1982-02 Award Bid to De Bra Turf & Equipment Co.•, RESOLUTION N0. 2-82 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1 FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF DE BRA TURF & EQUIPMENT FOR A GREENSMOWER FOR NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB IN THE AMOUNT OF $8295, FROM ACCOUNT ~k62.2-572-64.11. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of DeBra Turf & Equipment copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account ~k62.2-572-64.11. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately 1 upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 14th DAY OF JANUARY, 1982. Mayor 1 ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK r ~i,'~r Vrcc: i',_I J I! - t 111 ~!"~' n•' -r"• _r • t he UnCI~YSI[)n°d, dS hldder, d0e5 deCldre. that nU Oth2r p;7rS0il O%il°r "th<:11 l h~~ hidd~~r ii ~rrein nrr~d has any "interest in this proposal or "in tiie contract to . h:' t~":;c n tuu! i:hat. i t is r:rade without any connecti on ;pith any o iher person or persons , r'-r';ing I~ruposal 'Fur the sane article, and is .in all respects fair and ~;tithout coll usion ur gaud. "Fhc undersicned further declares that he has carefully er,amined tF:^ sp_cifica- tions and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, typa and c~rad~ or raterial called for. Tha un:!ersigned further c!eclares that he proposes to furnish the articles called "For rri4:hin specified tim? set in this proposal for the folio;•rng price, and guarzntees tca~ ~~rts ancT s~rvica for the antic?es list-^_d below are avai?ebl~ wi~i;in the 5:.~ie o .lorida, is :•;it: DATE: November 6, 1981 1~APlUFACTURER: JACOBSEN 4fARRANFY: 1 Year Parts & Labor F10DEL Fi0,; GREENS KING IV - 62221 DELIVERY: 10 Days A.R.O. PRTCE:~_ 8,395.00 LESS TRADE-IN:$ -6- 100.00 NET PP,ICE $ 8,295.00 :, ~ ~ I.ll• ~~.11. IL, fl.~. ~ Il_i-~IIIL ~.~ ~i ~ 1 f~.~~ ~)_.i {\~•I ~ I _~J.\1Lf~ 1~. Cin ~.u • l;rrs~.~s~I:x::Fl~TIO;l~: Officers of Corporation or 1~iembers of Partnership: HAi•1E TITLE ADURcSS W,R, DeBra President 5921 N,Oak Street, Hollywood, Fla -1_H f7rRr~a - Treasurer - do-,--__--_-_-_-I D, L, DeBra Vice President - do - J,N Secretarh ~" FIRid: DeBra TurF & Industrial Equipment Co, ® Corporation ~ Partnership ~ Indiv SIGNED BY: TITLE: I'lITtdESSES: ADDRESS: 5921 N, Oak Street, Hollywood, Fla, ,- __5921 N_,_ Oak Street, Hol ood~Fia• -7- TRADE-IN VENTCLES F117 bidders must state in the space provided below the dealer's full trade-in value, r~rhich amount may bz deducted from his bid price at the option of the Village of florth Palm t,zach, Florida. The Village of North Palm Beach reserves the right to buy hack from tha dealer, at the quoted -trade-in value, any of the vehicles listed in this section. One (1) used Toro Triplex mower To see these trade-ins, contact .Paul Widemer ~ ioo.oo ~' at The North Palm Beach Country Club Golf Course Maintenance Barn 901 U.S. ~'1 North-Palm Beach, FL