1980-37 Appointing Raymond J. Howling as Village ManagerRESOLUTION N0. 37-80 A RESOLUTION OF T1IE VILhAGE COUNCIL OP NORTH PAhM BEAC}I, FhORIllA, APPOINTING RAYMOND J. }{OWId1Nl AS VILLAGE MANAGER OF THE VILLAGE OF NORT}[ PAIIN BEAC}I. ' }3E 7T RP,SOhVED RY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}{ PALM BF.AC}[, FLORIllA: Section ].. That RAYMOND J. S{OW},AND be, and he is hereby, appointed and designated Village Manager i.n and for the Village oi' North I'alrn Beach and he is hereby vested with all the powers and duties of said office. Section 2. This appointment shall become effective on August 14, ].980 and shall continue thereafter at the pleasure of the Village Council.. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediate]y upon 1 1 passage. ]'ASSIa ANU ADOPTED THIS ].4TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1980. MAYOR AT't}:ST ~/~.ti.r..a.~ VILLAGE CLEKK