1980-35 Award Bid to Northlake Marine Boat Sales & Service RESOLUTION NO. 35-80 A RESOLUTION OF THF. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}I PAIM REACIt, FLOR]llA, ACC1:}'TING TII1: RID OF NORTHLAKF, MARINE BOAT SALES & SERVICE FOR ON}. (]) ].980 ]JS }IP JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR & INSTALLATION INCLUDING CONNECTION ' O1' A1.I. CONTROLS IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,460.00, FROM ACCOUNT N0. 61-519-99.]]. (COUNCIL. CONTINGENCY). RF. IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIM REAC}}, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Northlake Marine Boat Sales & Scrvi.ce, copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the V:i.]].age of North Palm Reach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Vil.].age officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder oi' this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 61-51.9-99.11 (Council Contingency). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSI;ll ANTI ADO}'PED THIS 24TH ICY OF JULY, 1980. MAYOR ATTEST: vILI.AGE cLERx 1 Gentlemen: -:~ ' The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be tat:en, end that it is made without any connection frith any other person or persons maY.ing proposal for. the same article, and is in ail respects fair and ti_;ithout collusion or raud. , . .. .. . - The undersigned further declares that he has carefully exa~~ined the specifics-- - .:tions and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and. .~ ' 'grade of material called r"or. .The undersigned further•ded ares that he proposes to furnish the articles called -.for ~rithin specified time set in this proposal for the fo]lotiring price, and guarantez_s.: that parts and service far the articles listed below are available -rithin the~State -of Florida, to wit: . ;, - . ~ ... .DATE=: ~ July- 22, •-:1980. ` . . ;_:_ _-- ~~ _ - ~` ~ - :'btANUFACTURER- J , ,, '.-"; ..rtODEL taO, •' ~ g70 :_. i25= ~iY. - - D"cLTVERY' sAe rem ~rks~- ~ ~: :i ~. - . ~. llelivPry:;;.middle of:September~~ 4)ARRANTY, six ~ronths ' 'C'r'l+CTUii`:R J o'~~~ns on :0._.K. ';~rrr~nty :;ir. -~onths -6- /-in~~r . svn ~. . ~ 730 a+o'el 7~e=~.r ha: e+n~ed.. the 1981 *nnlels ti•;ill be av<<.ilable the ~~iddle ---- of September. ~. Officers of Corporation or Ftembers of Partnership: ~.' NA1`lE TITLE ADDRESS Iione7 J. V'a.rtoccia. Jr. Yresiaent .21ts0 it=~d:nor Court, Jttno Isle rjaniSe i4. I~~oh'rd S~cretarv ..112 Y=~cht~Club Tyr., ?dYB ADDRESS: Ty (11~Tt~T_c:1_~ i'7:'.i{11`~lf .~b~:.'Z'-... ~.T~!::5 Fr •. JT~J}l ln..:. 7. ~]~i FIRra• . Corporation Q Partnership ~ Individua" .~ . , .. _, ~~i ~~ ~,. STGiVEO BY• ~~' ' ~-r ~'•' ` . ~ r. TITLE: 3~cr=t=,ry ~ ~~•'~ +~ i~ ~ '`"''` r , ~r.~ .~,~ ' ~ ' iit~ ~' .. -7-