1980-45 Setting Forth Employee Travel Regulations & Repealing Resolution No. 3-78~1 ~, !~ RESOLUTION N0. 45-80 i; i A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OOtJNCTI. OF NORTH PAirI BEACH, FIARIDA, SETTING FORi71 TRAVEL REGULATIONS FOR OFFICIALS AND EMPIAYEES OF THE VILLAGE OF NOP.TH PALM BEACH; AND REPEALING RESOLUTION N0. 3-78. i t' ! NO[d, Tk[QtEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE 00UNCIL OF NORTH PAL*I BEACH, FLOP.IDA: Section 1. The "Travel Regulations" attached hereto as Exhibit A and by reference made a part hereof, are hereby adopted as the Travel Regulations for the Village of North Palm Beach. ~, i~ i ~~~AT~EST: ,: +; VII~A . CI~RK Section 2. Resolution No. 3-78 is hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. ~, ,. PASSED AMID ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY OF SEPTE'~E.2 1980. i. ;' MAYOR VILLAGE OF i10RTH PAL'1 DeACH, FLORIDA TRAVEL REGULATI(H;~ ADOPIID BY RESOLUTIOi~ i~, 45-BO SEPTQ~13ER 25, 1950 TABLE OF CONTENTS PARAGRAPII SECTION NIIPiBER TITLE PAGF, 1.. INTRODUCTION 1.01 Purpose of Manual 1 1.02 Objective 1 1.03 Authority to Incur Travel Expense 1 1.04 Authority to Incur Supplementary Expenses 1 20 MODE OF TRAVEL 2 2,01 Travel by Common Carrier 2 2.02 Travel by Private Vehicle 3 2.03 Advance Travel Allowance 3 3, TRAVEL EXPENSE PROCEDURE 4 3.01 Travel Expense Reimbursement 4 3.02 Payment for Travel 4 DEFINITIONS 5 APPENDIX: TRAVEL EXPENSE F0Rb1S Ao Report of Travel Expenses 6 B. Check Issue Authorization 7 -i- 1. INTRODUCTION 1.01 ]?urpose of Manual The purpose of these Travel Regulations is to provide a policy for guidance of employees and officials who are required to travel on official business of the Village, to attend schools, conferences, seminars, conventions, or other desi~ated purposes. 1.0?_ Objective The primary objective is to provide a procedure to be used amen making claims for reimbursement of travel and supplementary expenses by travelers and payment of these allowances by the Finance Department. This procedure is applicable to all Village officials, employees, and authorized persons when making claims for travel expense allowances; all department/division supervisors, adntinistrators, the Village Manager when authorizing and approving travel, and the Finance Department when paying travel allowances. 1.03 Authority to Incur TYavel Expense All travel must be sanctioned by budgetary appropriation. Additional authorization for. department head travel must be obtained from the Village Manager. The Village Manager may promulgate such rules and regulations, and prescribe such forms as shall be necessary to effectuate the purposes of this manual. A. All regular travel by employees gust be approved in advance by the respective department heads. B. The mode of travel will also be approved in the same manner as the travel. C. Local mileage will be authorized by budgetary action and, in addition, a roved in advance by the department head/division supervisor. Approval wl e y memoran um to the Finance Director. 1.04 Authority to Incur Supplementary >~cpenses Authorization to incur supplementary expenses must be by budgetary action or special authority granted by the Village Manager. The following are the only expenses authorized to be claimed as travel expenses: A. Transportation Allowance: 1) Fare - Commrcial fare, utilizing the most direct route available to the carrier used. -1- 2) Mileage - The mileage allowance shall not exceed twenty cents (20p) per mile for mileage traveled either during regular travel or local trips in the immediate vicinity of the Village. B. Lodging - Reimbursement for lodging shall be at the single occupancy rate or at the rate of $30.00 per day, whichever is more. Cost of lodging to be supported by paid bills. C. Meal Allowance - Generally, allowance for meals shall be: Breakfast, $3.50; Lunch, $5.00; Dinner, $10.00. Actual costs for meals mzy be allowed when travel is in high cost areas and reimbursement is approved by the Village Manager. Reimbursement for reasonable and necessary expenses in excess of the rate above will be permitted if substantiated by receipts and so authorized by Lhe Village *lanager. D. All allowance rates for. succeeding years shall be established concurrently with passage of the annual budget appropriation ordinance. E. Other expenses - The following incidental travel expenses will be reimbursed. Receipts should accompany requests for payment, when available. 1) Taxi or limousine fares; 2) Ferry fares, and bridge, road, and tannel tolls; 3) Storage or parking fees; 4) Comrnniication expenses; 5) Conference or convention registration fees if attendance at such conference or convention serves a direct public purpose with relation to the person attending such meetings. 2. MODE OF TRAVEL 2.01 Travel~Comron Carrier All travel shall be upon established direct routes, and shall be at coach or tourist fare rates. If a traveler elects to take an indirect route for his/her convenience, costs in excess of the rate for a direct route passage shall be borne by said traveler and he/she shall be reimbursed only for such direct route rate. The Village Manager shall determine the cast cost effective method of travel for each trip, and in m~ilcing his determinations, shall consider the following con- ditions: 1) The nature of the business. 2) The crost efficient and economical means of travel (considering time, cost of transportation). 