1980-52 Award Bid to Goodbrand Refrigeration Service RESOLUTION N0, 52-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILiAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA, ACCEPTIIVG THE BID OF GOODBRAND REFRIGERATION SERVICE FOR ONE (1) TL~D-DOOR REACH-IN FREEZER, IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,842,73, FROM R,O.F. ACCOUNT N0. 61.1-581-62.12 (KITCHEN RENOVATIONS), BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VII~.AGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAiM BEACH, FIARIIYI: Section 1. The bid of Goodbrand Refrigeration Service, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms, The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended fran R,O,F. Account No. 61.1-581-52,12 (Kitchen Renovations). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect imnediately upon passage. PASSID AND ADOPTID THIS 16TH AAY OF OCTOBER, 1980. ' ~~-f~7~t~~~~~~~ YOR A7`ES1': /~~.-l.~-r~-~- V GE 1 F'I;OpOSAI_ 'f0 TIIE VILLAGE Of NORTH PALt•1 PEACH, fIARTDA ,ntl eruan: The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made t•rithout any connection arith any othe"r person or persons making proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and r•rithout collusion or fraud. The undersigned further tions and is thorouyh1y famili+ grade of material called for. The undersigned further for t~rithin specified time set that parts and service for the of Florida, to trit: declares that he has carefully examined the specifica- zr Frith its provisions and arith the quality, type and declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called in this proposal for the follov;ing price, and guarantees articles listed belo~•r are available within the State DATE: 10-1-80 t-'JTtJUFACTURER: Unite_ d Store Fixtures X50 Aramingo Avenue _^ PhiladelQhia L Pa. 19124 WARRAtJTY: 5 ear warranty on compressor. year warranty on aII parts. 90 day warranty on Labor. hiODEL PiO.: UTSO F DELIVERI': 10 to 14 days TOTAL PRICE:3 1842,73 -6- ; .. SAL TO THE VILLPaGE O.f:_ t~ORT{i PALfd DEACH, FLORID;1 (Con'td.} .~f~t4f2Y.S/[XCEPTIOWS: Officers of Corporation or idembers of Partnership: P1A?;E Donald Goodbrand TITLE Preaident F.L'DRESS 2677 Cedarcreat Rd. F I f;?•1: Gc ,. ,. ~: , , SIGNEU BY: Weat Palm Beach Florida 33406 Refrigeration Service, Inc, on ~ Partnership ~ Individua ,, , ~ ;. TITLE: Preaident ~'` ,' r 1 `~ • a;.n~ . Notary Public. Stzte OF Florida At Large My Commission Expires June 4, 1984 (w~AeO DY $RrEE0 lnsuuntt Ccmpany ti emenu ADDP.ESS: -7-