1980-48 Award Bid to Pavement Maintenance Corporation, J RESOLUTION NO. 48-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIgRIDA, 1 ACCEPTING THE BID OF PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE CORPORATION FOR TENNIS COURTS ~~5 Ai~ID 6 AT THE NORTH PATM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB IN THE AMOUNT' OF $3,998,00, FROM ACCOUNT NO. 61,1-581-63.73 (TENNIS COURT RENOVATION), BE IT RESOLVID BY THE VILII~GE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIAA: Section 1, The bid of Pavement Maintenance Corporation, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms, The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The cronies are to be expended fran Account No. 61,1-581-63.73 (Tennis Court Renovation), Section 2, 'This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. 1 PASSID AND ADOPTED THIS 25TH AAY OF SEPTE24BER, 1980, ~~ ~~ ~ Is R ' A'iTEST: PRO?OSAI• TO THE VILLAGE OF tdORTlI PALi•1 RERCH> FLORIDA •~ :,7en: • :fire undersigned, as bidder, does declare that no other person other than the dd~r•herein named iras any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be toi;en, .nd that it is made without any connection ttith any other person or persons raking proposal for the sa:rre article, and is in all respects fair and t•rithout collusion or gaud. .~ The undersigned further declea~es that he has care~ully examined the specifics- . ti ons and i s thoroughly familiar tri th its provisions and t•Ji th the quality, type and grade of material called T'or. Th'e undersign;=d further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for 411thiil • SpeClfi:'.d time set in this proposal for the fol7ot•ring price, and guarantees thai; penis and service for the articaes listed beio:~ are avaiiabie erithin the State of Florida, to wit: • tIATE: ~~~~~ ~'0 ITEt4 t:0. DESCRIPTIOX w'40U?:T 1. Resurface Courts ,'•~5 F< 6, NPGCC per Specs. Lu:p Sum .~ ~qq~'!~ t•laterial £ htfg. ~L-VQd.~ (iUC.D t1o. Coats C"inc!erj Lcve'(er O•~~ ti` No. Coats Acryl "i c _ Rase Surface .~lf~ :-~ _ _ 2 3. Resurface Courts ,',`7 & II tIPRCC per Specs. Lt~^p Sup Material & htfg. C~lEV~e.U L,g-t/~U1-d1 No. Coats binder%l.eveier ~~rr=~/o.vL- No. Coats Actylic Rase Sur~acet~___r_~-~{R~~`~-~ Resurface Tt•ro courts Anchorage Park per Specs Lur:;p Su~~ hlateriai & 61fg. C ~1RoN Ot~ Pio. Coats 6inderlLove erg - vnlE' . " No. Coats Act•yi ~i c Rase Surfacer _ 77`t~'z;'"- _ ___ COAPLETION 7it•;F FOR EACH SET OF 1•lJ0 COUR'(S ~- ''~~ oa `~ geI' ~" I•lOR~ItlG DAYS. G <~ ~~--`` U ~- ~RL-~Su,ec GU~tytcx=G Co ~s ..bu eL/~ ~`~fl G~oGGYtiC, Cpu,2(~' ~UCLcIdGfl ~Sc~t-P~aC> C.v vS~" /~/rP~'~t~ .I~vc(~0 t,~ CR~t-~S f=i~~ z~-~v0 c.D -c- .~/srxcEP7loris: Orr'icers of ~orporaL•ion or F~e~.,bers of Partnel•ship: FaAt•1~ ~ 7I7LE C,Cr,.~al ~: ~ ix f I r,~a: /~DDR"rSS 33v/~ un ~ Partnars;~ip SIGtiED BY:{~ ~_ WI7FiESS S: `~` , ADDP.cSS: --7-