3) The number of persons making the trip and the amount of equipment or material to be transported, -2- 2.02 Travel by Private Vehicle A. The use of a privately-owned vehicle for official travel in lieu of public vehicle or commn carrier may be authorized by the Village Manager, if a publicly-owned vehicle is not available. If traveling by privately-owned vehicle, the traveler shall receive reimbursement of a mileage allowance not exceeding twenty cents (20G) per mile or the comran carrier fare for such travel as determined by the Village P4anager•. B. All mileage shall be computed from point of origin to point of destination 'and, when possible, shall be computed on the basis of the current map of the State Road Department. Vicinity mileage necessary for conduct of office business is allowable but must be shown as a separate item on expense vouchers. C. No traveler shall be allowed mileage or transportation expense if he/she is gratuitously transported t>y another person, or when transported by another traveler who is entitled to mileage or transportation expense from the Village. 2.03 Advance Travel Allowance Advance payment of travel allowance is permitted provided that an advance is requested and approved by the Village Manager prior to disbursement. Advance travel payments are subject to the folla~ing rules: A. Advance travel will not exceed the tuition or registration fees, which have not been prepaid by the Village. B. Separate requests must be submitted for each person making the trip and payment will be made with separate checks issued to each person. C. Requests will be supported by a copy of the applicable meeting brochure and will be submitted soon enough to allow sufficient time for processing and preparing checks. D. Check Issue Authorization form (~p13-VM) mist be requested by the department eali ~d approve-d by t~Village Manager. This form is then submitted to the Finance Department for check issuance. F.. Upon return from a trip, all receipts and supporting documentation mist be submitted with a completed Report of Travel ense form (x'12 `~Ti) . If additional tranies are owed, a check request .orm ,r13-V^1) should be attached. Monies not spent should be returned to the Finance Department with the Dort of Travel Expenses. -3- TRAVEL EXPENSE PROCEDURE 3.01 1Yave1 Expense P.eimbursement Travel expense will be reimbursed at the rates prescribed in Section 1.04 (A), (I3) and (C). A Report of TYavel enses form (~p12-Vf~ , receipts and a Check Issue Authorization must be-- suFxnitte to the Village Manager for approval-- 3.02 Payment for TYavel Upon approval by the Village Manager, checks will be issued by the Finance De- partment to the individual requesting payment. -4- DEFINITIONS Authorir.ed 'lravcl - That travel approved by Village Council. through an appropriation ordinance and approved in advance by the Village Alanager; or travel -approved by Village Counci] extemporaneously. Class A. Travel. - Continuous travel of twenty-four hours or more away from the Village which involves overnight absence, Class B 1'rave]. - Travel. for a short or day trip not involving overnight absence. Common Carrier - Train, bus, commercial airline operating scheduled flights, or rental cars of an established rental firm. Other Expenses - Other incidental expenses for which reimbursement has been authorized, including: a) Taxi fare, ferry fares and tolls b) Auto storage and parking fees c) Communication expenses d) Pl:iscellaneous expenses Supplementary Expenses - Other expenses authorized by Council or budgetary action which. are not considered part of travel; e.g., spouse accompanying traveler with special permission, entert~cining during and as a course of travel, etco Travc].er - Any person authorized by law to travel at Village expense while traveling on,officia7. business. Travel llay - A period of twenty-four hours consisting of four quarters of six hours each. Travel }:xpense - The usual. ordinary and incidental expenditure necessarily incurred by a traveler. Travel Period - A period of time between the time of departure and time of return. V:i]lage - The Vi.].lage of North Palrn Beach, Florida Vvillage Offic.a]. - An individual who in the performance of his official chrtiee is vested by law with powers of government and who is elected by the people, or appointed by the Vi]_lage Council and has jurisdi.etion extending throughout the mwricipal:ity, or any person .Lawfully serving as either of the foregoing classes of individuals as designee or successor. -5- REPORT OF TRAVEL EXPENSES. LEFT N.P.B.: ARRIVED date time City ~ date time LEFT ARRIVED N.P.B.: City date time date time THE FOLLOWING EXPENSES WERE INCURRED BY ME IN BEHALF OF VILLAGE: $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL.....$ TRAVEL BY PRIVATE AUTO: MILES @ ~ PER MILE.$ RR, AIR, BUS PAID BY VILLAGE $ TOTAL EXPENSE.$ EXPENSE ADVANCE - CHECK N0. ACCOUNT CHARGED BALANCE DUE (ME) (VILLAGE)$ I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE EXPENSES WERE INCURRED IN BEHALF OF THE VILLAGE OF NQRTfi PALM BEACH ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS AND NONE WERE FOR MY PERSONAL BENEFIT. (RETURN THIS COPY TO FINANCE DEPT.) ignature Department Hea Approva ..~ 12 VM -~- CHECK ISSUE AUTHORIZATION THQ VILLAGE OF North Palm Beach VILLAGE HALL 501 U $ HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH FLORIDA PAlld DEAOH, ELURIDA 3JM18 Date: The Director of Finance is directed to issue the following check(s): Name Address: Purpose: Special Instructions: AMOUNT: Zip Code: ACCOUNT ~~: Requested by: Approved by: 10/79 ].3 VM -~-