The Miracle City That The Wind Blew Away Part 3 (Post) 5-19-8512: V I- Supplerrient to The Post, Sued -lay, ay 19.1, 1.9805. ............. . .. ... ..... PROPERTY DAMAGE in Palm Beach Count was estimated at $7 5 million. More than, 16,000 people were left homeless in the wake of the hurricane's destructive sweep across the countv. County a - -A Wilim ow�, • F W& �,jv, W!LV.,P- W WX rA X -8111MAZAMMIT-WANEL -,wq, ILI! W'W 0 Fill! • ]WIldweAl" "ISM . . . . . . . . . . . F' he storms that Kelsey could of the many fatalities of the Great of lives. There were no deaths.in natural -variety. The hurricane of Bust of the late twenties. the Kelsey City, -but the hurricane your �lt In the. meantime, Kelsey City nearly leveled_ the town. With. caused Lake Okeechoee to development was managed b T almost no warning of the storm, Kelsey's associates, with some residents rushed to the, most stable Although most of the damage oc- 66 dubious financial results. Skimm- structure in town the City Hall. ominious newspaper -accounts, � ing of funds was apparently com- Even that stone lace edifice was made it all the more difficult to monplace. Even worse_ was said to - have swayed in theOPEI Tvvo years later. came the peal ent Kelsey's custom of'signing his tax awesome. winds. When the tumult famous hurricane of 1928 was a returns without reading them finally passed, the residents- walk - carefully. The Internal- Revenue ed out to find that all the stores Service found. that Kelsey was along Park Avenue were flattened significantly understating his in- —several- buildings had virtually come. This finally led to his indict- disappeared. merit on criminal charges. This had dire effects on ,land sales, but Wind� as high as 1 50 miles an Col Kelsey did manage to stay in hour had razed the town's three business and ride out the financial majormanufacturing plax�ts, as . . . . . . .... storm. He even won dismissal of well as school and church the charges when the court gave buildings. Even the Farman River __ ._ ..his ex lanat�on that � fridge, a solid Ioking concrete I%JRA .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. is e ious accounting error span, had beenwrenched from its It'S resulted from'all-win - -moorings. DIL ,._ misplacement of a decima-1 point: In a legal sense, Kelsey City died F' he storms that Kelsey could not weather were of the more natural -variety. The hurricane of 1926, which passed northwestward your through.. Miami September- 17-18, caused Lake Okeechoee to � - overflow its dike at Moore Haven and claimers over 300 lives. Although most of the damage oc- carred south of Pompano, the ominious newspaper -accounts, � especially in Northern papers, made it all the more difficult to attract prospective land investors. rp. Tvvo years later. came the peal ent death knell -for Kelsey City. The in- famous hurricane of 1928 was a ,....;direct hit on West Palm Beach.. he cataclysm claimed thousands v v v in 1930 when the state officially May 31 nullified its municipal charter. After that time, Kelsey City itself in our Ji became a ._ghost town of sorts, although most of the residents did rerna.in in the general area that was to become Lake Park in 1939. One history of Lake Park described the early thirties as a time of "unique sharing and- � togetherness among the- people re- � maining ... The. Garden, Club did much for the town, and the.P.T.A. provided entertainment for the young. The" Community Church served as a recreational center for _Page 4- Supple .ent, to The Post, Sunday, May 19, 198 i ---.MONO 0 r • �`'"�.. �� � ail { _ ... -- -� .. P