1982-26 Award Bid to Zambelli Fireworks RESOLUTION N0. 26-82 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1 FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF ZAMBELLI FIREWORKS MANUFACTURING FOR FIREWORKS FOR 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,875, FROM ACCOUNT N0. 43-572-49.32 (PUBLIC EVENTS). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Zambelli Fireworks Manfacturing, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 43-572-49.32 (Public Events). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately 1 upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS-13th DAY OF MAY, 1982. MAYOR 1 ATTEST: (VILLAGE CLERK !'i;OP(lfl. ICl F!!t 1'(LLf(:F (!i !iORlil 1'f,l.Fl CF.~'f!, fIU:?IO;: ' !Eii llil:i C`rS-1 CJSIeCI, il5 It1 (!~icr, (11 i':i (leC l:: i'C ~!.h~l l: II(1 ('`.li:'r Ila`:p:^. (i i. [I:'1' 'l !:::'i is>• !il (i;!CY E!f'1'''1II )k!If::'Ci EIdS F!YI!/ 111 !:erCS t: 7l; 'III ~I `_; IJI'CIiJO>al (1 (' lIl 1.11;` C07!i:;'dC!. ~!.(1 !~i' -1,±?'(`-~ ~_ a I!CI 'l h;l ~F. -I L '1S I~a(IE: lll~i:h(IUr dil-1' C.(InniCtlUf1 1'il'I. it aflJ' Cl line'r' !::'1'S(I CI (Ir 1:;•1"".Ci!i i.h::lnCJ !~1'Uii0i;t1 'FCIr 'l.!i:' S2!iG;' @YF:IC!:`, ail(! 1S 'lit ial rt:>F):'C: !:S "Ft il' al!(I V-I-iti(I;I% COl iliiil(1Q (li' "fl'dliCl- 1 }I:` U11 (!(trSI CJ:I"(! 'Ftmihr (1 c`C~aY'C'S ~;lic: ~!-. he h<ts Ci'. 1'e-i;!I IS' E'/.is ~iln2C! i. ( Sftit(:;'I(;;(~- ~ t ~C1U71~ f'.IiCt "iS 't:ilUY0;lQh ly' ~i ai':11llar :I1 th '1 ~!:S jirOV1 S1C11h itll(~ 1il~i:h l.h;' CJ lid!~I ;'>', i;y%:' ~:il.•. c;rad< of I~:aterial eel7ed 'ior . -Fhe undersigned fiurthr declares ~I:hat he pru;ioses ul fillrnish .(h~ eri.icl:~s ca11e-? iur t;i6in speciFiec! i:iroe set in ~t:h-is pro~,osal For th:r ii:~l7o;;ir:g },ria~, gild guar~n~~r; th_lt F,;:rls and service fio'r %!le ai'Cicles -lisi~c! belo`,y are-avi7at17e trithirr t:il~ Si.at~~ C11 t~!C)r1C(3, ICI 1Y1 t. DATE: April 7, 1982 tdlfillF{ICTURL!(:Lambelli Internationale 1''ireworks Mfg. Co., Inc. IiOD~L t10.: DFLI~'FRY: Middle of June wA!:I~nrrrv: l TOTFl!_ PRICE:$ 2,875.00 -G-' ,, (~i [icers of Cur~~urat-inn o; I~wc~c~rs of Partnership: r;:}~ ,-: rrn.~ nr~u ass George R. 7.ambelli President 27 E. Maitland Lane, New Castle, PA 16105 Louis Zarnbell.i, sr. Vice-President Fisher Drive, New Castle, }'A 16105 Constance J. `Lambelli Secretary 27 E. Maitland Lane, New Castle, PA 161.05 E~TRi'l: Zambelli Internationale Fireworks Mfg. Co. , Inc ' ~ Corpore~ior ~ Yertnerstcip- -~ Inc!vic STGtIED ELY: _~ ~~ ---~~___ _~ George R. Zambelli, President TI7LF: -, . ~,; AOORFSS: 'Lambelli Internationale Fireworks Mfg. Co., Inc. >>}'.0. Rox 1l~63 New Castle, PA 1.6].03 ~~-