First of 3,500 Homes Goes Up in NPB (Young Officaial History)IFII;tl Ir 41:F 3,500 HOMES Homes Parade Of ai li Oct.Slated For Z5 Work started this week on the first 17 homes to be con- structed in the new Village of North Palm Beach. When com- pleted the new sub -division will have 3,500 homes, a large shop- ping center, country club, com- plete' with olympic pool, tennis courts, and a modern Marina and Yacht Club. Some 15 builders are con- structing the first 17 homes. These homes will be open during the `Parade of Homes' scheduled to open Oct. 25. The `Parade of Homes' will be open until Dec. 15 and perhaps later. Also scheduled at the same time is the three day conven- tion of the Florida Home Build- er' s State Convention, that is ex- pected to draw more than 1,000 people into the area and the `Builder's Show,•at -,the George Washington Hotel. R.M. McClintock, executive secretary of the Home Builders Iissociation.. of Palm Beach Coun- ty ' stated yesterday, that the homes will be of the latest de- sign and will be built to influ- ence the thinking of the home buying market. OFFICIAL HISTOPY0 1981 The first Parade of Homes. The parade of Homes The sale of homesites commenced in October of 1956 with a Parade of Homes. This was in conjunction with the Home Builders' Association and consisted of the following builders: Jean T. J.H. French Willfred Construction, Incorporated Robert C. Brown Construction Company Coastal Properties Corporation Raymond Olson, Builder P.D. Lewis Company Hunter -Drew Construction Company Henry Moser, Incorporated Kendall Construction Company Perma Builders Company Charles L. Hedrick, Builder J.N. Smelcer, Builder Walter J. Devlin, Builder Adelphia Construction Company H and D Construction Company The models were located on the south side of Anchorage, west of Eastwind Drive. It was a success, and by August of 1957 the permit valuations hit $502,930.00 for that month alone. The Rosses also built houses, but, after completing about 50 of them, decided not to compete with other builders and with- drew from this operation. CONSTRUCTION STARTS --Upper photo shows one of the entrances to the New Villiage of North Palm Beach . Some 3,500 homes will be built in this community, with more than one-half of them having waterfront locations. Also included in the village plans is an 18 hole golf course of championship calibre, Country Club with, swimming pool and tennis courts, Marina and Yacht Club, and. a large shopping center. Lower photo shows workmen constructing the first 17 homes that will be opened - Oct. 25 for public inspection during a `Parade of Homes.' The `Parade of Homes is sponsored by the ., Home Builders Association of Palm Beach County. All of the homes will be landscaped, furnished and -have utilities installed prior to the public showing. (Staff Photo by Nunn)