of the Country Club! And only a few dozen feet from the new office of this writer. Palm Beach County, the land of today and all of the tomorrows, yet with a history indelible in S o u t h Florida lore, was hewn out of the wil- derness while the nation was "w i n n i n g the west." Our county has a proud heritage, one upon which to reflect and admire the courage of its pio- neers. Although little more than a fledgling among the counti- es of Florida, its history is old, and modern and made up of all the tomorrows yet to unfold. Some of the na- tion's giants of industry have located plants in Palm Beach County, and the tempo of life is ever growing. International figures in golf and other sports make our communities t h e i r winter headquarters. Major industry has become a powerful con- tributing factor in the coun- ty's progress. So it is that the past is indeea prologue. That the uniquely colorful village should now be celebrating its tenth anniversa- ry, on the very same spot from which emerged all of south Florida, many times ten years earlier, is perhaps a fulfillment of destiny.