1980-54 Amending Personnel Regulations of Employees Annual LeaveRESOLUTION N0. 54-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAiM BEACH, FLORIDA, 1 AMENDING ZHE PERSONNEL REGULATIONS FOR VILLAGE EMPIAYEES BY CHANGING THE REQUIRIIV4~ITS FOR ANNCIAI. LEAVE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Personnel Regulations adopted by Resolution No. 35-77 are hereby amended to read as follows: "7.03 Annual Leave: Following is the vacation policy. Managers are urg to esta ish a vacation schedule which will provide for coverage throughout the year and yet permit the scheduling of vacations in accordance with employees' preference whenever possible. a) AMOUf7T OF VACATION AND ELIGIBILITY REQUIREN~iS: ~, 1. Amount of Vacation Days with Pay in 1981 20 15 10 5 No vacation Eligibility Requirenents 12 years or more of continuous service coag~leted by 10/1/81 7 years or more of continuous service completed by 10/1/81 On payroll on or before 5/31/80 On payroll between 6/1/80 and 10/1/80 Hired on or after 10/1/80 2. In order to be eligible for a vacation, an snployee must have been continuously and actively employed by the Village of. North Palm Beach. The following guidelines are used to determine eligibility: aa) An employee hired in 1980 must have completed at least 6 months of continuous service in order to qualify for a vacation and to be entitled to the 1981 vacation pay allaaance. bb) An employee msst have been actively in the employ of the Village on Decenber 31, 1980. 1 cc) An enployee must have worked not less than 75% of the regularly scheduled working days of the Village during 1980. dd) If an enployee who is eligible for a vacation in 198o should die or terminate for any reason, except discharge, on or after October 1, 1980 but prior to the time of the employee's 1981 vacation, the vacation pay allowance will be paid. ee) For each month worked iri 1981, an employee who retires, terminates for any reason, except discharge, or dies in 1981 will be paid for 1/12th ~i I LJ of the vacation for which he/she would have been eligible in 1982, provided the employee worked 75% of the regularly scheduled work days in 1981 prior to termination. A 'month worked' is any month in which the employee worked at least one day. To determine the amowzt of pro rata vacation allavance, divide the number of months worked in 1981 by 12, then multiply the resulting percentage by the number of vacation days for which the employee would have been eligible in 1982. The result should be rounded ~ to whole days. ff) The vacation year Wins from 10/1/80 through 9/30/81. 3. Consideration is given where possible to the preference of an employee in the scheduling of a vacation. It may be necessary, however, for the Village to schedule vacations. 4. An employee will be granted an additional day of vacation with pay when a recognized holiday falls within a scheduled vacation period. 5. An employee's vacation period may not be extended nor a subsequent vacation granted to canpensate for days of illness or in3ury which occur during a scheduled vacation." 1 Section 2. All other sections, paragraphs, sub-paragraphs and provisions of Resolution No. 35-77 are hereby ratified and continued in force. passage. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon PASSID AND ADOPT'ID THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTI~BER, 1980. Y ATTEST: IIJ2GE