1980-44 DID NOT PASS~~~~~~ ~ i )~ ~,~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~ d'O .~ A RESOLUTION. OF THE VIi.LAGF, COUNCIL OF ?:OATH PAL'N. BEACfi, FLORIDA, EtiCOURAGING A RESTUDY OF THE C-17 (EA2y1A1 RIVER) CA\AL BASIN. ?WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of t Palm Reach County 4later Control District has o~ Development P:umbers 1, 3, 4, 7, 12 and 15 went purposes; and FIHEREAS, said Units of Development d the Northern formed Units for water manage- ischarge water into r the South Florida 'dater *lanagement District Canal C-17; and WI.EREAS, other political entities such as the City of [,Test Palm Beach, the City of Riviera Beach, the Village of ~]orth Falm Beach, the Town of Lake Fark, the City of Palm Beach Gardens and portions of the unincorporated area of PaITTt Beach County discharge water into the South Florida Water Management District Canal C-17; and ' ?df?EREAS, said Canal C-17 may not be currently coast-r.ucted to full capacity w:,ich thereby might restrict full development of the property of said Units of Development and the said po7.i_ti.-~ cal entities; and ?dHEREA.S, the Village of North Palm Beach is concerned with the public health, safety and welfare of the residents ~Tithin the Canal C-17 drainage area; NO'~1, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUtiCIL OF P;OR'PH PAvM $EAC?i, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Village Council hereby urges and promotes immediate study of the drainage capability of the South Florida Water I"anagement District Canal C-17. ' Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. j PASSF'D A:\D ADOPTED THIS i i DAY OF 1980, ?/.AY R ATTEST: i i