1980-50 Award Bid to Pavement Maintenance Corporation! A. RESOLUTION N0. 50-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE VIIdAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE CORPORATION FOR RESURFACING TWO TENNIS OOURTS AT ANCHORAGE PARK IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,998.00, FROM ' ACCOUNT N0. 36-572-46.24 (RESURFACE 2 COURTS - ANCHORAGE) 1980-81 BUDGET. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VnTA(:F COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Pavement Maintenance Corporation, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 36-572-46.24 (Resurface 2 Courts - Anchorage) 1980-81 Budget. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect concurrently with the [~ L passage and adoption of the 1980-81 Budget. PASSID AND ADOPTID THIS 25TH AAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1980. 0 P.TI'EST: USAGE CLERK PROPOSAL. 70 7HE VILLAGE OF t10RT11 PALi•I BEACH, ELORIDIt .:.ten: 'ftte undersigned, as bidder, does declare that no other person other than the drier herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, .nd that it. is made t~ithout any cmtnection ~•rith any other person or persons raking proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and trithout collusion or fraud. the undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifica- .Lions and is thoroughly familiar s•rith its provisions and t•rith the quality, type and grade of matcr'ial called r'or. ?he undersicptd further declares that ha proposes to furnish 'che articles called for ttititin ~ sp~ci-i~i;xl tirte set in this proposal r"or the fol'loaring price, and guarantees that pari.s and service fo•r the articaes listed belo~•v are available arithin the State of filorida, to t•rit: . ITEM 1;0. UESCf:I P7I0, ; QATF: ^~ 2~ ~Q Eu'40UtdT 1. Resurface Courts ;5 & G, HPBCC per Specs. Lu•.p-Sun Material is hifg. (~L~R~!•~ _~ uKuc:D _ No. Coats E~inc!etyLeve1er .O,_y~~~ti•~ _ _ No. Coats ltcryl ~i c Ease Surface .~`lt_2~~ T 2. Resurface Courts ,',`7 K B [tPBCC per Sp cs. ~ ~ Lunp Sti-~ Ftaterial F< htfg. CtlEVI oN_L~c~U ~~--~ hlo. Coats Binder%Leveler _ ~~r- owL~ ~o. Coats Acrylic Ease Sur~acer_~~~ 3. Resurface Ttao courts Anchorage Park per Specs Lurap Sur hlaterial ~~o[-~ & tdfg. C~~1RoN No. Coats ~ BinderlLeve eT-r QLV_- v~UE' - No. Coats Acrylic Base Surfacer ~~~ COt4?CEYLON 7It•1* FOR EACH SE7 OF TtdO COURTS ~~ ~ B~~~s~,~~ ~~~ cac.~-s ..~,~~~~~~ G~ot.C-r~G Ca c.'R~s ~vcc c~~ Lp E~ ~ScJ~tP~aC> C.ooSr;"/'r~1P-~'~d7tL .~G(~-~DL~. C/~11-rJy~S f =~L(-t=d ~~~v4 G~1 ~ ~1pretoN ~r l Kos ~ p~~ ~ G• ~FPPUr~ s Cd~T S~S~t o ~~~~ & ~~ I~d'1:ro p' ~oa 1•IORrING DAPS. ~G- s/ExcEp7lor~s: ~Sr-s_~it~T ~~ ~ W NQ~g~~__d~a~ ~~~_._ Orr"icers of C.orporat~ion or 11emb~rs of F'artneF•ship: rFnia~ ~ 7In.~ '~C_~ f1C_C.C.~~J~r nn!~^r/• L__!~rc~' j~(Ze~ ~~lCL7?-t~~ 3 3010 ix _'~--L~ , ' E I fti•1 SIGNEU FsY: TITLE: WITNESS S: _~.~ , ADDRESS: .._~2~~ lu - ~ i:_.L~--- i _~~} (~ Lion ~ Pa _,_