1980-33 Award Bid to Custom Fiberglass CoachesRESOLUTION N0, 33-80 A KESOIATION OF T}{I; VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORT}I PA1M BEACH, }'LORIDA, ACC}iPTING TH}: BID OF CUSTOM FIBF,RGLASS COAC}IES FOR ONI; (1) }']RI;RGLASS ANIMA], CARRI};R IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,065,00, FROM ACCOUNT N0, 24-569-64.1.0 (AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT). B}; IT R};SOLVEll BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACIt, F1,oxrnA: Section 1. The bid of Custom Fiberglass Coaches,copy of which i.s attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Vi.]lage of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms, The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance, The monies are to be expended from Account No, 24-569-6~I,10 (Automotive Equipment). Section Z, This Kesolution shall take effect immediately upon passage, PASSIiD AND AD01'TED T}{IS lOT}{ DAY OF JULY, 1980, ~ ~j .~2, MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK J