Photos #1 Water, sewer plant ground photo with Fred Trapnell first utility manager Young official history of the Utilities#;l YOUNG. OFFICIAL HISTO Y OF N * P. B. 1981 The utilities On the southwest corner of Northlake Boulevard and Southwind Drive is a small concrete building with a red tile roof. This is a lift -station, part of the sewerage system. In 1957, if Fred Trapnell, manager of the utili- ties, wanted to get to the building, his best way was by jeep, since it was surrounded by nothing but sand. Bast of Prosperity Farms Road, Northlake did not exist. Water and sewers were planned, but up to this point had only been installed in Plat I. The system started in 1956, with the drilling of 11 deep wells and the erection of a water treatment plant west of the village. At the same time, the sewage treat- ment complex was being installed at its present loca- tion off Anchorage Drive. These were designed with capacities to handle an expanded Village, plus Lake Park and parts of Palm Beach Gardens. Included were various filters, stabilizers, precipitators, a laboratory, and, of course, a 300,000 -gallon overhead water tank. The Rosses' investment was $1,500,000. The distribu- tion system included 75 miles of various sized pipe and almost 300 fire hydrants. The company was sold al- most 20 years later to John MacArthur, who later expanded it to the north. Fred Trapnell first Utility Manager.