This Village Adds 'Classroom a Month' (Miami Herald) 10-24-61Mr. and Mrs, Peter Meister Live at 1 913 Westwind Dr. N. Balm Beacl , they're among the many Hundreds of. n ew residents who have moved into North Palm Beach in past few nears Ph:AM-r HERAw aer. Zoq, 14 6 1 North Palm Beaeh Growing at _"Rapid Clip By BILL MANSFIELD Palm Beach has increased Beach had just 203 residents. Herald Staff Writer 2,175 per cent during the past At the start of the current NORTH PALM BEACH 48 months. month 4,620 persons all p called l.he If you enjoy impressing your There's no missing decimal village' home. northern friends with reports point there -- the figure is of South Florida's growth, 2,175 per cent. Village Manager Albfh here's a statistic for you: Olson, who took on his duti(nq The population of North On Oct. 1, 1957, North Palm before the first resident moi ed in back in 1956, isn't sur- down to a mere 100 -odd p e r- Where do they come from Beach employes are engineers prised at all. cent growth in four years, and why? or other technical men drawn "Basically,here from the north. we're running Unless North- Palm .Beach Olson doesn't have any pat right along with the .estimates does some annexing, the answer to that question, but Another eight per cent of made when the village w a s he does have a couple of sta- the new village's residents are planned," he says. "We esti- growth will come to an abrupt fustics that sheet some light. retired persons -- and again, mated- 4,0(TO resiuenl -fir -now halt sometime near 1970. Y most of them probably moved and we're running just a lit- That's about the time Olson First, 47 per cent of the in from the North. tle ahead of that figure." figures the "planned commu- f amily breadwinners in North Olson's crystal ball -- which nity" will hit its maximum Palm Beach are employed at In general then, North has been working fine up to population of 15,000. one of three plants: Pratt & Palm Beach is a new city of .now — sees a solid growth for In the meantime, Olson pre- Whitney Aircraft, RCA or new Florida residents., the next four years, too. diets that barring some jar- Minneapolis -Honeywell. The population trend—which ring upset, families will con- None of these plants is lo- encouraged voters to give "Our estimate calls for 10,-. tinue to move into the village cated in the village, which has overwhelming support to a 000 residents by 1956;" he at about the s a m e rate no, industrial zoning, but all 1.43 million dollar bond issue reports. Which will be 'a slack- they've been. entering for the are. nearby. for regeation facilities — has ing of the percentage pace, past 18 months—_30 a month. Most of their North Palm pleased everybody. IA Except perhaps the county school board. Already forced into double shifts at the North Palm Beach elementary school while another school is being rush- ed to completion at nearby Palm Beach Gardens, school. board members may shudder at this one last statistic. North Palm Beach adds an average of 30 elementary school children each month. Trans 1 ate d into school building terms, that's- a. new classroom a month.