1981-30 Authorizing Manager to Execute an Agreement with Southern Bell Telephone Co.N 4 RESOLUTION N0, 30-81 A RESOLUTION OF THE VIIJ AGE OpUNCIL OF NORTH PAiM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE MANAGER ID EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF THE VIISt1GE, AN AGREQ~NT WITH SOUTHERN ' BELL TELEPHONE C~ANY FOR A SIDEWATIC TELEPHONE PROGRAM, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIAA: Section 1. The Village Manager is authorized to execute an agresnent with Southern $ell Telephone Company for a Sidewalk Telephone Progra¢n, Section 2. A copy of said agrearient is attached hereto, marked Exhibit 1, and by reference made a part hereof. Section 3, This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSID AND ADOPTED THIS 9th DAY OF APRIL, 1981, ATTEST: E 1 YOR . ..~ SOUiH~RN BELL CUR. SVCS DEPT. 9334 PERIM1IETER ROAD ~ YtESi PALFi BEACH, FLA. 33406 AITix E{ertha R. Bostrom Dgtc March 23, 1981 'r:Y.f1IEIT 1 /i'' -. ~~ {' .~ SoL!thern °e!1 This Ss nuthorizntlon for Southern IIcl7. Tclcphor,e Company i.o place n ;~-~bl!r. Telephone RDCO 107E - XLT BLUE nt (:Duo. Plume) CITY OF NORTH PALM BEACH (Address) CITY SIDEWALK PROGRAM (City) NDRTH PA'L~PI~-EAZ`~-~FL~(: ---^~--- (.'.ip Code 33408 _ a."s indicnte~l by the dinrrnm shown b~~lo~. 7t f:: aF,rced that the required electricity to operntc the booth durin;; hours of darkness , will be furniohed by the customer. All booth and ctandnrd electrical- instnllutlon costs will be borne by Southern Dell. The customer a~rces to 'r.rep the F'ubl,^_ Tclc---- phonc locution clean. All telephone installations costs Will he borne Dy wuthcrn IIell Telephone Company. Any chance incorporated on the pub:.ic tclephor.e t•~ithin one year from the installs±ion ilatc will be nt the above named subsr_ribers expense. *1. Every effort shall be made by Southern Bell to provide.Qublic Telephone Service to be located at a maximum of three city blocks from any given point within the municipal boundry lines. 2. All "City Sidewalk" Public Telephone locations shall be recom- mended by Southern Bell in conjunction with the city of North Palm Beach Police Department. 3. Commissions .paid shall be governed by the PSC Tariff; the present tariff allows a 10~ commission on local calls and 15~ on long distance calls which are paid at the Publir. Telephone. The present Tariff also allows Southern Bell to pay $12.50 per month, per "Charge A Call" installation. No change in Tariff regulations is anticipated at this time. 4. The usual permit fees shall be waived since the City of North Palm Beach will be the benefactor of these installations. 5. Electric power shall only be required in isolated cases. If power is recommended by Southern Bell or by the North Palm Beach Police Department, the recommended power shall require the approval of the City Manager. ,_ ..,,._ -- - - Q --- Bertha A. Bostrom Coin Consultant ~-Cem:niaaion Checks cent to: Village of North Palm Beach Ptnc,e c/o Finance Department Address 501 U. S. Highway Cpl City North Palm Beach, ~ 33408 /~i~/,• ,: ~• ~ ~ ,~ Signed ~ Title_ illage Manager Cocrpnny Village of North Palm Beach Tr.l. tlurlbr•r 848-3476 Tax ~~ 04-00512-00-60